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Good morning and AOA, I am Muhammad Arham, and my presentation is related to social
science and psychology. For the next 3 minute, I will be talking about Bipolar Disorder, a
common mental disorder.
Also known as Manic Depression, this mental illness brings severe high and low moods, and
episodes of rapidly changing behaviors. The extreme moods of joy and depression are
considered as ‘poles’ of mood, which is why it’s called bipolar disorder.
According to WHO, it is the sixth leading cause of disability globally. The average onset of this
disease is 25 years old and people between 18 to 29 have the highest rates of bipolar disorders.
Of all patients, 52 percent are women who experience more frequent mood changes as
compared to men.

Types of Bipolar Disorders:

 Bipolar-I: Patients experience extreme erratic behavior with manic up and depressive
periods lasting a week and two weeks, respectively.
 Bipolar-II: is the less extreme version of Bipolar-I.
 Cyclothymic: Can last up to 2 years with more frequent changes in behavior.

It is widely believed that bipolar disorder is due to imbalance of chemicals called,
neurotransmitters in the brain. For example, up moods are caused when levels of
noradrenaline become too high.
No single gene is responsible for bipolar disorder, yet the disorder is linked to genetics and
family members of person with bipolar disorder is at a higher risk of developing this disease.
Other triggers such as traumatic incidents, emotional abuse, medical side-effects, and drug
abuse can cause bipolar disorder.
Although specific details of the effects vary from person to person, there are general positive
symptoms that can help diagnose a person.
Restlessness, poor judgement, loss of pleasure, sleep, appetite and even hallucinations are
common in patients.
People with bipolar disorder are more likely to have seasonal depression, co-existing anxiety
disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Rapid mood changes can affect the personal life of a person where he has making simple
decisions, has difficulty in maintaining relationships and it can negatively affect a person’s social
life. It can go to an extent where the person can commit suicide. Bipolar disorder causes a
reduction of 9.2 years in expected life span, and 1 in 5 patients commit suicide.

A complete psychiatric analysis and talking to close relatives can help diagnose the person with
bipolar disorders.
This mental illness is a long-term condition that need ongoing care. Mood stabilizers, anti-
psychotic and anti-depressants are commonly prescribed to patients.
Besides medications, psychotherapy is extremely beneficial.
IPRT is the idea of following a constant routine every single day to keep your mood stable.
CBT helps replace habits with other positive alternatives that help manage stress and negative
triggers discussed earlier. Lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, stress management, having
a symptom journal, and most importantly having a support group of friends and family can help
treat Bipolar Disorder.

I will conclude here. Thankyou.

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