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Cambios de tiempos verbales en el Reported Speech presente simple a pasado simple

Presente simple → Pasado simple 1.-Natalie said: “My nephew tells the truth”

Pasado simple → Pasado perfecto Natalie said: that her nephew told the truth”

Presente progresivo → Pasado progresivo 2 .-pasado simple a pasado perfecto

Presente perfecto→ Pasado Perfecto Julian and John said: “We wrote this beautiful poem”
Futuro simple → Condicional simple
Julian and John said: they written that beautiful poem
Presente perf.progr → Pasado perf.progr
Presente perfecto a pasado perfecto
Cambios del verbo to be 3.-George said: “My cousin has been waiting for my aunt”
George said that : gerorge said: that his cousin had waited for his aunt
Am → Was

Is → Was Presente progresivo → Pasado progresivo

Are → Were 4- Greg and Katty said: “Our friends are in this beautiful place”

Cambios de pronombres personales Greg and Katty said: “their friends were in that beautiful place”

I → He/She
Presente Progresivo → Pasado Progresivo
We → They
5.-Liza said: “I am translating all these sentences”
Cambios de adjetivos posesivos
Liza said: she was traslating all those sentences
My → His/Her
Presente Simple → Pasado Simple
Our → Their.
6.-Frank said: “I swim with my best friends”
Cambios de adjetivos demostrativos

This → That Frank said : "that he swam whit his best friends"

These → Those
Pasado simple → Pasado perfecto

7.-Richard and Peter said: “ We did our homework with our classmates”

Richard and Peter said: that they had done homework with
they classmates

.-Presente Progresivo → Pasado Progresivo

8.-Tina said: “My pencils are in this box and my pens are in this
Tina said her pencils were in that box and her pens were in that
drawer "

6.-Presente perf.progr → pasado perf.progr

9.-Edward said: “I have been watering this plant”

Edward said: that he had been watering that plant

Presente Perfecto→ Pasado perfecto

10 Alex and Rose said: “Our parents have argued with our cousins.”

Alex and Rose said: their parents had argued witn ours cousins
El ejercicio #06 de Reported Speech en la segunda actividad debe
escribirse de la siguiente manera:Lily and Patty said: "These beautiful
dresses are ours"

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