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The latest months,I have fallen in love with one girl that I met her by chance in the same

that I usually go when I call it a day from my work .During the time,I had the chance to know
her and then came the time that we became a couple.Actually we are .It is neither her
hair,nor her eyes nor even her lips that made me to fall in love with her unconditionally.Her
tattoos,in her body are that thing that drive me crazy .Whenever I see her, I also want to see
her tattoos .I do not know why.But perhaps those do not only symbolize something magical
or even unknown but also something that I have to remember is to protect them because I
do not want them to be fainted with the time. I do not know why this thing actually happens
to me,I do not know how to control what do I feel for her due to the existence of her tattoos
in her entire body.Now I understood, what those symbolize.It does not have to do with the
fact that I did not ask her.I do not even dare to do that owing to that I believe that it is
something very personal for her.She to confessed me one night that she has got them many
years now,but she did not refer the reason of acquiring them.Perhaps, I think that I could say
with safety that for one time in my life my heart and my soul agreed to one thing.That the
meaning of the tattoos have to do with something that has been reflected to her
soul.Something that had an impact to her.Something that for sure has to do on how to find
happiness in her life.Sure those symbolize how to learn to be independent,self-confident
plus adapted to the uncertainties that may come due to life’s unpredictability. Also,not only
how to be powerful but also unstoppable in front of to her desires ,wishes including
hopes.How to feel love and be loved.To be safe and sound.To be her truth own self.To be a
woman.To be a human.I am sure that all of these things that her tattoos or in other words
her beautiful paintings that are depicted in her body , contain different patterns mixed with
colors are something that I should protect as the greatest thing in the world.Not only as an
idea,or a drawing but also as it has to do with her.So,from this point of my life ,I intend to
protect her along with her tattoos.However, if something happens either to her tattoos or to
her own self the only truth is that I will burst into tears by seeing the photos that she had
given to me with all of her tattoos.I will do that since those things remind to me every single
detail of her.Then for sure I will start screaming and wondering if this is where it ends by
calling myself as lost for loosing the most precious gift that I had in my life.My other half,my
fighter in life.

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