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Many warnings, words, and prophecies have now already been spoken.

Many words come into being.  MY judgments are now being poured out
over this earth.  Still you close the ears as if all this means nothing.
I tell you, if you don’t repent of this evil way, soon you will all perish in
the despair of this world.  Now there is still a short time for you to
repent of your evil ways.  But this time is extremely short.  Once the
day comes, it's all over.  Then you will walk around in pure misery and
despair on this earth.  Then you will know and realize that I, God have
given you many warnings and only then you will realize that MY words
are true.

If you then come to ME in total surrender, it will be a very difficult

choice, since the enemy will be out to destroy you.  So come NOW and
break your hard hearts and own thoughts.  Come to Me NOW in total
surrender, I JESUS stand always ready with open arms.  Do not be
ashamed or do not feel too less—this is the seduction of the enemy. He
does not want you to come.
So break your proud hearts and come to ME JESUS NOW!  The time is
here.  The time is over.  The time of pure grace slowly ticks away.  Do
not be a fool and do not let yourself be blinded and seduced by the
enemy.  He is out to destroy you and drag you into his web of lies and
temptations.  Many do not see it and will not even believe it.  How sad!

If you would read MY WORD and take it seriously, you would know how
serious this all is.  Then you would know how serious the consequences
are of your choices now.  You choose your future now.  Is the
entertainment of the world worth that much?  Is the amusement and
joy for satisfaction of your own flesh, worth that much?
I tell you, it will cost you your soul.  For every satisfaction of the flesh
without your GOD you will receive double judgment and suffering in a
place called "hell.”
Do you think to be able to come to ME in the last minute?  NOW is the
time to prepare yourself.  NOW is the time to come to your GOD.  I
have a measure of everything, including sin.  I have died a horrible
death for each of you, so you would have victory over your sin.  Yet you
throw ME away like I mean nothing.  MY Heart breaks for you MY
I have created you all, so unique, so special, so particular.   Do, I, GOD
your CREATOR then mean nothing to you?  Give heed to my words
please and surrender in love to your GOD.

There is still time, a short time.  But these are the last hours.  MY WORD
will be fulfilled. MY bride is taken before the great tribulation begins.  I
will not let her go through this. Know that if you stay behind, it is your
own choice and I, God have given you many warnings and pleadings to
change your lifestyle.  This is MY Love for you.
But MY WORD will be fulfilled.  Therefore be wise and choose an
eternal future with your GOD and SAVIOR.

You have no idea what I GOD have planned and provided in MY

Heavenly realms: pure joy, pure enjoyment, pure purity—something
that cannot be found on this earth.   Please be wise and make the
choice you have to make.  
I want no one to be lost, but that all come to ME and be saved.  I invite
you today to be also part of it.  I, JESUS love you and have given MY
eternal sacrifice on the Cross of Golgotha.  That terrible cross from
where I still wear the marks.  I will continue to plead until the day that I
rapture MY bride, as MY Love for you is unceasing. 
Please make the right decision. COME TO ME NOW.

Your loving LORD and GOD,


The Dead and Risen ONE

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