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Idioms (taking risks)

1. a bit of a gamble: There is a risk here, but it's only a small one.


2. a lot at stake: : You risk losing something important if things wrong, like money,
reputation, etc.
3. against the odds: It’s very unlike to happen.
4. give (sth) a go: Is to give an opportunity

ejemplo: We recommend you to give a go with your friends.

5. it’s a lottery: it’s a question of luck – anyone could


6. play safe: You are extremely careful and you don’t take unnecessary risk.
7. try your luck : to try to achieve something although you know you might not succeed.

Ejemplo: He always wanted to sing and in 2000 came to mexico to try his luck on the stage.


8. ankle : the joint (= place where two bones are connected) between the foot

example: Three minutes into the match, Jackson limped off the pitch with a serious ankle

9. black eye: an area of skin around the eye that has gone dark because it has been hit

example: He had a fight at school and came home with a black eye.

10. bleed : is when you lose blood.

Example: He was bleeding heavily.

11. bruise : an mark dark where the skin , often as a result of being hit by something

example: One or two of the peaches had bruises on them.

12. Burn: is to be damaged or destroyed by fire or extreme heat.

Example: He was badly burned in the blaze.

13. frostbitten : is an injury caused by intense cold

example: His fingers got frostbitten because he had to take off his gloves to untie the rope.

14. Scratch: is to cut or slightly damage a surface or the skin with something sharp or

Example: Be careful not to scratch yourself on the roses.

15. Shock: is the emotional or physical reaction to a sudden and unexpected event or

Example: It was such a shock and it scared the hell out of me.

16. Sprain: is an injury caused by a sudden movement.

Example: She sprained her ankle playing squash.

17. Wrist: is the part of the body between the hand and the arm.

Example: Aikiko fell down some stairs and broke her wrist.

18. suffer from : is to experience physical or mental pain.

Example: Johnny suffers from asthma.

19. twist : Injury when doing activities abruptly

example: slipped off the ladder and twisted his ankle.

20. Unconscious: in the state of not being awake and not aware of things around you

Example: She was hit on the head by a stone and knocked unconscious.

Other words & phrases

21. according to : is a preposition

example: According to our records you owe us $200.

22. Addict: a person who cannot stop doing or using something, especially something

Example: They were shocked to discover that their daughter was a heroin addict

23. all-night : adjective

example: juana danced all night with my boyfriend.

24. balcony : an area with a wall or bars around it that is joined to the outside wall of a
building on an upper leve

example: We had a drink on the hotel balcony.

25. billion : is a number

example: The government has invested billions of dollars in the Project.

26. burglar : a person who illegally enters buildings and steals things

example: It was brave of you to chase after the burglar.

27. catch fire : is when it starts to burn.

example: the child was playing with the candle when suddenly his bed caught fire.

28. choir : a group of people who sing together.

Example: He sings in the church choir.

29. coincidence : Is an occasion when two or more similar things happen at the same time,
especially in a way that is unlikely and surprising.

Example: Meeting you here in Rome is a remarkable coincidence.

30. corpse : when a person has ceased to exist or has died

example: The corpse was in an advanced stage of decomposition.

31. critic : a person whose job is to give an opinion about books, movies, or music

example: The critics hated it, but it was popular at the box office.

32. destroy : to damage something so badly that it cannot be used

example: Most of the old part of the city was destroyed by bombs during the war.

33. droppings : solid waste produced by animals.

Example: animal excrement is used to make compost.

34. end up : to finally be in a particular place or situation

example: They're travelling across Europe by train and are planning to end up in Moscow.

35. explode : Is to break up into pieces violently.

Example: He was driving so fast that his car tyre exploded.

36. explosion : the fact of something such as a bomb exploding

example: The fire was thought to have been caused by a gas explosión.

37. fancy : to want to have or do something.

example: do you fancy eating ceviche at night?

38. fry : to cook food in hot oil or fat

example: Fry the mushrooms in a little butter.

39. gamble : is to do something that involves risks that might result in loss of money or
failure, hoping to get money.

Example: carlos gamble 30 dollars and won 100 dollars.

40. gangster : a member of an organized group of violent criminals.

Example: the gangster of the "los choclitos" gang was killed in an attack.

41. good cause : a socially useful organization or activity that is not managed for profit

example: It's for a good cause," he said of his donation.

42. handful : an amount of something that can be held in one hand.

Example: He pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket.

43. have (sth) in common: when two people have the same thing without realizing it.

Example: marcos and his brother have their T-shirts in common.

44. haystack : a large, tall pile of hay in a field.

Example: the `haystack is abandoned.

45. hiker : Is a person who goes for a long walk in the countryside.

Example: the hikers arrived tired and very thirsty.

46. icy : extremely cold

example: She opened the window and I was hit by an icy blast of air.
47. income : is money that is earned from doing work or received from investments.

Example: No he tenido muchos ingresos de mis acciones y participaciones este año.

48. Industry: the companies and activities involved in the process of producing goods for
sale, especially in a factory or special área.

Example: The strike seriously reduced coal deliveries to industry.

49. it’s (not) worth it: it is not necessary

example: it is not worth falling in love.

50. jackpot : the largest prize in a competition or game.

Example: The jackpot was over $1 million.

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