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Nama : Rafa Faiha Ulfah

Kelas : Matrikulasi 2
Tugas : Bahasa Inggris (Summary)
Dosen : Endyka Erye Frety M.Keb

Menstrual cycle is the regular changes in the activity of ovaries and endometrium that make the
reproduction make possible. The endometrium consist of functional layer that will shut when
menstruation occur and base layer that feeds over line functional layer.
Menstrual cycle consist of 2 interconected and synchronized processes :
1. Ovarian cycle : in this process the follicle will develop and there will be a process called
2. Uterine cycle : in this process functional endometrium will thickens and sheds in response to
ovarian cycle
Menarche, the onset of the first period. Occurs during early adolescent as part a puberty. Following
menarche the menstrual cycle reoccurs on the monthly basis pausing during pregnancy until someone get
menopause. This is When the ovarian cycle decline and stop having a period. The menstrual cycle could
be varies. It could be 20 – 35 days, with the average is 28 days. There are 2 phases in menstrual cycle :
1. Folicular Phase : Two weeks leading up to ovulation (Pre ovulatory phase). This phase are
menstrual and proliferative of endometrium. Ovulation is the condition whenever the oocyte
release from ovaries. Usualy occur 14 days before the 1 st day of menstruation.
 In the 1st day of menstruation : when the Hypothalamus release GnRH (Gonadotropin
Releasing Hormone) it makes the anterior pituitary produce FSH and LH. Before puberty
GnRH is in the steady state. But when the puberty hit it pulses. It could be more or less.
Pituitary hormones control the maturation of the follicles who contain primary oocyte
that surrounds by layers, theca and cells.
 First 10 days : theca cells develop receptors by LH, in that responses it release a large
amount of androstenedione hormone. Similar with granulosa cell, it also develop the
receptor , it develop by FSH in that response produces enzyme aromatase. Aromatase
help the 17beta-estradiol (estrogen) to release.
 10 – 14 days granulosa cells also develop LH receptors in addition to the FSH receptors
they already have.
As the follicle growth and the estrogen in the blood streams are increase, they gives negative
feedback to the anterior pituitary to decline the produces of the FSH hormone. As the result, some
of the follicle will stop to growing, regres and die off. The follicle with most FSH receptors
becomes the dominant follicle that undergo ovulation. This dominant follicle continue to secret
the estrogen and arising estrogen level make the pituitary more responsive the GnRH from the
The more higher estrogen level in the blood streams the more it makes the positive feedback
signal that make pituitary secret a lot of FSH and LH, this occurs in 1-2 days before ovulation and
responsible to make the ovarian follicle rupture to release the oocyte.
Meanwhile the uterus prepare for implantation and pregnancy. This process began to the
menstrual phase where the endometrial lining become shed and eliminated into the vagina
producing the bleeding which known as menstrual period. It lasts average in 5 days. Proliferative
phase : during high estrogen level it makes the endometrium become thicked, the endometrium
glands are growing and emergence of spiral arteries. It also help the consistency the cervical
mucus become more hospitable to sperm. Besides the high of estrogen help to optimize the
chance of fertilization which is highest between day 11 – 15 in 28 days cycle
2. Luteal Phase (Post Ovulatory phase) : 14 days after ovulation. Is the secretory phase of the
Following ovulation : ovarian follicle becomes corpus luteum which is made up of the
luteinized theca cells who keep secreting the androstenedione and granulosa cells keep converting
it to the 17beta-estradiol. However Luteinized granulosa cells also response to the low LH
hormones concentration as the present after ovulation by increasing the activity of P450scc. This
enzyme convert more cholesterol to pregnenolone. so luteinized granulosa cells secret more
progesterone than estrogen during luteal phase. progesterone acts as negative feedback signal on
the pituitary decreasing release FSH and LH. At the same time luteinized granulosa cells began
secreting inhibin with similarly inhibit pituitary gland from making FSH hormones. Both of this
processes decline estrogen levels. So the progesterone is higest and helps makes the endometrium
receptive to implantation of the fertilized gamete.
Under the influence of progesterone, uterus enter into secretory phase of the menstrual cycle.
During this time spiral arteries continue to grow longer, and uterine gland secret more mucus.
After day 15 of the cycle optimum window of fertilisation starts to close. This cervical mucus
become thickens and becomes less hospitable for sperms. Overtime corpus luteul generate into
corpus albicans. Corpus albican doesn’t make hormones, so the progesterone and estrogens
slowly decrease into the lowest level so the spiral arteries collapses and the functional layer of the
endometrium prepare to sheds through menstruation. This sheding marks beginning of the new
menstrual cycle and another opportunity for another fertilization.

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