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EXP. ORPSANAGE 105 ANGELES - aay ALYOUNG BOY, maybe 8, helps a NW wash clothes. she hangs ‘then on the’ Lines, a3 the hot LOS ANGELES sun beata down. he Little boy looks up at the sky where he sees a majestic Floating SPACE AABITAT. A torus. Bigger than ths noon But the sane effect against the blue sky. nx Sistas? Nox es Max? vox Arg the paople from there, are they aigeerent co me? Sho looks over at tho Little bey for a momant, chen goes back te hanging the laundey, as we COP TO KE. SPACE lWe see the TORUS as it sparkles in all of ite glory. we fly over millions of mansions covering the inner habitable side of the torus as it spine alowly in the sunlight. WON (V.0.) they are not so different to you Max. They are just rich. that’s the only differance. ‘They are rich- EXP. LOS ANGELES - DUSK Gleaming rockets take off, tearing through the atmosphere and Inte space from a run down SLUM in LOS ANGELES. A LITLE GIRL watches as they glow up into the heavens. Her Shire is dirty and riddled with holes. NON (9.0.} You see one day the rich decided that Earth was too disty for them and they wanted a new piace to ive, ‘36 they bullet ztysium. 2X7. ORPRANAGE - CONTINUOUS Max Leoks over at the aun akeptically. But they look different. aw don’t think so. You think ao? Max nods, and we cur To-- A COMERCIAL FOR SHE NEW FALL LINE BY GUCCI. Various gupernodel-like faces come up on the screen. A" through "P" lettered next to each head. A PINGER selects the sch medal, we realize it's a touch screen. A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN takes her finger off the screen and walks into = MSDICAL BAY that sits in a high-end designer store. She lies down on an MAI looking machine. ‘The machine closes around her. A lash of Light and then Gucct reads across the image of the dazzling women, her face looks Instantly younger. Now (¥.0.) They just don't gat old the sane wey as us. EXT. ORPHANAGE - conrnyuous Max goes back to scrubbing. vax Do they get sick? nvr. GucCT MEDICAL aay The MRI machine runs a lager up and down the woman’s body. A computer monitor reads the diagnosis: ‘Trace emounts of CANCER. Certain smaller ailments. the laser changes color. RS-ATOMIGING comes up on the sereen. WON (v.04) ‘hey have machines vo fix that. ‘They Live longer. They are very lucky. BEEEP. fealth check COMPLETED. 100% CLAAR ‘The woman’s name and details come up: AGE 97. she looks 40. EXP. ELYSTUM ~ DAY BLYSTAN MOTHERS push strollers past a perfect lawn. They chat as the curvature on the inside of the habitat stretches ovt Behind them. They lock healthy, happy, perfect. MAX (V.0-) Z don't want to get sick. 1 want to go there like thes. Phen’ I won't get sick. INT. SPIDER'S LAIR - SIGHT Lines of humans wait to buy illegal tickets to glysiun from gun-strapped SKUGGLERS. Ne see « HOMER and DAUGHTER. NUN (V. Well, soma peopl do ga there... we see the little girl got a fake SLYSIAN TD NUNBER burnt into her weist. She wines. A FATHER and his YOUNG SOW on crutches step forvard. The father places the dirty essh down, EXP. SPACE - DAY A filthy graftitincoverod rickety old space-ship shoots avay from earth, heading tovard the magnificent ring tn the. aky. NUM (V.0.) Actually many people go there. INT. THMIGRANT SHEP ‘Throngs of illegal immigrants. The MOTHER strokes her DAUGHTER’S hair. Coke bottles and garbage Float in sero G. The PATHER and his YOUNG SON lie waiting co land. num (v.0.) Bot it’s illegal, they don’t Like be there. ExT. ELYSIUM — Day As the ship pulls up to the surface... EWP. PROTOCOT, ROOM A very high-tech cylindrical room on the inside of elysiua. & Siny scroll of text blinks on a computer nonitert ZIOLEGAL, ENTRY. DISPATCHING HOMELAND DEPENSE. BAD. PLYSTUM - DAY The graztitied ship touches dovn. the back bay doors open anc she immigrants emerge. The MOTHER helps her sick DAUGHTER cut onte the lawn of this new usopia. Naw (¥.0.) So they send us hone. ‘The immigrants see HELICOPY=2-LIKE VEBICLES dotting the OO) akige, getting elocer, filled vith MIGRATION POLICE OROIDS: ‘the Smmigrante run for their lives. the father and son get Saught, a9 a droid fires a net over them, trapping then. WX (V.0.) ALL of ua? WON (¥.0.) Yo, not all. ‘The mother and daughter escape through a hedge. The mother Throws a rook through the window of a big empty mansion. she opens the door and carriee hor sick child inside. DWP. MANSION BLYSTUM ~ MED BAY ‘the mother finds an in-house madical bay. Like a large hospital wAE inside each of the Biysian homes. she puts the child down on the machine and presses the button. ‘the machine Seang the barcode on her wrist. The MRI closes around her. NOW (V.0.) some people stay. 2 ‘The mother watches a screen. The graphic on sereen shows the RE-ATOMLZATION PROCESS. ‘The machine opens, and.«+ ‘The girl looks hoalthy, The screen reads: 100% CLEAR. The nother cries with happiness as sne hugs her healthy daughter. NOW (v.0.) ‘hey stay as long as they can XE, ELYSIUM MANSION - LARN ~ DAY ‘The young girl and mother sit at a picnic, enjoying every Becond, watching artificial waterfalls in the distances, But-- ‘hey see Little black dots on the horizon. Those helicopter- Like Yenicles. The nother wraps up fase, racing inside. NUM (V.0.) But gooner or later, they axe found. SVD, ELYSIUM MANSION ~ DAY ‘The mother and daughter hide. the doors SLOW OPEN. HOMELAND i DEFENSE droids raid the house. The mother is violently handcuffed, the girl trying to protect her is held dow. IND, DEPORTATION BANGAR - NIGHT A huge hangar. TULEGAIS ars lined up Like cattle, waiting to be deported. Zhe massive space shuttle waits aa orange Jum>- suited mans climb os board. ILLAGAL ALTEN on their backs. ‘The mother and daughter are anong then. ‘The imense shuttle Lifts up and departe. Pan with it. Zarth cones into free. foge and bright, <¢ feele net far away, BON (¥.0.) And they are sent back here. EXP. BARI SLUM ‘The ship pulls up to a no name slum. The HUMANS ave Eepatriaved. Thrown ost by ARMED DROIDS- MAK (¥.0.) it's not fair. EXT. ORPHANAGE - DAY now x know, 1 knew my Little Max. Tes not fair. But one day if you become eseh aan you can go thefe. Mex oda, determined. wax 1 will be Heh. oh really. ‘That's good. How are you going to be rich? wax. Twill be a dealer. ‘The nun whipe her head over, looking at Max. wow A dealer? sho have you bee Speaking to? Max looks down and goes hack to scrubbing. Pedro. He said you can be rich sf you be & dealer. Well you just stop listening to ~ Pedro. T don’t want to hear such nonsense ever. Do you understand? ‘The oun turna back to har washing. wax. Yes sister. Close-up on YOUNG MAX’s face as ho scrubs the clothing. ‘Thinking, dreaming of SLYSIUN. We slooly DISSOLVE TO: INP. MAX’S SHACK — MORNING Adult WAX leans forward in front of @ emall dirty mizzor. He splashes vater on his face. He 19 308, good locking, clearly ron a troubled past. Ne see gang tatts run down his neck and armg. A small gold Lockst dangles from his neck EXP. LOS ANGELES FAVELA - MORDING Max walks past serious GANGSTERS hanging owt in the favela. a few GIRLS hang out with them. cawcsrer OFF to work? carte cotta be up early to work that Tine, man. ‘The gangsters laugh. 0x Se bist winey cation mene 7H ome Carle goes quiet. Max keeps noving Wide shot of the FAVELA: vo see the thousands of rickety Little houses and cinde:-biock shacks all interconnected. ‘ETLE+ LOS ANGELES - FORMERLY UNITED STATES 2109. What looks Like the layout of the ollywood Hills, overlooking 4 vast polluted population, seens £0 resemble ‘Tijuana more than Los Angeles. Women hang laundry, police choppers fly overhead. Chickens equawe, Another ay" in DA. Little favela CHTEDEEN suddenly appear, surrounding Max. They try and go through his pocksts. He slaps thear hands away. cue 2 You got money? carey 2 We want oney! wax You think T got aoney? T NEED money, that's why T'n going to Gonk: YOU have money? ‘She children look confused. Max catches ons of then and ‘urna him upside downy shaking hin by his feet. A few coins f2l1 out of is pockets. The other hildren laugh hysterically. Max pute Mim down and grabs a five do! max (CONT'D) lh hunt Rich! The kid grabs for it, the other kids dying with laughter. wax (cowr” >) Now T can Finally buy my ticket co Blysiun! ‘the kids laugh even harder. Max hands it back. Max (cONT"D) Now fuck off. ‘The childron run off Laughing. Max continues down the sloping Favela. Up ahead he sees? UNDREDS OF PEOPLE gathering. Ragged clothing, filthy and Starving. A flying machine heada toward the nob. Ie slows and hovers overhead. The airborne vehicle is mostly bine and has a UN peacekeaper vibe. ELYSIUN #009 PROGRAM Gritten on the side. Max keeps walking alsngsice the mob. ‘the rear bay doors open on the flying vessel and a robotic DROrn pressde 2 release button on the cargo controls. Food aid bags begin ejecting out of the jet. The huge grain bags fall to the dusty ground. Beople fgat over the tood. Max looks up at the droid. rts cold wechanical ayes looking Sowa on che humans. Max watches aa the jet seals up asd flies auay while the starving people fight fiarcely over scraps. NT. TRAIN — MORNING Max stands in 2 crowded, filthy train. He watches LA skim by out of the graffitiniaden windows. Ho turng to see two RCEOTIC POLICE OFFICERS nove through the train. They check passengers, one of then carries a portable Scanner. They shine 1f at the HUMANS and their data cones Up. The Officors valk up to a bunch of decidedly dangerous looking GANGSTERS. Each of them ia scanned. The robots pat the suspects down fairly violently. ‘GANGSTER I'm clean, don’t fucking touch net POLICE DROID (zobotic voice) checked, move on ‘The droids stalk through the train. They walk up to Max. de watches them coming. They scan hin. He smiles, cheery. nx Good norning officers POLICE DROID taltiple felonies. Extended history Of dealing. What's in the backpack? wax Ab, you know, a Little of this, Litete"or thae one of the officers tries to grab Max’s bag. Max resists vax (conr’) Guys seriously, T'm just on ay way to work, this is ny stop hore. ‘the Officer Le not happy with Max hanging onto the bag. very quickly it vhips out a telescopic BATON, ae the train Suddenly comea toa seop. People stare getting off vax (conr’a) Look, your sticks very scary, bot i this’ is my stop, okay? T don’t vant | any trouble, | Max tries to walk. WHACK! the Officer lashes hin across the knees, he falls. The second officer grabs his neck and holds hhim down. the first one rumages through his backpack i The train starts moving again. Max struggles to look up at the Officers since hia head ia down. i »ax (conz’D) That was my stop! They subdue hin violently, giving Aim a crack to the ribs. . ‘The DROID is satisfied there axe no druge in the bag. He throws if next to Max on the grovnd. POLICE DROID You are scheduled for parole hearing 68 today. Thank you citizen. They move on. Max lies on the floor, his lip bleeding now. e watches his stop disappear behind him. then he slowly looks up, chin bloody, eyes staring at ELYSIUM, so far away. exr. ELYSIUK ‘The huge 100 kon dianater ring spins ever a0 alowly. Bixds of paradise wave gently in tha clean air. He pan over to A large government complex. TWH CCB. Ite metal exterior looks like a shiny version of the Pantages. INT, CCB HQ CONTROL ROOM ‘The contvol room is a large NASA mission control style room. Hany workers sit at conputer terminals. All of them are sinad ata huge wall-screen of data which projects a nap of Plysiun Sith incoming and outgoing shuttle Clight pathe, real time ry police data etc. At the highest seat of authority site: SECRETARY RECDSS. Powerful, beantifl. Ker eyes are cold, Sharp, missing nothing. Shé is the head of the CcB. cee AcENT Sixteen incoming shipe, ma’an. fe have permits for sine Sf them. Usual vaw materials, cargo. $2) unaccounted for. Rhodes vatches tha screen. smell ehips incoming. Hones Normal Monday norning. Scramble units for each of the Lending ccs Acewe 2 Dh, actually mavam, it looks 1ike Fifteen of dur operational uate were palled offline lest night. Bhodes snaps her focus over to the agent. RHODES hae? 2. cee AGENT 3 Looks Like they vere decommissioned by Mintater Patel. Wo have six active units, ma’an. RuoDEs Five of which are dealing with yesterday's squatters? com agewn 2 And the immigrants én delta quadrant. Would you like us to end the standard warning to tho incoming ships? Bhodes just shakes her head, disgusted RHODES Yeah, that always works. cB AGENT 3 (checking com) ¥irst undocunented Ship just touched down. A naseive catellite-image comes up, Looking down on the Graffici-riddled ship aa it landa and ILLEGALS stream out. overizan vorce We are tracking...24 illegals. cca AGENT Ma'am, we need to dispatch our available Sean to one of the landing sites. Should wo send then? Rhedas looks at the little red dots on scrsen. RHODES Are there any active weapons Satellites? ccs AcENT 4 Negative ma'am. Algo deconnisaioned ‘two days ago, Along with all cerresivial batteries. shodes slides back in her chair watching the satellite feed. She considers, the red dots spreading. Finally. How any of those incoming ships ere a dbrie danger? Silence. A roon of blank faces RHODES (CONT'D) Simple question. If we shoot them Gown. How many...a8s- savers debrig! danger? A flurry of typing. Bhedes xeepe her eyes on the ships. coe acewr 2 Un... Based on current £light paths, two of them. But again, al? Systems are offline he wall graphic changes, two of the ships go red. With a warning and a graphic showing potential debris spill nuoves Not completely ofZLine. .. what agents are currently active chat have access to class 5 weaponry? cea AGED 4 ie have tuo agents active that are capable. SHIM snd # KRUGES. xoDEs Activate Kruger. e's always reliable. cc GENE Uh ma’am, thet is a direct RHODES T gave you an order. cca AGENT Yes ma’an. BMT. LIQUOR STORE TOS ANGELES - pay Me see a man outside a dilapidated Liquor store, his ragged Glothing covering his bead like a Jedi, He picks at his Hingernails with a lethal looking knife. ‘This is © XRUGER His yeist vibrates. He noves the burlap material to reveal a shockingly high-tach device on nie wrist built by SAvONEGH. Be clicks the ANSWER button, we sae a wire running back up to his ear. wa cannot gee nis face. Not yet cop AGENT 3 (ON comm) agent 32 Alpha 215. We ‘are sending aipacket over’ 12. Kruger pulls the ear-piece out of his ear. Me clicks the wrist device, a large ipod style screen. INCOMING DATA. INR. CCB HO CONTROL ROOM ‘The huge waLl-screen ig a satellite image following Kruger inte a deserted field, We see him overhead as he pulls a rope that renoves a cover from a hole in the ground. EXT. DRSRRIRD FIELD LOS ANGELES ~ DAY Keuger pulls out @ stinger MISSILE looking device. He gets inte firing position, the ugly snout of the giant bazooka housing multiple rockets. He praeaee a button on his wrist device which syncs with the siseile launcher. He aims at the sky. KRUGER syetem in place. INT. CCB HQ CONTROL ROOM Rhodes lean forward, inhales. RHODES ‘shoot them down coe AGENT 3 Greenlight, Z1b graeaLight. EXT, DESERTED PIELD LOS ANGELES CLICK. He fires. Four small missiles snake up into the Stratouphere many tines Easter than the speed of sound. Hnuger ia coughing on the rocket smokes And Laughing. WP. CCB HQ CONTROL R00M cop AcENT 4 Miseiles away. EXE. SPACR Four MISSILES epeed into space. Like tiny pixels against Black, we see the ships hundreds of kilopeters sway. We teavel with one of the inmigrant ships. Ne see Elysium yp Shead, a suell snaking megiie seveaning toward us. BoooOOM The missile strikes, the ship implodes and jettisons thousands of Kilograns of shrapnel into space. Bx?. SHUTTLE We see another shuttle filled with ismigrants. ier, sure A PATHER looks out of the dirty porthole. Ha face goos white as the missile snakes toward then. lle holds hie DAUGHTER. EXP. SPACE BOGOOH! The second ship ie blown into oblivion. sparkling glinting shards of metal sprinkle into the univarse. INP. cca Hg COWMROL ROOM ‘The explosions £111 the big wall-screen. one ehip disappears, overweaD vorce Target neutralized. the other one is gone ovanisaD vorcs (cowr’D) varget neutralized. the screen is clear. the akies are empty again. Rhodes leans back, exhales. ‘The room site in total’ silence. Thonsss OvERHEAD vorce (cowr’D) Secretary Rhodes please report to the briefing center immediately. Secretary Rhodes. To the briefiag Rhodes stands up, straighten her jacket and confidently walks out of the control room. The agents waten her 3o- EXP, DESERTED FIELD LOS ANGELES KRUGER looks over to see two YOUNG BOYS who witnessed hin firing the rockets. = tosses the weapon onto the ground: KRUGER Hoy kide. Are you Like...the police He pulis a lethal knife from his coat. ERUCER Not really. ue ‘As he approaches then with the knife, we CUP 70-- EXT. LOS ANGELES COUNTY HOSPITAL - DAY ‘She hospital ie old, dirty, mun down. and very overcrowded. TWP. 10S ANGELES COUWEY HOSPITAL - DAY ‘ie move through the masses to find: Max sitting, holding 2 tissue to his lip, still bleeding. [A NURSE enexges. She is beautiful, but has the Look of not ‘enough sleep and too much stress. This is FREY, late fuenties. she slows when she sees hin. FRY, Max...? Max DaCoata, He smiles, but it pains him to smile. wx. Froy?t Long time. mex She looks at his bloody Lip, with a hint of disapproval, Rey (con’D) I see things havan’t changed. vax hie, thie ign’t my fault. FREY okay. She takes out gauze, stitches, starts working. pasy (cow?’D) his might sting » Litele. vax How long have you~ prey pon't talk. He Keeps his mouth shut, as she stitches him up. He looks at her, their faces close. She finishes. Max starta to talk but-— uRSE Frey. They need you up on the third 15 Be right thera. She packs up her stuff to go. wax you think maybe we could... PREY Bye Max, you stay out of trouble. Max just smiles. It stiil stings a Little sax You know mo--+(ghe’ gone) 2m clean He sits there a moment. Alone. then he grabs his bag. EXP. BIOSPHERE FACTORY - DAY MAX walks towards the entrance of the immense plant. its smoke stacks pour pollution into the atmosphere. ‘the giant facility is ringed by a tatty chain-Link fence with © barbed wire. Guards ac the front wave fim through. WE. BIOSPHERE EACDORY Max walks into a busy gafety prep area. le grabs a respirator MASK off a hook and is about to put it on wien the FOREN stops hin. POREHAN Third time this month. Yeah t know, sorry sir, won't happen again, FORRHAN ‘That's what you sald last time. Tn docking thirty minutes. Get yoor act together, Da Costa, max Max salutes, walks to the airlock separating the entry from the factory. Ag he enters the airlock, the foreman yt FOREMAN f You're lucky to have this job. as. e@ wax very iscky sit. 1 always dreaned of ~~ ‘The airlock hisses open, revealing: ‘he interior of che factory is MASSIVE. Thousands of workers slave over machinery. On the assenbly lines, we see—— ‘The_famiLiax POLICE and MILITARY BROIDS of BLYSIUM. This is here their axmy is built Max walks through the huge space. He looks up to the second level office, where the CEO presides, standing at the glass: INT, CARLYLE'S OFFICE ~ DAY 20 JOM CARLYLE is Elysian, rich. He watches over che Esctory through thick Mulletproof glass. He seeg all his Littie minions. He watches Wax with cold attestion. INP, BIOSPHERE FACTORY Max grabs his dolly off the rack and walks to hie spot at the end af an sagenbly Line. He keeps his eyes on Carlyle. e bade, you crazy? Don't look at him. vax Whatever. You think he had his face peel this morning? ‘the worker laughs. Max uges a foot pedal to load the new ROBOTIC head. He pulls the silicone cover don and stretches it over the steel skull of the police droid. se puts the head into the plist. vamp cuts: more heads, more silicone, more pallets Max walks then over to the kiln. Unloads then. Goes back, gets more. Unloads them. Geta ore. He gets a fresh batch of robotic SKULLS, he starts pulling the ailicone over one, he completes it. Max locks around the factory. fe looks up at the CEO, to make sure he isn’t watching. He's not thera. Max grabs a permanent marker and writes “PUCK THE PoLrcs" cver the droid’s face. He then covers it with the silicone. he kiln is full. He shuts the door. He looks at the large guttons on the wall. CLICK he pushes THERMOPLAST. A large red Light shines. Through the thres-inch thick glass porthole, ve See the massive microwave fire radiation at the OROID heads. nce baked, the HEADS slide aut of the back of the kiln. the Light goes’ off. A warning cones up. COOLING. and then SARE 10 ENTER. sax taensages the door and opens J¢. the Xiln is BIPTY, Ber. cca EQ - pay ‘The governrent building gleams. outer space seen beyond it. INT. CC8 HQ BRIEPING Roo - coNFIHVOUS ‘The room locke like # military tribunal, all aimed at Secretary RSODES ho ait alone with a gingle microphone, Easing a pane! of high-level POLITICEANS. REP PATEL do you underatand that this adniniatration waa siected on the basis we would be more Compassionate te Barth? Da you get that? We promised a kinder, gentler bile. Instead, now we have a DR nightmare on Gur hands RHODES Yorcive me ir 1 don’t speak that Languages 1 don"t know whet @ PR nightaare is. I do however know that Jf chia edminiseration Keeps dodging the real lesus, than we will adtually have a real nighenare Sn our hands” REP SURRARD ‘she real sesso? HODES Jeoue christ. Yeo the REAL isaue. The ungodly influx of illegal immigrants into this orbital habitat. That tasue. Go get your AIK and cookies and go to bed, junior. REP PENNY how old are you, Secretary? . @ uonas 1/m one nondred and eight, ma/an. a EP PENNY well perhaps that explains your Penchant for resorting to twentieth Century tactics. Representative Patel Lifts a file sitting in frant of him. Ep PATE ‘thon there's the use of this agent. A'Ne W'RRUGER. Fifteen hinan Seghea Wieletions, spanaing four territories, Fapes, weapons charges, Sisappropriation of military Feasutces, false Slay operations, Ronan righta atrocities. esp Peay the guy’s been diagnosed with serious psycnological issues, REP PATEL We made it explicitly clear to you That we siceper agente. And this ie the Kind of pezson you hive? Sone crazy sleeper agent hiding out on earth? You ave 2 reckless fanatic, Rhodes. -Rulopes A fanatic? Sir, T em a patriot. I'm the one protecting our ehildeen from the great unwashed. REP PATEL T vote for a complete dismissal. Not enough hands are raised. t's aplic. REP PATEL (CoNT’D) Alright. eine, let’a reduce her Classification to level two, make Sure she never Fires another missile, And let's discharge this (ooking at paper) Agent xrugar permanently. All in favour? ‘The majority hold up their hands. Rhodes clenches her jaw so tightly we Gan see the muscles flexing under her skin. RED PAIEL (CONT’D) Coed. Rffective immediately. net's update the protocol. Patel puts his hand onto a biometric sereen in front of nim. The screen reads his hand. BEEEO. The other politicsans do tha gana on thei sereent. Seesscp. REP PATEL (CONT‘D) Secretary R shades. Genoted to level two clearance only. oveRKEAD vorce Accepted. Secretary Rhodes denoted. ‘The familiar nigh tech room. Two heavily-amed DROZDS stand cutside. Inside, we seo a server array Se computers, with DIDEH wiitten adress them. A scecen flashes: SECRETARY RHODES DEMOTED - LEVEL TWO CLEARANCE ONLY. GP. CCB HO ARTEPING ROOM Ree PATEL AGENT H XRUGER discharged from CCB. OVERHEAD voce Agent Kruger discharged imediately. The politicians take their hands off the screens. REP PATEL ‘hank you everyone, dismissed. the politicians get up ond leave. Rhodes accosts Patel, gotting in bis way. she speaks low, deadly. bon't come crying to me when there are so many of then here that this place looks tike Earth, and you heed a nuclear weapon to restore order. REP ATES don't worry, Twill have moved. ‘The politician turns, leaves. Rhodes watches him walk away. 20. XP. KRUGER’S SHACK ~ DAY A tin shack its in the baking sun. Various feral dogs roan around, barking. Poverty stricken children play. ENE, RRUGER’S SHACK - DAY Me see Xruger's hands using a CRKT tactical knife to RIP the boy’s red sweater apart, he pulls change out of its pockets. ia shack ie stuffed to the brim with a mixture of absurd Elysian weaponry, along with plades and swords and computer tech, Various woien’s high heels and clothing lie around. Kruger's wrist vibrates, lle pulls his sleeve back, “incoming encrypted NOTIFICATION. "RGENT CM XRUGER inediate DISCHARGE from CCB. Please report to BQ for debrief - repeat IMMEDIATE DISCHARGE.” Kruger stands motionless. Anew text flashes: RETURN all weaponry to local EMBASSY. Kruger punches the wall with immense power. Suddenly he graba 2 throwing knife and hucks it owe of the open door We hear = Gog yelp ia dying pain. And then silence. TWP. PAROLE HEARING OFFICE - DAY the office looks Like the DMV, Thronge of plastic chaire Line the large room. Up in fvont of the reformed criminals ave: booths where PAROLE OFFICER ROROTS sit. Like a cheaply built plastic zobot version of a $1 kids ride outside a grocery Store, itg mouth a sinple speaker. Tatco-covered reformees sit and explain thenselves to the plastic bureaucrats. MAX sits holding his paper auaber. BEEEP. OvERHERD vorce Your hundred and thirty five. Max walks to the cubicle booth. Ag he adjusts the chair and Site down, speakers in the booth begin playing. CUBICIE SPEAKERS Max Da Costa. 36 years old. Incarcerated twice, 2.4 years, 3.5 years. Trafficking controlled Substances. Grand theft auto. Vandalism. a. vox. Hi, hello, befora ve st~ 3OBOT PAROLE OFFICER Violation of penal code 2212 today onboard metro transit train of south. wax, ves, 1 know, but {¢ you would ROBOT PAROLE OFFICER immediate extension of parole duration by a further eight gonths. max WHAT?! No no wait, this is a ROUT PAROLE OFFICER Police officers noted violent anti Social behavior. Ne regretfully must extend parole. Max clenches his jaw. Wo eee hie handa under the table flexing. ‘The robot who has only been looking straight ahead S adjusts its head to face max for the first tine. ROLOT PAROLE OFFICER (CONT'D) Elevation in heart rate detected. ‘Trace amounts of testosterone in bloodstream. Would yoo like a pill? A small container sponsored by PFIZER pops up from the desk. No no, thank you. T just wanted te explain that today was not ny fable. re was a ROBOT PAROLE OFF2CER Stop talking. faye you engaged in the use or distribution of controlled substances in the last. 24 noura? max No. What? All of that is behind m-- ROBOT PAROLE OFFICER Stop talking. Personality matrix suggests a 18.3% chance of Eogesagicn 20 old behavior ( patterns. @ ‘arone) 22. ROROT PAROLE OFFICER (CONT'D) Trafficking of and soliciting of controlled substances. Theft Would yon like to talk so a human? mx (necking in vobot voice) No, T am oke ROBOT PAROLE OFFICER Change in speech pattern noted. Are you boing sarcastic and or abusive. aa (still in robot voice) Negative. ROROT PAROLE OFFICER It is a federal offence to abuse 4 parole officer. Mex atande up aggresaively and grabs hie back pack. mx understood. ROBOT PAROLE OFFICER his meeting ie adjourned. Next necting is in three days. EXT. FAVELA OUTDOORS ~ DUSK Max arrives hone at the favola. aa blares, GANGSTERS mill ‘about: ¥OUNG KIDS and single MOTHERS all over. Max finally gets to hig shack. JULIO, Max's Lifelong fxiend, Stinks Beefs outside his place with sone acher sketehy BSoking GUYS. Julio follows Wax in and grabo a boor for him. DY. MAX'S SHACK - NIGaT Max opens his closet and starts putting his stuff down. suli hands him a beer and slumps onto the bed. What up nai? How was the Line? Max takes a swig on the beer. Julio sees Max’s Lip. JULIO (coNT’D) Dade! What happened? Yax feels his Lip. He shrugs. vax ‘the weval. 2. Julio leans Forward and gets serious. unre Listen man... Max anticipates what‘s coming and stops his. max Can ve just skip to the part where Tsay no? suLt0 Hear me out Firat, okay? Please. Julio takes @ zip lock bag of weed out of his cargo pants, JULIO (cowR’D) 1 got anew connaesian, giving ne thls shit for nothing, for dict. Ein selling it like erazy, man. We're making good cash eight now. A beat, Max waite for the rest of the pitch. max Kem sorey, waa that it? Mas thet tha whole’ piten? sunze shut ap-- wax No, I mean, did you rehearse that? gorr9 Look homey, I don’t want to be selling thig shit, 1 don’t want this Lite, just Like you, but we both want giysium, right? max yeah. sunr0 50 dude. Hello. You're Like the best hustler on the block, 1st ae hook you up, we go back doing ic 1d school, ‘the to of we, T swear Yo you, within a year we'll have enough’ cash for Ibs ands flight ap ther Max Lifts his pants 1eg to show gulio parole anklet. sax = think you might have forgotten this Little quy. this fella means Uensto-twenty next time. Got it? Yeah T want to get up there, live inva big house, eat all I want. But i'gotta save ub, man. suur0 And how you goana do that? Your big hip hop Gareer? allo laughe. Max laughs with hin, Shut up. T would have been avesone, ihad some sick rhymes. guu20 fh, so it/G not the rap career. Wo bitch, F got a job. unlike some Peoples galio shakes his head, unto Pusey idiot, sunzo Puta. vax Shut the fick up, get out. Max stands up to force Julio out. guLx0 You wanna step out for some fun? We met gone nice ladies on the beach, wax Oh yeah, I'm sure, Like the last ones you got, what was it again? Herpes. gunz0 ‘They can fix that shit on Elysian. Max escorts Julio to the door ag he speaks a. 2. surto (cowe’D) Seriously, these girls are really fine, they said they want to reat you, ‘we all going 6 Raza’ss Julio takes the small zip locked bag of wood and dangles it Sn front of Max's face. JuEto (cowr’D) Sell me, sell me. Bay a vickot, leave this shit hole: Max augha. max Get out. sau10 Z will wear you down, you used to be'a LEGEND. Ho pushes Julie out and shuts the door. EXP. WAX’S SHACK ~ conpzxuoUS Now you male the po po! Jolio tune and leaves, mecte up with the other guys. uLTO (coNr‘D) No dice, DY. HOSPITAL ~ LOCKER ROOM ~ DAY Frey slides hex RFID chip across a digital ponch-card machine. Te baeps. Work t over. Frey stands chere for @ Ronant. Another MURS2 approaches her MURSE (0.5.) Bey, you okay? Frey turns, nods politely. NORSE_(coNt’D) Well look, If you need anything Sweetheart, just lame know. We all wanna do what we cane Prey ‘Thank you. 25. IWR. HOSPITAL WARD — DAY yroy arrives at 4 ward that ready CANCER. she walke through rows and rows of sickly children in creaking, rusted beds. Prey goes into a private area with a curtain dean. She finds ‘@ YOUNG GIRL laying in bed. 6 years old. Frey chocks the girls vitals, charts. and then Prey just looks at her. And rune a hand’ chrough the girl's hair. hie sick kid s her daughter MATILDA. A beat. And. A DOCEOR arrives. poctor Hoy. I was vondering if we could have @ Quick word. GNP, CRAY BAB - DAY ‘the bector finde an empty room, and they go inside. pocror Look, Prey, you know we've done everything ve could for your aaughter, right? PREY hat do you mean COULD? ocroR i'm on your sida, okay? But T had a meeting today with the board and thoy"re recommending we send hor home with you. Froy'e eyes Well up. Sut she remaing calm. FREY ‘But..-how can T work here and leave her a¢ noma? You know chat she could happen any minute. bocror { know, 1 know. “Tf ghe has a seizure, you can bring het back to the ward. ‘Sut until then, she's discharged. Ne"re not a rich facility, vo need hat room back. Frey slowly shakes her head ag though this ian’ happening. a. can T just have till the end of the week? There are sore supplies I have to get, please. Please. boctor Alright. FREY ‘Thank you. Thank you, Dr. Paizel he doctor turns and leaves. Frey leans back against the wall. she puts her hands to har face. EXP. 10S ANGELES FAVELA ~ MORNING Morning Light. The sound of doga and chickens once mars. ‘Wt. MAX'S SHACK wORNING Max sits up as his alarm goes off. Ge splashes his face with water, looks into the mizror. IWvr. BIOSPHERE FACTORY ~ MORNING Max walks along with many other elum dog FACTORY WORKERS. Shey put on their MASKS and pass into the airlock. NE, SIOSPHERE FACTORY - DAY Mox Lifts yet another batch of HEADS onto the dolly. He wheels them into the kiln, unloads them. He goes out, gets one more, puts it in. He hits the bateon. the door shuts and then WIANS."He looks inside: one of the palleta ie skew. He hits the CANCEL button, But it dosen't open the door He looks around for help. He walks to the guy next to him. wax. Hey man, can I bug you for a second? HORKER wnat? they gonna dock our pay. x. Yoah, it’s just, che door is jammed, Have you seen that Before? He follows Max to his Kiln, leoks through the half open door. WORKER Bub, shit that’s weird. T chink 7S that skew ona there, gee that? 28. wax. Yooh, but T can't reget it to open. ORKER Well just squeeze through wx hat? Puck that RORKER year, it’a"tine, fuck it, 1 have to get back. ‘The worker goes back over to his assembly line. Max looks around nervously. The Foreman at the far end of the factory motions for vax to get back to work. wax points at the broken door, but the Foreman doesn't care. vax looks back at the coor, sées the skew palette. Why the hell didn’t 1 take the burger King Job? Max takes a breath, and tries to squeeze through the gop. He pops his body through and is inside the kiln. He goss ever to Ene heavy palette and starts co straigaten 32. BEREEEEP. The door suddenly snags free and... .SHURS. Max rushes co the door. He bangs hysterically on the glass. ‘The KILN fizes up, we see WAVES OF HEAT DISTORTION as the RADIATION engulfs uo. Max Screams and collapses to the floor. An emergency alarm sounds. Computer ronitors read “ORGANIC TISSUE GEvECrED x 34." ‘Tha Factory shuse down UP ABOVE: CBO Carlyle walke back to his window, he sees workars run to Max's Kiln. A larga overhead siren walle. On the window, we see holographic projections of BIOSPHERE stock prices falling with each second of non-production. Max struggles to stay conscious. We see the foreman rush to ‘he door, other workers using CRONBARS to wrench it open. ‘Shey force it epen and allow a small S0MS DISPOSAL-ST¥LE ROBOT to enter. Tt wheels itself up to Max and scans him. It Grabs Max wien its robotic pincer and starve to drag hin out. Max lies oa the floor unconscious as he is dragged. CLOSE UP: Max's nce. WY 23) FLASHBACK: XT. ORPHANAGE ~ DAY YOUNG YAK sits outside on a dilapidated merey go round in the airty, sunny orphanage playground. fle has Ais head in his lap. Ais aight year old knuckles axe bloody. The NOY ve say earlier walks out into che empty playground, She calmly sits down next to him. He Lifts his head and looks over at her, he has a bloody nows. wax, Te waen’t my fault, siete: Yeo I know. 1 know, Max. 5 knee, squinting in tho sunlight. max slumps his chin onto Pov We see sL¥SIUM through h 1 just want to go there. ‘The aun looks at the broken boy for a beat. she delicately Feaches around hier neck and unélips 4 gold chain. At the end of it is a small spherical pendant. She points ap at Elysium non You see how beautiful it looks to us trom never ‘The torus Locks stunning, glinting in sunlight. yeah. Well, look ow beautiful ve look rom’ theze. She opens the locket and it reveals a photo of EARTH from Space. he blue marble. equally spinning. wow (cowr’D) You keop this. This 1s yours now. To never forget about where you come from, little Mex, She pats it inte his hand. He closes nis fingers. INP. PACTORY MED BAY - DAY MAX POV: a blurred figure overhead. the Inage cones into focus. it is the small optical array “head* of the HAZMAT ROBO, It rune 2 gean of hin. A laser skina over Max. ax ihat.....unat.., -happened? ke looks over to see he's in a gross little med bay. He sees 2 porthole enbecded in a thick blast-proof door. The Forenan Tooks through it at Max. EXP. FACTORY MED BAY ~ CONTINUOUS Carlyle walks with purpose. Two heavily armed 24/7 security Groida walk with hin. As Carlyle approachos the Foreman, he fakes out a Prada handkerchief, so repulsed by the setting. caawue what the hell is going on? why has production stopped? FOREHAN Sir, an accident in one of the thetmeplast kilns, he's been exposed. (nodding at med bay) cARLYLE Don't breaths on me, cover your routh. FOREMAN sorry sir. asta Are you tolling me that our assembly lines are down because Some worker got irradiated? Za that shat you're Celling me? ‘The Forenan averts his gaze, turns to some SUPERVISORS. 42 gives them a sign to start up. We hear sachines rev to life. POREMAN Sorry, sir. Carlyle moves to the glass porthole and Looks in at Max. Hax Yooks bace. Thesx eye lock. cartes Z assume he signed the usual waivers. Sosa ais skin Zall off or Bonet sing? on) au. CARLYLE (CONT'D) X don’t vane ta replace that bedding in there, just get him oxt, get him out of there. Carlyle turns and leaves. ENE, FACTORY Mp BAY - CONTINUOUS RARMAT ROBOT You have endured a level four radioactive ayposure, Max ie frozen ag he hears the news. BAZNAT ROBOT (CONZ’D) Your white blood cell count wil) diminish sapidly, followed by multipie organ failurs. Finally cardiac arrest, resulting approximately twenty day9 from exposure. Max's hand grips the bed Linen and crushes it. HAZMAT ROBOT (CoNT’D) Yor legal reasona wa ask you vee the secondary exit from the factory to avoid contamination of statis The robot drops a hottle of pills on Max. HAIMA ROBOT (CONT'D) MIPOROL will abate symptans ‘Thank you ‘the robot wheels itself out of the room. Max Lies alone in the tin bod. He looke over at the porthole. The Forenea eaves ‘the window, Max watches as he disappear Max Lies back and slowly looks up at the roof. #e tries to control his breathing. He grite Ais tacth, Bites dow hard. EXP. SIOSPHERE FACTORY - DAY Max hobbles ost of a steel door into the Lo9 ANGELES sunlight. His face ie white and sick. Hie eyes Slack. A wall of bulletproof plexiglass runs the length of the exit A thick yellow line shows the side WORKERS mst stay on. Max Slowly pats one foot in front of the noxe, atrugglings Carlyle cones out of the factory on the ather gide of the glass escorted by his security deoida. A sagnificens ELYSIAN Shuttle, like a Zoli Royce, alts waiting for bia. a Max sways with nausea, he loses his footing, steps over the Vine, supporta hinselé on the glass. INSTANILY, sentry GUNS ain at him, getting oo close to Carlyle. SECURITY SPEAKERS You have stepped into a restricted area. Please stop back into the approved area. Saliva dripe from Max's mouth as he locks up at the guns and over st Carlyle, staring through the glass. Carlyle ie about to clinb into his shuttle. He looks over at Max.’ Then he covers his face with his handierchiat, and Glinbe nto the SHUTTER. Max steps avay from the plexiglass, fe the tuzbines spool up. The guns return to neutral. WE, TRAIN — DAY vax sits in one of the chairs. He ig avkvardly slumped. sis faze a sallow pale unite. \thice glaze of sweat coats his Heatures. His black bagged eyes lock out over the sity EXT. FAVELA - DUSK vax hobbles very slowly up the gtaire into the Favela. ‘the Tittle CHILDREN cizele him, curioas about what his ailment SS. Max is too weak to disperse then, EXE. MAX'S SHACK ~ CONTINOUS Max is able to see his shack. Julio and the others are Crowded around the area. Julio looks over at Max Max hangs oato the wall to stay upright. Julio runs to his friend. Max collapses and falls to the dirty favala floor gour0 My god man, ‘shat happened? MAX! INE. MAX'S SHACK — NIGHT Gali has Max draped over his shoulder, other gangsters push the doce open af Julie brings him inside and slumps aim Gown on his bed. The others follow. Lots of cise and commotion. vax looks over at the gangsters, weakly. od Get out, get the fuck out. ‘The gangeters all leave. Except Julio who aits on hie bed 3 MAX (CONT'D) suut0 No. No man: Max looks over at his backpack, tries co xeach it, his hands Urenble. Gullo leane and grabe it for Sime max water. Julie runs out. Max slowly pulls the MIPOROL out of the bag, Jalio comes hack with a coke bottle filed with waser. miro What's going on, Max? Wax Agnores hin and swallows the pills, aigping the water. wx Can they really cure anything up there? sono Yeah, man...they fix it all. wax. T nsed to get up there. Now. Max shakes his head. JULIO (cown*D} Listen, you can have everything 1 have, buts ticket fram Spider ia 1ike'30, 1 don't even have half. that yet, T been Saving. Any Other coyote will probably be double. max 4 don’t want your money. © just heed to see Spider. BXD. SPIDER’S AIR ~ NIGHT In the baddest area of the LA Zavelas, we find spider's Lair: ‘Thumping reggaeton spills cut into the night air. Mar and gulie push their vay through the busy sidewalk to the ete. . @ sp, semnen’s nave OU [A fat BOUNCER sits in front of a dented steel door. GANGSTERS Lounge vith GIRS in skimpy clothing, maybe prostitutes. "ex and Jalio epprcach the bouncer. unre ie need to tale to Spider. ‘The bouncer ignores Julio, keeps chawing on his toothpick. wax Heey... Hax’s voice is breaking from the sicknoss wax (CoNT’D) Hey, asshole. We need to gat in. ‘The bouncer carelessly otions to another THUG who sits on a plastic produce box, with an AK#? slung across his chest. we Gets up and uses a metal detector on Max and his chum rave clean S ‘the bouncer waves hig fat arm without Looking at them. the thug pushes the steel door open and Max snter: YY Max and Julso walk into the lair. the hall are bustling wita people. Max and Jali walk past hookers and dealers. Max knows here he 1a going, he’s clearly been here before. ‘They finally reach a door Leading toa large room, and enter UNE, SPIDER’S LAIR MISSION CONTROL ~ NIGHT ‘he niseion control is vhere the illegal shutties are Taunched from. The room 2 a strange combination of wall~ sized plasmas and a fovela. Litter and exposed brick aext to Super Computers and monitors displaying flight routes TEN TECHTE GANGSTERS axe working on computers. Tt is the opposite of the clean, pristine CCB CONTROL ROOM. We soe a MAN orchestrating the scene, he sits in a chair. He Jeans back throwing a football vp toward the roof and eatching it. thie 2¢ SPIDER. A walking stick lies Aaxt to his chair. One of his legs is paralysed. bespite his disability, he is msoular, powerful, almost regal in his shabby throne. As the bali lands in bis hands, he looks over at Max. ® 6 35 spIDer You lock Like enit. Julio helps Max into the room. se collapses into an empty chair, knocking over sone cand and Hotties and a keyboard. SPIDER (CONT'D) Goddamn, watch yoursel?. Spider leany closer to Max, looking at hin. SPIDER (CONT’D) Jdhat the hell's wrong with you? mx Tim aick, Teee.z'm dying. SPIDER interesting. wax. I seed to get up there. I can pay you back when I'm cured, when 1m Better. ‘Then T can do shatevar you want. Bot I need to get up the spider leans back in his chair. He starts Laughing. sone of the other techie gangsters start laughing with him: oh man, that 12 priceless. You think you Just waltz in here and Senand’a ticket, and I'm going to gave it to you Like 1m sone kind Sf magic genie that grants wishes ‘or sone shit? Maybe T can lend you my flying tig too. laughs. Max gets really close to Spider's face. max. How many jobs did 1 do for you? How many? Tim asking for help here, T need help Spider, please. sp10eR Bo you have any idea how many idises cons in here saying this Sane bullsnie? Do you think I'd be fable to pat food in my children's mouthe if T van a fucking charity? The fuel alone is sore than 8s! OF hat I charge. And forging an Identity for your (Hoke) 36. SPIDER (COWE’D) ‘That's two progranera for aix daya straight. Who's gonna pay for that? SERIOUSLY get the fuck out. spider turns back to the tech guys. sono 1 told you. Let's go. Ualio starts helping Max up. They sre moving toward the door. Spider returna co throwing hig pall up in the air and catching it- But suddenly he stops. SPIDER Wait... You said it's terminal? This diecase ching? nx ves. Spider tosses the ball in the air, catches it as he thinks. You willing to take a chance then? There's something 1 always wanted to-do, but no one had the baila to ao itt Spider grabs his valking stick and hebbles over to them. X don’t Like the sound of this. max What is ie? INT, SPIDER‘S LATR ARMORY spider leads then ingide. serious guns and ammo Lie ali over fhe place: spider goes over to.a pale of tech and atarta Sumneging fer something. He finally pulie out a small device: SPIDER Here we go. the size of a matchbox, it has a tethered tail of wire caked Sneld bleed. fe puts it cn the table in front of chem. ‘SPrDER (cowz’D) That my friend, is your ticket up there. one last job for me, eazn your way up. a wnat Se is? Spider leans back against the wall, getting sore confortable. sprose Take an Blysian asshole, a billionaire, he’s down on earth doing sore business, whatever. Ne hijack his OK? max Fuck that. Relax. Tt gots much woree. Forget his watch, forget his ido, forget all that Shit. (he taps nis Brow) ‘This is what you take. Organic Information right out of Bis head. Bank codes, pasdwords, log in data. Access to billions. we got a few hours before they figure it out and switch the codes, you've extracted enough to fund yout own army. @>— vax shaven nis noad, points to che data-port. vo You know what the failuve rate is wien those? SPIDER Yeah. rt'g why all these pussies always bail’ en ne. wax We couldn’t even ga into a hospital to install ite SPIDER No no, HOSPITAL? What the fuck? My guys are vary skilled. You don't have fo worey. guur0 Nour Guys? “Are you kidding? SPIDER Hey. these boys can hot wire a car ininder ten Seconds 38. gu139 So that meana they can perform beain surgery?! Spider looks at Max. SPIDER c’mon, you know it's your only option. You do this for me, T guarantep you a clean 1D ard a Eicket up there, All you have to do 33 walk into a house and gse the uaa’ bay. Bingo, you're cured. wax you sear? SPIDER On my children’s Life. once ve verity the data 1/11 give you a one way ride, ail expenses paid. I'll even throw in snacks and deine, spider smiles, continues SPIDER (CONT’D) Sandro will do the surgery, he's good, we do it right have. Sut actually. He runmages through more tech for somthing. He finds it: ‘A WULC SUIT. A metal exoskeleton that fits to hunan Limbs. rt Yooks like a clump of STEEL, a dirt-bike chassis with joints. SPIDER (cOv"’D) You seem all wenk and fucked up, so i'd have them install this too, you're already under the knite Hight? neue mission succeds: fe slaps the HULe suit. SPIDER (CONT’D) shit de hardcore, ast guy blinged it up a little, but it runs roal good: ‘The MULC on second inspection has been “Lowridered." chrome and sparkle green paint with gang arework. Max considers. Bax I pick the team, 1 don't want your attack dogs turning on me when ‘things 50 bad, and enall aumbers, just four of us. SPIDER Nah, I'm sending ay own data urangler, I dan't want to fick this lip, brain to brain dota is real tough. Stall numbers, yeah sure. I'll give you Manuel, Batis oF STSEL. You want him around. $0 that's 40 plus you max Do you know who the mark is? T got sone ideas, sone rich business guys. eax. Wo. I know who it is. T know exactly vho tt 3 ©h yeah? who you thinking? wax vohn Carlyla. Spider starts laughing. Julio looks down shaking he head. SPIDER The CBO of Blocphere, CARLYLE? That's better than any shit T woulda cane up with. Fucking guy BUTET Flysium, built their operating system, built the police droits. fou aim high son. Good Job, Yeah. He’e gonna pay. SPIDER okay, you can shoot this motherfucker, stab him, do vhatever you want, just don’t damage his head. then you plug into his prada, Sandro copies the data to you, and bingo. You're sipping margaestas on Blysiun by sunsets 40. spider starts to move, but~ max I want another ticket. Max pointe at Julio. spider slows. SPIDER and if 1 say no? wax Good luck finding serebody else. Spider looks at Max, knovs it’s non-negotiable. SPIDER Alright. two tickate up there. Thirty minutos, downstairs. spider leaves the room. unto You can’t Seriously be considering this wax you know a faster way to get up there? Julio has no answer. Max gets close to him. max (coNr’D) Thie ie ie, man. TM ie our tleket, EXT. SPIDER'S LAIR = NIGHT Gangsters mili about. Laughing. Smoking splifts. A bevy of young favalivas flirting with then. we see a viry gangster HANUEL among them. The fat guard sity with his AKAT. FREY approaches the laix. she wears « heodie over har nurse’ Oniform: she pulls out a crumpled piece of paper with an address: She looks up at the iair and triple checks the Sddress. She watches the seedy patrons of Spider's world She reaches into her pocket and pulls out 2 wad of cash. It’s clasped together vith a rubber band. She locks down at it And then pute it back in her hoodie, one of the tatted thugs Suddenly Spots her. He is swigging from a tequila bottle. rave Bey, hey saby. a Prey turns away. srwUG_(coNT’D) I ain't seen you around. Hey where you going? Cone back here. He starts walking after her. He grabs her arn. ‘rue (conr’) SAID... «where you going? She tries co tug her ama loose Rey Please. gust let go. auc crmon, don’t be Like that. 1 can ba real friendly. Manvel seea what's happening. waves Hoy! Marco, let her go. Prey rips her am free and briskly walks away. the thug laughs ard holds up hia tequila. maa hat? x just wanted to talk. As Frey turns, she sags a silhouette in one of the windows of the lair. L's AX. Their eyes meet. she’s not surprised to see bin io this erimnal world. She lowers her head, and walks away. He vatches her go in her uniform, the one clean thing in this dark, dizty world. IND. ELYSIUM ~ RHODES HOUSE - DAY RHODES enters her house. A ridiculous palatial mansion. she puts her keys down on the marble canter island. she tosses her jacket over a chair aa she yalks aut to EXP. REODES HOUSE ~ oAY Bhodes valks by the marble and granite infinity pool. Her two Little DAUGHTERS aic'on the grass playing with dlisy aR 2 BL mommy! anones Hay avenvie. 42 ret 2 How waa your day? REODES Tt was...difficult, sweetheart. ant, 2 bo you want £9 play? HODES Ina minute. Momiy’s got to make 2 call fire. She site down at a patio. Her daughters go back to playing on fhe grase in front of Aer. She dials into her wrist device. RHODES (CONT'D) i hope Zim not intruding. But we eed to talk. INT. BIOSPUERE eACTORY ~ CHO O#FICE ~ OAY Carlyle stands in hie office projected in front of him. Rhodes is visible, an image No intrusion. Go ahead. Ruopes dive had a bit of a setback. canurnt lihat? hat happened? soos I have lost cortain executive abilities. rf we are going to poll this off, wo nsed to do it soon. Extremely Seon Carlyle leoks over at a computer sexver array. CARLYLE pat do you think I've been doing Gown here? You thank = enjoy ‘Spending tine on Earth? I'm going a8 fast as 1 can, bolievo re, but Se you vant te control an entire. nainfrans, you aged co get it Fight. Now, when's the soonest you Ean get down here so I can hook your biometrics into the pregran? RaODES x'm afraid that’s not going to be possible. shero’® no tine. cansxn Weil x don't feel congartable moving thie data if it's not wired fo you. that’s # blank cheque, it's bee risky. ODES Unfortunately, that’s how it’s got £0 be. Tnged’ you here in 12 hours. carlyle tightens. canine i'm sorey, Secretary, vas that an order? Rhodes bites down, trying to etay calm, respectful, ones Look, you designed the original, you'fe the genius, T have 2911 Gonfidence you can figure it out. canta well that’s very assuring, bot St fook me decades to make that program, DECADES, it wae built to be" inpetetrable. ‘this hae to Supercede that. We're not dealing ith the grays of politics here, it's numbers, codes, variable awones ALL of which {¢ meaningless it 1 can’t upload it."so, please, sit, Jost gat it done. Bhodes clicks off her headsat and watches her girls playing on the lawn. So peaceful, so happy. They smile toverd nor, Her gorgeous SUSBAND cones out of the house. te hands Aer a drink and starts massaging her neck and showlders. uSBAND You soon tense. She shrugs his hards avey RHODES Rhodes rises and joins the girls. they play on the grass together, a beautiful happy family. Off this tableau. INT. SPIDER’S LAIR - NIGHT Julio and Max walk through dark, dizty halls following Spider {oa stairease descending deeper into the lair. INE. SPIDER'S LAIR SURGERY — NIGHT ‘the basement level room looks Like a veterinary clinic, covered in graftiti. Ih the center ie a makeshife surgéry bed and several stainlege steel tables of old medical equipment. Around the table are three GANGSTERS veering green medical aprons over baggy pants. One of them palla his mask down to Speak, [is face is tatecoed. #e is making a joint. He takes iRrout, leks at Max. sapeo ta this che guy? spier nis ie him. ‘the other gangsters laugh. Sandro takes a drag. ‘SANDRO Shit, we gonna cot you up real good SPIDER Play nice, Sandro, play mice. And let's gee hin an ip fire. Sandro yells back at the guys SANDRO Ok man, let's get the chiet one of then identification codes! one of the "surgeons" hands Sandro a device that looks ike 2 pail gua. The ead has a laser lens. SANDRO (CONT'D) rist up, bitch. Max extends his wrist, Sandro places the device over it. ne Clicks the trigger, the sip of the device burns the 2D into Max. There is a'slight amount of smoke. Max grits his teeth. SANDRO _(CONT*D) Have to burn it right in these, marge it with the DNA. (HORE) 45. SANDRO (CONS’D) There you 90, chist. Now you fit right In. [ike you were bora there. Max looks down at the barcode. SANDRO. (COWE’D) and now for the real fun. Sandro holds the small data port in his latex gloved hand. He Saunts Maw with it. Max doesn’t respond, He just starts faking off his shirt. Slow, steel. Resolved. MONTAGE ~ MAK is naked in a tiled room as they hoge hin down, Bis hair is haved. They draw incision Linge on bis beld head. We see computer menitora of vitals and internal ‘mages SANDRO (cOW?*D) Move it over to vivisaction Max Lies on a surgical table. Sandro stands over hia. The other gangoters are gating ready. we ges carte whesied in, full of the most godauful Jooking saws and instruments, wax When this thing is installed, wilt He hore? ‘The gangsters Laugh. SANDRO Yeon bitch, it's gonna hurt. A gangster grabs Max's hand and shoves a needle in between hig fingers. Max winces in pain, but doosn’< make a sound. SANDRO (COWP*D) Yo, Pablo, d'you got the bone sav Goon nore? PABLO Nan, it’s upstaize man. SRWDRO cxeans up the stairs. saNoRO yo! Marianna, hey, get the bonesaw. We hear manbling coming from up the stairs. SANDRO (CONT'D) ub?!..whael? T can't hear shit, Sust goo the bone saw birch, Spider grabs his valking stick, he turns te go. 46. Aleight, chis is where I leave: Max slowly exhales. A tear runs down his cheek as he watches Spider go. Julio sits in the corner watching nis friend PABLO Don’t cey homeboy. We gonna make you a fucking favela NIMIA. GANGSTER You gonna be a cold blooded killa. Sandzo looks over at Julio. ‘SANDRO you should take a walk nov. auLt0 tio, 121 stick around thanks. Ho locka at Max who looks back. vax améles. He gives the Ehunbs up: Julio nervously smiles back. POV ~ we ste JULTO’S silhouette becone blurred and fade. 20 aLACK. SANDRO’ outs. sbeing én the ENDO A large robotic bona-saw cones dewa ond save off the cop of Max's skull Like a cap. We look doun on Max's face, his eyes closed: Specks of blood on iis chin and neck. PABLO Full cerebral. sean...ia Alright. Deets ‘The inage fades out. EXT. FAVETA - FLASHBACK A filthy YOUNG MAX sits on the steps of a shack. YouNG JULIO is with him, Joking and laughing. ‘An OLDER TOUGHER BOY comes down the stairs with a few other young gang tembers. Wax stops laughing. The Older bey slaps Rim across the face. oupeR sox You think this is a joke? Vax robe his cheek. SS an nox No. onpER BOY Good. (takes out butterfly knife) because you (tape bin on the nose with the knife) need to act serious if you wanna be in our gang. ‘the other older kids laush. onDER BOY (coMT’D) Mow, T want you £0 go inte her room and steal sohething- He points up to a shack high on the hill. A YOUNG GIRL teaves carrying laundry. ODDER BOY (coxD’D) Make sure it’s something that makes Fe believe it's hers. Mex looks enbarrassed. fle leaves holding hia head down. He sneaks up the street. as he gats closer to the house, he starts stalking, making eure the girl dosen't see hin. ie hides hinsel? behind a wall, and sneaks into-— mt, sack - DAY Max creeps into the giri's room. lle starts looking through hor stuff. She has very little. le opens a drawer in the dresser, a shall wora wonan’s WATCH sits alone He steals it. He tung to leave but...che GIRL stands at the Gor holding the laundry basket Tooking at hin: woUNG crm Please Max. Please. ive it back. Max runs for it and knocks her over as he races away. Aa he disappears into the hazy favela, wo rettien tor... BX. SPIDERS LAIR - DARN Dogs bark, sirens on the horizon, The dawn air looks orisp. NE. SPIDER'S LAIR A small window lots the morning Light in. Mae is Lying on = gurney. His head is bandaged. He slouly painfully aita up. ‘The wunc euit serves whine as he moves. Ho fecle the aluminium cladding ever hie Body. TV cablea dangling, a8. He looks out the window, sees kids playing with a tattered Scccer ball. Feral doge. He looks up into the morning sky to ELYSIUM floating pescefolly. He slowly raises his hands to his bandaged head, he starts pulling the bandages away. Julio enters the room. guLr0 Whoa whos, don't do that, hang on. gulio turns to yell up the stairs. JULIO (CONT'D) Boy IBY! H's up. Julio walks over to Max, Looks at him. ULI (CONT'D) vax shoves. gubro (covr"D) Dose it hurt? Nax slowly nods. SUMP CON: a dirty GHEDDO CHICK hands Max a glass of water and 3 handfel of pills cur. hey eaid you gotta take em all. SuMP CUT: Sandro checks Max's eyes with a doctor's penlight. Spider anters the room. Max is locking at the jointe whore the HULC is bolted through his flesh into the bone. x what ie this-. Spider looks at him, smiles. SPIDER Your way out. XS. FAVELA — MORNING Jutio stands in the morning Light. A cigarette dangles from ie Tipe as he caresses the fresh 1D on his rise Manuel and Sandro lean up against their crine vehicles. they BIL watch Max cose slowly toward them. a. SAMUEL What's up, partner? Be goes in for a gangsta style shake, Max reciprocates MANUEL (CoNE’D) I'm your wingnan todey. How's that suit working out for you? I always wanted one. Surgery scares na too much. But fuck ma. That is tishe- vax. where are the guns? Manuel takes @ final drag, flicks the cigarette and pulls out his heavy duffel bag. se diana he had to Gatch then eat ail the nice foods Gnd berries cause he so smal Max feels the money bebind his back. MQTEEDA (coNT’D) So he made friende with 8 hippopotamus, so he can atand on the Mippopotamse to gor all the fruits he ants. And they eat all the fruit together: Max just looks at her. wax Yeah, x wish that’s how it ended morrepa te in, that's how the story ends Not in the real world, iid. (roves for the door) Be right back, ok? fofore she can answer, he’s out the door. He closes it behind hin. Pausas there, conflicted. when he walks sway. Max moves quickly down the road, bu UAV coming toward him, scanning. stops vhan he sees: A sox, reek ‘The UAV spots him. It relays the info to.

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