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Cluster Comput

DOI 10.1007/s10586-017-1293-6

Competent resource provisioning and distribution techniques

for cloud computing environment
A. Suresh1 · R. Varatharajan2

Received: 5 August 2017 / Revised: 11 October 2017 / Accepted: 26 October 2017

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017

Abstract The principal intension of the investigation is to 1 Introduction

provisioning the resources and effectively allocates them.
Initially, the resource are identified and analyzed and then Resource allocation is an arrangement for utilizing accessible
clustered. Cluster the resource using the kernel fuzzy c- resources, for instance human resources, particularly in the
means clustering algorithm. After the clustering algorithm, close term, to accomplish objectives for the future. Cloud
the resources are allocated using resource provider. In the computing is internet-based computing in which extensive
proposed method resource allocation is done with the help groups of remote servers are networked to permit the cen-
of modified cloud resource provisioning algorithm. With the tralized data storage, and online access to computer services
help of optimization technique, the traditional OCRP algo- or resources. Cloud framework should be under a payment
rithm is improved. Modified cloud resource provisioning model, in order to maintain a strategic distance from users’
algorithm is selecting the resource with minimum cost using over—interest of their resources against their actual needs
optimization. Here particle swarm optimization algorithm [1]. Distributed computing suppliers pass on application
is used to select the optimal resource with minimum cost. through the Internet, which are gotten to from web program,
Finally the resource provisioner allocates the resource in an while the business programming and data are secured on
effective manner. The enactment of the proposed method is servers at a remote territory [2]. Applications can be utilized
evaluated by means of cost value. The proposed technique is as a part of Cloud computing with no installation of soft-
performed with the mighty assistance of the Cloud simulator ware. The users can access the Internet and send messages
in the working platform of Java software. anyplace in the world [3]. Google gives an efficient and scal-
able answer for working extensive scale data [4]. Centralized
Keywords Kernel fuzzy c-means · Cloud resource storage, memory, processing and bandwidth are more effi-
provisioning · OCRP · Particle swarm optimization cient computing that are permitted in Cloud computing. The
accomplishment of clouds has been driven to some degree
by the utilization of virtualization as their hidden innovation
Cloud helps consumers to outsource computation, storage
and different tasks to third party cloud providers and pay just
B A. Suresh for the resources utilized [3,6]. Furthermore, find out about how a cloud service provider is best multiplexing its virtual
R. Varatharajan resources. Accordingly a cloud model is required to have a scale all over in order to deal with the load variation [7]. At
1 the point when a job is submitted to the clouds, it is gener-
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Nehru
Institute of Engineering and Technology, “Nehru Gardens”, ally partitioned into a few tasks. Taking after two inquiries are
T.M. Palayam, Coimbatore 641 105, India have to consider when applying parallel processing in exe-
2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, cuting these tasks: (1) How to distribute resources to tasks;
Sri Lakshmi Ammaal Engineering College, Chennai, India (2) Task are executed in what order in cloud; and (3) How to

Cluster Comput

schedule overheads when VMs prepare, terminate or switch for establishing experienced nodes. Dissimilar to obtainable
tasks. Task planning and resource allocation can take care of clarification which frequently produce immense commu-
these three issues [2]. nication per demand, their procedure construct only one
Present day internets applications are perplexing soft- inconsequential uncertainty communication per assignment
ware actualized on multi-level designs [8]. The task booking on the Content Addressable Network (CAN). It carried out
application is not appropriate for use in a cloud computing successfully to discover for every assignment its competent
environment because of the little particles [9]. Ren et al. [10] sources underneath a randomized strategy that moderate the
algorithm which adjusts the load among the resources fur- conflict between clients. They exposed the SOC by their opti-
thermore builds the reliability of the grid environment; this mized algorithms could formulate an enhancement by 15-60
algorithm used to diminish the Communication overhead and percent in method throughput than a P2P Grid representation.
response time of the individual job and expand the through- Their result also demonstrates moderately elevated compli-
put of the whole framework. This algorithm comprises of ance in an active node-churning.
two-phases. In the principal phase, the resources are cho- In recent times, fusion cloud computing model has been
sen in view of the user deadline and “Fault Tolerant Factor” broadly promoted as a hopeful result for software as a
(FTF) of the resources [11–13]. In the second phase, the load service (SaaS) contributors to successfully take place the
balancing algorithm is connected to determine the status of active client requirements. Li et al. [17] have offered on
the chose resources and afterward the jobs are scheduled to augmenting the functional charge for the fusion cloud
the resources if and just if the load is adjusted [14]. model by hypothetically investigate the difficulty among a
Lyapunov optimization outline. That permits us to intend
an online active stipulation algorithm. In this manner,
2 Literature survey their method could tackle the real-world confront where
no a priori detail of communal cloud hiring cost was
Cloud computing contributors stipulate their sources into dis- obtainable and the upcoming possibility supply of client
similar kind of virtual machine (VM) examples which are requirements was mysterious. They also contain accom-
implemented to the consumers for specific period. Zaman plished widespread investigational research depend on a
and Grosu [15] have anticipated the difficulty of enthu- group of real-world data, and the outcome verify that their
siastically stipulating VM examples in clouds to create algorithm could act efficiently in dropping the functional
advanced turnover, whereas formative the VM distribution cost.
among a combinatorial auction-based system. They also Zhu and Agrawal [18] have presented the employ of cloud
include intended a system known as CA-PROVISION to sources for a class of adaptive functions, where there could be
explain the difficulty. They carried out widespread model function exact flexibility in the calculation that may be pre-
research by actual workloads to estimate their system. The ferred. Additionally, there may be a preset time-limit and also
outcome demonstrates that CAPROVISION could success- a source account. In these limitation, such adaptive function
fully confine the marketplace requirement, stipulation the necessitate exploiting their quality of service (QoS), extra
computing resources to counterpart the requirement, and pro- accurately, the value of an application-specific promote task,
duce advanced profits than CA-GREEDY, mainly in elevated by enthusiastically altering adaptive limitation. They include
requirement situations. A few of the short requirement situa- existing the plan, execution, and estimation of an outline
tions, CAGREEDY execute enhanced than CA-PROVISION that could maintain such active variation for function in a
of turnover but not in consumption and fraction of provide cloud computing atmosphere [19,20]. The important mod-
consumers. They have fulfilled that an extremely effectual ule of their outline was a multi-input-multi-output response
VM example stipulation and distribution scheme could be control model-based active source stipulating algorithm
intended merging these two combinatorial auction-based sys- which accepts support knowledge to regulate adaptive lim-
tems. They seem advance to locating a confidential cloud and itation to promise the finest function profit contained by
executing such a scheme in the upcoming. the time limitation. After that a qualified source represen-
Headed for this novel design where every contributor tation modifies source distribution consequently to gratify
may separately operate as together source purchaser and the account. They include estimate their outline among two
contributor, Di and Wang [16] have projected an abun- real-worlds adaptive function, and contain established that
dant circulated, VM-multiplexing source distribution system their method was effectual and origin a very short operating
to handle decentralized sources. Their method not only cost.
accomplishes exploited source consumption by the propor- Workflow technologies are turn into a key vehicle for
tional share model (PSM), but also conveys provably and simple and competent expansion of systematic functions.
adaptively finest effecting effectiveness. They also contain Byun et al. [21] have recommended design for perform-
intend a fresh multi quality choice uncertainty procedure ing workflow function on expandable computing sources.

Cluster Comput

Moreover, they encompass projected the foundation algo- • Dynamic resource provisioning does not work for test-
rithm such as PBTS for computing the least source com- ing on genuine cloud–based framework and over a few
petence to accomplish a workflow in a specified target. spaces.
The foremost part of our study was that PBTS bridges • A basic test in coordinating work process advancements
the opening among workflow management scheme and the with resource provisioning advances is to determine the
state-of-the-art source stipulating atmosphere. By this out- perfect measure of resources required for the execution of
line, scientists were talented to utilize cloud on discount work processes in order to minimize the money related
extra functional cost by efficacy source demanding for com- expense from the viewpoint of users and to boost the
pensation strategy. PBTS calculates source competence per resource use from the point of view of resource providers.
time-partition therefore that it diminish the source cost, • The real issue of resource provisioning is load balancing
fulfilling the target. Additionally, PBTS performs several and the execution time.
workflows of DAG organization that contain single, data • If the measure of resources is sufficiently vast, the make
comparable and even MPI-like responsibilities. At last, PBTS range can be lessened by executing free tasks all the
resolve not only the source competence but also the time while. Be that as it may, an excessive number of resources
program and the host necessities of responsibilities. The can prompt low resource use, high booking overheads,
trial outcome by an amount of artificial workflows and and above all high cost.
numerous actual science workflows display that PBTS cal- • Medium to large issue is not relevant in existing resource
culates the source competence near to the hypothetical small provisioning algorithm.
A service-level agreement (SLA) present warranty for pre-
cise worth attributes to the clients of services [8]. Though, These are the main drawbacks of various existing work,
existing SLAs obtainable by cloud transportation contribu- which motivate us to do the research on resource provision-
tors do not tackle reaction time, which, from the client’s point ing.
of view, is the significant worth feature for Web applica-
tions. Iqbal et al. [22] have projected a method and explained
a prototype scheme for mechanical detection and declara- 4 Proposed method
tion of blockage and mechanical detection and declaration
of in excess of stipulation in multi-tier function congregated Cloud computing is a striking model as it allows for the
on a cloud. It also recommends a technique for recogniz- providing of resources on-demand. In cloud computing envi-
ing and withdrawing over-provisioned sources in multi-tier ronment effective resource provisioning is a major issue.
cloud-hosted Web applications. They verified the possibility The main objective of this research is to provisioning the
of the method in trial estimation by a check bed EUCALYP- resources and allocates them in an effective manner. At first,
TUS based cloud and a fake workload. Mechanical blockage the resource are identified and analyzed and then clustered.
recognition and declaration in active source organization Cluster the resource using the kernel fuzzy c-means (KFCM)
has the probable to permit cloud transportation contribu- clustering algorithm. After the clustering algorithm, we allo-
tors to supply SLAs for Web applications that promise exact cate the resource using resource provisioner. At first resource
reaction time necessities though diminishing source con- owner is inform the available resources to resource pro-
sumption. Their investigational outcome have revealed that visioner. Then resource provisioner creates the list for the
whereas they evidently cannot offer a SLA promising a pre- available resources. If cloud consumer is need the available
cise reaction time by an approximate weight stage for a resources for the executed jobs. It creates the VMs for the exe-
multi-tier Web application by fixed source distribution, their cuted jobs using the VM repository. After that it asks for the
adaptive source provisioning technique could permit us to resource to resource provisioner. Then resource provisioner
propose such SLAs. checks the available list and then allocates the resource for
the executed jobs. If the resources are not available it will ask
for the resource owner. Resource owner check the availability
3 Problem identification based on the cost factor. The overhead of using comput-
ing resources provisioned by reservation arrangement is less
Resource provisioning is essential issue in cloud computing expensive than that provisioned by on-demand arrangement.
and in the earth of heterogeneous clouds. The principle target With the reservation arrange, the consumer can lessen the
of resource provisioning system is to supply cloud consumers aggregate resource provisioning cost. In any case, the best
an arrangement of computing resources for processing the propel reservation of resources is hard to be accomplished
jobs and putting away the data. The general issue of existing because of vulnerability of consumer’s future interest and
resource provisioning procedure is given beneath, providers’ resource costs. To address this issue, an ideal cloud

Cluster Comput

Fig. 1 Architecture diagram of

proposed method

resource provisioning algorithm is proposed by planning means, the user authentication is verified. If the authentica-
a stochastic programming model. The proposed method is tion is success means the user allowed to access the cloud
selecting the resource with minimum cost using optimization server otherwise the user request is rejected. After the verifi-
technique. Here PSO is used to select the optimal resource cation, first the available resources in the cloud are grouped
with minimum cost. Finally the resource provisioner allo- to allocate the task or jobs in the corresponding resource type.
cates the resource in an effective manner. The block diagram So the proposed method use kernel fuzzy c means clustering
of the proposed method is shown in Fig. 1 and the detail algorithm to group the resource based on the resource type.
explanation of the proposed method is described in further Clear idea of kernel fuzzy c means clustering algorithm is
section. illustrated in beneath,

4.1 Initial setup 4.2 Resource clustering using kernel based fuzzy c
In the initial setup user reveal their information and register
their details in the cloud server. If the registration is success Clustering techniques are for the most part unsupervised
the user or owner gets their corresponding secret key. If the techniques that can be utilized to sort out information into
user was already registered their details in the cloud server gatherings in light of likenesses among the individual data

Cluster Comput

items. Most clustering algorithms don’t depend on presump- 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the maximum of OBm value is
tions regular to conventional statistical methods, for example, achieved
the basic measurable conveyance of information, and in this
way they are valuable in circumstances where little prior Identify the essential conditions for minimizing OBm is
knowledge exists. In most existing k-modes clustering meth- revise equations (3) and (4) only when the kernel function K
ods, the number of initialized cluster modes is the number of is selected to be the Gaussian function with
target clusters, resulting in potential miss of a true cluster for
certain classes of large data sets due to the random selection
K (R j , Ci ) = exp −R j − Ci 2 /σ 2
of initial cluster modes. Avoid the problem of K mode cluster-
ing and increasing the precision rate in document clustering
KFCM is used. By replacing the Euclidean distance for dissimilar con-
ditions various kernels can be selected. Nevertheless, a
4.2.1 Kernel based fuzzy c means (KFCM) Gaussian kernel is suitable for clustering in which it can prin-
cipally mark the essential conditions. Finally all the resources
Fuzzy c-means (FCM) is a method of clustering that allows are grouped with their resource type. Then we allocate the
information focuses to group in view of closeness and fun- resource for the executed jobs or task. Here the tasks are
damentally utilized in pattern recognition. The change of allocated to the corresponding resource with minimum cost;
independent function by minimizing as takes after: so the proposed method is to select the optimal resource
with minimum cost using optimal cloud resource provision-

c ing algorithm using particle swarm optimization algorithm.
OBm = Aimj Ri − C j 2 , (1) The detail explanation of modified cloud resource provision-
i=1 j=1 ing algorithm using PSO algorithm is illustrated in the below
where Aimj , m is the real number >1, is the unit of affiliation of
in the cluster, R j is the d-dimensional measured information,
C j is the d-dimension centre of the cluster. 4.3 Modified cloud resource provisioning using PSO
Fuzzy classification is finished by objective function iter-
ation as appeared above, with the update of membership a The proposed technique use changed cloud resource pro-
and the cluster centres C j . visioning algorithm to choose the ideal resource with least
Reiteration of this process will be ended when there is cost. To choose the ideal resource with least cost the
end condition somewhere around 0 and 1, whereas K is the proposed cloud resource provisioning is utilized molecule
iteration steps and N is the total number of clusters. swarm enhancement algorithm. Here the wellness capac-
This KFCM process considers the input as different ities as OCRP [23]. The target capacity of the proposed
resource and output as clustered document based on the strategy is selecting the ideal resource utilizing ideal cloud
resource type. resource provisioning algorithm. Molecule swarm enhance-
ment is a populace based improvement algorithm modeled. Procedure The algorithm of PSO is instated with a group of discre-
tionary particles and next hunt down optima by overhauling
1. KFCM algorithm and its objective function are given bel- eras. Each of the particles are flown through the hunt space
low: encasing its position adjusted taking into account its sep-
aration from its very own best position and the separation
n  c
OBm = Aimj (1 − K (R j − Ci )) (2) from the best molecule of the swarm. The presentation of
i=1 j=1 every molecule, i.e. how shut the particles is from the global
optimum, is ascertained by method for a wellness capacity
2. Compute the fuzzy centers C j which depends on the enhancement issue. As indicated by
n PSO, there are two different sorts of forms are utilized. The
j=1 Ai j K (R j , Ci )R j
C j = n ; i = 1, 2, . . . , C (3) first is “singular best” and the second is “global best”. It
j=1 Ai j K (R j , Ci )
is the individual best determination algorithm by assessing
every individual position of the molecule to its own particu-
3. Calculate the fuzzy membership function Aij using
lar best position. It is the global best choice algorithm, which
gets the global information by making the development of
(1 − K (R j , Ci ))−1/(m−1)
Ai j = n −1/(m−1)
; i = 1, 2, . . . , C the particles contains the position of the best molecule from
j=1 (1 − K (R j , Ci )) the entire swarm. Every molecule i, flies in a n-dimensional
(4) inquiry space.

Cluster Comput

position of the whole swarm is represented as.

Particles to be
gbest = best(pbest) (7)

Initialize Population with the particle’s 4.3.1 Steps to find optimal solution
position(x) and velocity
Step 1 Initialize a populace of i particles with each speck’s
position cpi and velocity cvi on a problematic space of
Compute fitness for each particle’s dimension n.
position Step 2 Fitness function to be calculated for each speck.

Loop until maximum

Step 3 Make assessment among the particle’s fitness
Set “pbest” as pbest fitness = xbest fitness value, cpfitness and speck’s pbest fitness value lbfitness . If
the current fitness value of speck is better than the speck’s
pbest fitness value, then set the pbest value into current
Set “gbest” as the best “pbest” value position.
Step 4 Inspect all of the speck’s pbest fitness value, lbfitness
with value of gbest. If the current value, pbest is better
Update position and velocity of the than the gbest value means, then set the gbest value into
particles current speck’s array index and value.
Step 5 Revise the velocity and position of the specks
specified as in Eqs. (8) and (9)
Stop obtain “gbest”
optimal solution cvinew = cvi + ϕ1 · r1 · (pbesti − cpi )
+ ϕ2 · r2 · (gbesti − cpi ) (8)
Fig. 2 Steps for PSO cpi = cpi + cvinew , (9)

In Fig. 2, steps to obtain optimal solution—cpi vector: where i is the speck. ϕ1 , ϕ2 is the learning rates governing
It symbolizes the current position of the i th particle in the the speck towards to its best position. r1 , r2 is the random
search space, lbi vector: It points out the location of the best numbers that are uniformly distributed in the range [0, 1].
solution of the i th particle in the search space, and cvi vector: cvi indicates the current velocity.
It points out the direction for which the particle i will travel. Step 6 Repeat step 2, until a better fitness or maximum
The personal best position of a particle is indicated as number of iterations are met.
pbest. The particles in the search space have its co-ordinates
that are associated with the fitness as the best solution. The The optimized resource with minimum cost attained from
value of fitness is accumulated in it. It is the pbest value. this PSO algorithm in modified cloud resource provisioning
The pbest value of a particle i is the best position that the algorithm. As a result, we can allocate the jobs to the cor-
particle has perceived so far. If fitness fitness indicates the responding resource type with minimum cost using optimal
fitness function means, then the pbest value of the particle i cloud resource provisioning method. The performance of the
is revises as follows. proposed cloud resource provisioning algorithm is evaluated
and compared with various existing method. It is described

lbi = cpi in further Sect. 5.
pbest = if cpfitness > lbfitness (5)
lbfitness = cpfitness

where the fitness value is calculated as follows, 5 Results and discussion

The result analysis in resource provisioning and allocation

fitness = OCRP (6)
process based on KFCM and MCRP is performed in the
working platform of JAVA with CloudSim. Different per-
One more location attained by any of the particle in the formance evaluation measures are considered to evaluate the
population is the gbest value, which is the universal version performance of the proposed technique in resource provi-
of the PSO and is the complete best value. The global best sioning and allocation process.

Cluster Comput

5.1 Performance analysis pared with OCRP. Figure 5 represents the memory usage
of number of tasks for both MCRP and OCRP. The MCRP
The performance of the proposed method is evaluated based technique utilizes least memory for varying number of tasks
on execution time, cost and memory taken for execution pro- when compared with OCRP.
cess by varying the number of tasks in proposed approaches From Figs. 3, 4 and 5 it is observed that for all the system
in contrasted with that of the current method. The proposed loads in terms of number of tasks given, MCRP gives a lesser
MCRP technique is compared with existing OCRP [19] in execution time, cost value and memory usage. The MCRP
terms of execution time, cost value and memory usage. The has an average improvement of 20.62, 40.14 and 39.32% over
graphical representation of comparative analysis is shown in OCRP algorithm in standings of execution time, cost value
Figs. 3, 4 and 5. In Fig. 3 the execution time of MCRP is and memory usage respectively.
less than OCRP by varying the number of tasks. Figure 4
shows the cost value of MCRP and OCRP . It is observed
from Fig. 4 that MCRP achieves minimum cost when com- 6 Conclusion

In this paper, resource provisioning and resource allocation

techniques were proposed. Here KFCM algorithm was used
to cluster the available resource. Then the tasks were allo-
cated to the available resource using modified cloud resource
provisioning algorithm (MCRP). In MCRP algorithm PSO
algorithm were used to select the optimal cost. Based on the
optimal result we allocate the resource. The performance of
the proposed work was evaluated by cost, execution time
and memory usage. From the results it is established that the
proposed MCRP method achieve minimum execution time,
minimum cost value and low memory usage than the existing
Fig. 3 Execution time evaluation technique.


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in a federated cloud environment. In: Proceedings of IEEE Inter- various programmes for imparting skills in research methodology to
national Conference on High Performance Computing and Com- students and research scholars. He has published two books, one in the
munications, Banff, Canada, pp. 279–287 (2011) name of Data structures & Algorithms in DD Publications, Chennai and
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