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Netw DDE GG end Inter BOARD Imperial Classical Ballet Set Exercises at Grade 6 and Intermediate | Grade 6 | Knowledge and analysis of all new elements of vocabulary contained within the syllabus, including ; |= The training of pointe work * The arrangement of free enchainements with a specific aim or purpose may be included within all sections of the syllabus a =] Intermediate be Discuss and analyse all new elements of vocabulary contained within the syllabus, including ; L = ast | "The training of double pirouettes, turns en diagonale and petite batterie The following set exercises will be required: Barre Pliés Set Exercise eveloppés Passés and Tombés Set Exercise | Ports de Bras Choice of 1* or 2” Port de Bras Temps Lié Set Exercise Choice of 1* or 2 Set Adage _ 3" Set Adage Allegro 2” Set Allegro 3 Set Allegro Petite Battorie 2nd Set Batterie Enchainement [ Pointe Work 7 1" Set Pointe Enchainement The arrangement of free enchainements with a specific aim or purpose may be included within all sections of the syllabus

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