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Immigration Timeline Name __________________________

Directions: Use chapter 1, section 1 to complete the following chart. For the reasons why column you need to
think! They might not be listed directly in the text. Think about why this group of people would decide to leave
their home.
When Who/Where Were They From? Why
10,000 + years ago Native Americans Came across the “land bridge” in search
of food.


Early Immigration
1600 and 1700’s

After Independence
Years? _________

A Shift in
Years? _________

Enslaved Africans
Years? _________

1970’s Migration – Urban Shift Lower taxes and warm weather

During the 1970’s many Americans migrated encouraged companies to relocate from
from the Northeast to the Southeast and west over crowd cities, such as New York, to
new developing cities like Charlotte
1990’s Population changed: Latin Americans
become the fastest growing ethnicity in the
United States

Answer the following on the back of this handout.

1. What is meant by service economy? (p.10)

2. What are other ways in which our population is changing? (p.11)
3. The United States has been known for the following quote: “Give me your tired, your poor, your
huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” How has this view of American immigration affected the
United States culturally, politically, and economically? (Use the chart above)
4. Why do you think American attitudes turned against allowing immigration when it has been a major
factor in our development?
5. Do you believe America is still a “melting pot” or has it become more of a “tossed salad”?

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