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1. Traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

Realice el análisis sintáctico en las

siguientes oraciones.

The administrative assistant studies the new project with a new vision.

System software includes operating systems, utility software, device drivers, window systems, and

The maintenance supervisor decided to install a new machinery in the production area.

The planning function involves establishing goals and arranging them in logical order.

Computer hardware includes the physical parts of a computer, including central processing unit,
memory and Input/output.

2. Identifique las categorías gramaticales en las siguientes oraciones.

My secretary types letters carefully. Mi secretaria transcribe las cartas cuidadosamente.

My assistant works quickly and efficiently.

They have the meeting with us at 20:00 in the central office.

The Stock Market is the place where financial organizations buy and sell money.

Someone from your company sent a message.

The manager wants to study how workers perform their daily routines.

3. Traduzca las oraciones. Seleccione los participios, gerundios e infinitivos.

Indique su función.

The consultant has checked the planned activities too suggest alternative steps for completing tasks.

The Company is considering new marketing policies.

The Human Resources Department was considering a new recruiting policy in the planned activities.

A computer is a machine that manipulates data according to a set of instructions called a computer

4. Traduzca las oraciones. Identifique el verbo como auxiliar (VA) y/o

principal (VP) en cada oración

The consultants have not checked the line production yet.

The industrial engineer prepares the industrial control activities.

The general manager is checking the information about the financial risks.

She didn ́t have to send the equipment maintenance information to the technical manager.

The discipline of computing is the systematic study of algorithmic processes that describe and transform

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