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Magic is used by tapping into the life energy of the planet, humans and Beast folk can tap

into this magic

naturally due to being created by Gaia herself. Other races like Dwarfs cannot use magic, Elves uses a
different type of magic that will be discuss later. Creatures of Uranes cannot tap into magic. Magic works
by combination of creature own magic adeptness with the earth and mastery of oneself, this require a
lot of practice and training and some people are born better than others, some are born to wield a pen
other to wield a sword, but you can train hard enough to become magically adept. Magic can be drawn
from the elements of the earth, that being Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. Combining these elements can
help you produce several schools of thought that can be combined to cast certain spells. People can
create spells, but this requires training, how much life energy can it use and if you need a certain item
that is from the earth. You cannot cast magic from nothing, you must have a focus or ingredients to cast
spells. There are some people who can cast magic from their being using their life energy, however this is
quite a dangerous practice, this can give you strong magical powers but It will shorten your lifespan
significantly and become one with the earth, disappearing forever to be with Gaia once again. To cast
high level magic, one must have a powerful item that will let them cast these powerful spells or the
correct ingredients to do so. Clerical magic or the art of healing is a special gift to those who worship
Gaia and understand her teachings, this magic is quite powerful since it gives the ability to heal others
and many other things. To obtain this a person must train hard with their magical instructor. With
enough training and diligence, you will be able to cast clerical spells.

Some spells however are extremely powerful and costly, the art of brining one back to life is seen as
horrific sin to some. And if they are brought back to life the person is changed, an aspect of themselves
still resides to the mother Gaia it can only be truly returned if someone is strong or confident to cast
True Resurrection.

As well people are inherently attuned to these elements, most people can inherit only one element, but
some can be multiple, this however is rare and requires years of training.

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