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Street 29D No 22 - 545
El Campestre
City, Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar
+57 3134752335

June 5, 2021

Antonio Orozco Casas

Street 25B No 56 -37, Cartagena De Indias, Bolívar
Dear, Antonio Orozco Casas

Specialized in the best grills, we are pleased to announce job offer, as

Administrator, who has knowledge in SEO and professionally handles Digital
Marketing techniques, to increase sales in our company. Work begins on July
01, 2021. The daily schedule is from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., with payment of
extras from Monday to Saturday. Salary of $ 2,500,000 Colombian pesos
adjustable to the hours worked.

As an employee of THE GRILL CARTAGENA 2020, they will have the right to
rest on vacation and paid as if they were working, and the guarantee of
permanent medical insurance, as well as occupational risk insurance.

The office will be located at Street 29D No 22 – 545, Campestre to the

west, two blocks after the “VIVA LA VIDA” Shopping Center.

If this offer meets your expectations, sign and mark this agreement with
the working conditions

Contract before July 1, 2021.

Kind regards;

Lesly Jissell Zarate Guzman

Professional Human Resources

I, Antonio Orozco, accept the terms and conditions of this contract

Signed: _______________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________

A copy is provided for your records.

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