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Migration to Urban Areas

Due to the adverse conditions of poverty and unemployment in the rural areas, people
migrate to urban areas. In urban areas they find increased employment opportunities and better
living conditions (Selvankar, 2019). Generally, migration from rural to urban cities is caused by
the high unemployment rate within rural areas, and high expectancy rate of employment in urban
places. Practically, I think that the motivation that drives people to migrate to the city or overseas
was because of the high salaries compared to wages in the rural places. Whether it be within the
country or country to country migration, I think that the main reason for the migration was to
acquire more money or resources than when people are in rural areas. It is caused by poverty and
the need to make a living to provide the needs of the family.
Internal migration refers to a change of residence within national boundaries, such
as between states, provinces, cities, or municipalities. An internal migrant is someone who
moves to a different administrative territory. An international migrant is someone who moves
from a country to a different country (Web Solutions, 2020). Philippines for example, is a third
world country which means that the income that can be generated within the country is not as
high as the income to be generated overseas, it is one of the reasons why instead of migrating
domestically, from rural to urban cities, some Filipinos choose to travel or migrate
internationally. However, some Filipinos would rather stay in the city than go abroad because
they want to stay within the country with a bit short of distance away from their families than
being miles away from them and just choose to be contended with the salaries, they can acquire
from working within the country. Moreover, migrating abroad is not an easy thing to do as it
requires a lot of process to be able to succeed, you also need a bit high of an investment
necessary for migration.

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