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A big problem of the 21st century is fast food.

Although at first glance it seems insignificant, it has

increased the obesity rate by 25% in recent years. Restaurants like McDonald's and KFC are the main
source of fast food that everyone has access to. First of all, unhealthy food has begun to replace the
healthy food the human body needs. This is nutritionally low in nutrients and excessive consumption
leads to obesity. Foods of this type have gained popularity very quickly among children. They are
starting to replace a meal cooked by their mother with a menu from KFC. The only solution to stop
or at least fix the problem with fast food would be to raise prices. A child as well as an adult would
always choose some crispy wings with potatoes and a cold juice for 10 lei than to give 15 lei for a
salad that is much healthier. A second solution that I see in solving the problem with unhealthy food
would be for the parents, they persuade the children to choose home-cooked food rather than some
bad things that hurt her over time. The ideas I have do not want to stop the fast food business, but
to minimize it for the good of many people. I've eaten this meal before, too, and I'm not going to lie,
it tastes great, but the thought that it hurts makes me crave it. Over time the problems will appear
and it is much better to choose a hot meal cooked by your mother and a little movement, this
combination will keep you in shape for a long time. Choose with your head children !!

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