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Henryk Krzy2anowski Testy Olimpiady Jezyka Angielskiego Etap szkolny - okregowy - finat BP Books Copyright Henryk Kezy2anowski This edition 1994 All eights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a fetrieval system, or tarsmitied, in any form or by any means, tledronie, mechanical. photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the peor permission ofthe publisher Proofreading fan Hutchings Published by BP Books 2 Derwent Ave Oxford Oxs0aP Great Britain SPRZEDAZ WYSYLKOWA: BP Polind 33.303 Nowy Sace 5, she. poert. 115 Etap szkoiny Test nr 1-1 (Key str. 75) Test nr 1-2 (Key str. 77) Stap okregowy Test nr 2-1. (Key str. 79) Test nr2-2 (key str. $1) Final Okey str. 83) Okey str. 86) Spis tresci WSTEP Zasadniceym celem opubikowania test6w olimpijskics (po raz pierwszy w peinym zestawle wraz 2 tstem finalowym) jest dokladna inormacy oviomie wyragan na Kolemyeh etapach Climpiady ezya Angiclskeso Z pewnoscig ulatwi to praygotowanie sie do Climpiady ueznice, vicsey oie pracy 2 auteneycanymi testami Deda mogi reainle ocenié. swoje umiejgmosc | seanse. Jednoczednie publikaca ta moge stanowic deskorsls ‘emce dla uczniow praygotowuigcych sig do rOznego rodzaja exzaminow ‘wgczajge w fo mature z angieskiego | ezaminy wstepae na seule, \Najbardiej wlasciwg metodg pracy z kaadym tester jest wykorzystanie go Sappuierw dla celow iagnostycenych, aw arugie| kolejnoich ko ‘stensywnych éwiccer jezykowych, rwiaseeca w eakresie Svea proslemow, toe nie zostay jeszcze w pelni przyswoione. Weirorzystanie dia cel6w dlagnostycznych wymaga napisania testu w ‘varunkach egzaminacyjnych - w czasie takim, jak podany w instruke}, Bee ‘obienia preerw, czylicaly test od raz, | oczywisie bee korzystania, lownikow ‘czy gramatyk. Po sprawdzeniu odpowiedsi w. kiuced 2ecymaemy wéweeas swe) prawdziwy wynik «taki jak na reecrywistgon ‘Wykorzystanie testu do Gwiczen zaklada ponowne wy/konanie Praynaimnie}tych 2adat, gdzie popelnildey biedy. Opricr swykiego Poprawienia bledéw, warto wymyslaé swoje wiasne preyilady, zien ‘zorowanych na telce, W ten sposcb zwigkszymy szahce poprawnego ‘ykonania zadania w przyszodc, na prawdziwy egzaminie. W pecobey spessb warto cwiczyé slownictwo testa ~ fu wskazane s9 take tocnello racy, jak wyszukiwanie preykladow uzycia danyeh slowek w sloweikarh angielskojezycznych oraz ukladanie wlasaych zdah 2 wybranym slowkarn, Oxford sierpies 1994 ETAP SZKOLNY (Caty zestaw sklada sie osmitestow (razem 6 punkts) podzielonych po polowie migdzy slownictwo i gramatyke Na wykonanie catego testa potrzeba $0 minut. Limit punktow potrzebnych do awansu do etapy ‘kregowego ustalany jest Corocznie po zapoznaniu sie 2. wynikami hnadestanymi z okreg6w. Mleéci sig on w preedziale miedzy 45 a 30 ‘ankt6w, co oznacza,i2 wyiécie pozaetap szkolny Olimpiady jst zadaniem 4osé srudaym ~ nawer dla dobrego ucznia. Mota przyjee 2e ueyskanie wyniks powyze] 20 punktow jest wyrikiem dobrim = wskacuigeymm a vette opanowanie materialu srkoky éecnie}~nawet les seanse na swans 40 zawodéw okregowych 3 niezbyt duze TEST NR1-1 TESTA iW miejsce Keesek wpise po jednym wyrasie, Liceba kresek odpowiada "eable liter brakujacego wyrazs, inautumn __a fall from the trees, 2 He was very __"a___ with himself when the results of the test were announced, His score was the second best. 3 There is a0 __o _ here for two people. Either you or he must 50. 4 We were fying __o__ the douds and so we coulei’'t see the land, 5 He is an expert in this, succeed, § "What time is the departure of the train?" "I think 7.30, but you'd better check it in the _ Rewas not very You could have 8 Tcan see great they were sisters you = his advice, you wit! oot with high temperature between them. They lok a if 4 Musimy dowiedsiet sig, Kiedy i gdnie ona sig urodsita. We have to find out 3 Cbawinre sig, 2e drieweayna, od Hore} 10 petyecyles, mie ma felgfomu, {'m afraid the girl © Festi nie zostawise mi swojego nowezo adresu, nie bede mdgh ci aa ego noweg ede. més 7 "le iosztuig niebieskie kwinty?" “Nie sq tarisve od biatych?” "__ the blue flowers?” "They're no 8 Kio ma graé x Joe Archerem? To powinien byé ktof, kogo Joe za against joe Archer? Itshould be, TEST F Wyrat w zmienionej formie treté pierwstego tdania x katde} pary. Preykdad “Hurry up, Sue,” sid Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry ap, 1 [see nothing wrong in your daughter and my son going skin together. 1 think you should alow ea 2 Its possible the meeting wil tke longer tan planned We will then have o hed the pres conten the AN 3 “Are the Browns buying this yacht for their son?” "Oh, no. They have always wanted to own a yacht, Their son will get a car." The Browns are buying a car for their son and 4 "Its possible that the bird we saw was a swan, sald Gre Greg thinks that we may s 5 "Did your team dig up anything interesting on the beach?” "Ye «bag of Reman coins” Professir Samuelson’s team ~ 10 0 We decided to order Ansoft 6s, which was much cheaper than any other aystem available at the time of the exhibition. We ordered Ansoft 245, which was expensive system all 7 [thought that Lee was only joking and I dicin’t take his suggestion seriously. Now I segretit. [wish 3 "Tmay be late,” said Jenny “but please wait or me.” When | spoke to Jenny she warned me es ‘TEST G CCesownik podany w nawiasie wpise w odpowiedniej formic, + You couldn’ have seen rice because rice {GROW + NOT] in our climate, | said "no" because I couldn’t imagine (TAKE PART] in such a demonstration. 53 Since LISTART: keeping a weather record, we [HAVE] no more than, four such summers + I'm sure he won't find the red Toyota because he (TELL + NOT] where to look for it 5 After his decision (ANNOUNCE, it (81 too late to change anything, We must talk to him before the press conference. 6 Just look at them. Mr Smith {CYCLE] as if he {BE} the same age as his sons. It's incredible, When I 18ECOME| Leo's deputy, he Iselin office for twenty years or so, No wonder I teated him with great respect. 8 He won the election because some people will always vote for a local candidate, If he (BE + NOT] born in Dodge City, the result (8) very difficult. TEST H Wybierz te forme, ktéra najleplej nadaje sig do wstawienia w luke 1 They introduced me to 9 friend ‘A ofthem B oftheir C of themselves D of theirs 2 Since only some of you managed to write down all the details, those who ____ should now pass on their notes to those who didn’. A did Bhave C madeit —D wrote down 3 The worst thing about Joe is that ie to you. A listens hardly B listens hard C hardly listens D hard listens 4 all I want from you. A Good advice is © The good advice is B Good advices are D Good advices is 5 Be prepared to have a hard time itt your partners, A texplain B explaining © We expected the boys not © because of explaining. D 508 to explain for what had happened. A topunish B tobe punished C punishing D having punished ETAP OKREGOWY aby sea hd ek se 10 pan poten na nast skladniki: gramatyka (wieiokrotny wybér i tumaczenie), “Townictwo, et exyana (vilokeoy wy Jobalny wt uk oz es “ee tnt wadonci nun, Napanee paca Gods, 90 mina Po egzaminiepsernjn odbywa sg eezamin sty, “rego depusecrei 9 tandvdse sapalecy fo Rajane) 80 punkiow 2a wo ca cere la tat paemny odpewiada poriomem seni “Paminow wsigpnema a flog angela. (ak jet prypadls ‘pls poste prewrytsn nec poiom sudnakl egeaminu So Segtum, Moina wie proc be uaystanie wu powyse 9 punk txt mvnikiom dobry wchanigcym na odpowtcdne prygoowanie ‘Snaydat do poagcla sud ta Blog angie TEST NR2-1 GRAMATYKA -I 6 ptt pry ktdre| enajduje sie poprawne Dia kaédego zadania istnteje tylko jedna poprawna Nobody believed sohat the television last night Asays Basaid C hassaid D wore saying 1 "How did you spend the weekend? "Tom and 1 C went on sails D went for sailing A. went to sail B went sailing 2 Being very tich, he certainly ‘busiest man I know! so hard. But he's the © mustn’t work doesn’t need to work A. needn't to work B doesn’t need working - 3 itis now generally known that at the time of their first official meeting they unofficially for some time. A had met have been meeting. B had been meeting D were meeting 4 She was everyone liked her, A so charming girl that © very charming git! and B such charming girl that D so charming that 5 I’m not interested in her story, as I have heard or four time, A her tell it C her say it B her being telling it D her to tell 6 "How's Philip?” "I don’t know, ‘news from him, recently.” ‘A There's been little © There've been few B There's been a little D There haven't been much 7 "When should I start?" “Immediately they you. A will join € pin B will have joined D would join 8 She that dress herself, didn't she? A sew sewed B sewn D sow 9 Thope they won't be able to A make him talking © get him to talk B get him talking D 4 10 Can't you see how extremely risky it was? For instance, if a patrol on the platform that morning, © there would be D there had been |A there were 3 there would have been 11 Hush! Listen! You've never heard. © such beautiful tower clock so beautiful tower clock A such beautiful clock tower 3 such a beautiful tower clock 12 He was learning French words by heart the exam. © in preparation for A as preparation to me D as preparation on B in preparation to He started practising the crawl and soon afterwards the lake in two hours. A had been swimming 3 swam C has swum D swum 14 What do you think about my decision? Was I right to accept his offer? 2 A Should I have refused B Did I have to refuse C Ought | refuse D Should I refuse 15 The book, 50. is planned for next spring, will cost about A. which publication B whose publication © publication of 1 that publication 16 L wish they ‘when the action begins, A haven't been alone B hadn't been alone © wor't be alone D weren't going to be alone 1s GRAMATYKA - IT (18 pie} Prosthumace na jryk angielsl, NIE WOLNO cneniaé niczego we fapmentach 2dati jut practtumacconych. Thumaczenie wins’ bye ie doktadne. Preyklad: 1) Ona mie mogta mnie zocumiet ‘Thumaczymy: She coulda’t understand me, Nie zag: She didn’t understand me, Oczywitcie poprawne 1 doktadne tumaczenie musi niekdedy enacznie odbiegat od wers}i polski 2) W zeszlym roku miata pigtrascie lat. She was fifteen last year. ‘Tam gdzie w nawiasie podano sposéh praettumaczenia jakiegos slowa_nle Podano formy, w jakie} ma ono wystapic 1 Oa jak dawona widujece sig? How tong 2 Co bys powiedziat na to, seby poxwolit im sprobowa jessce raz? What say to ‘once again? 3 Nie omawiajmy eeDiscuss)dsi ego planu, Bedsie dos exasu jutro, today tomorrow, 4+ Cay pumigtase, o ktsre i gdzie bed na nas cxekae? ‘what time and us? 5 Najpier upewniem sie, 4e rosmawiam 2 wiascioa osota, a potem prasdstawitem (=INTRODUCE! sig Fast to the right person and then, © Biedna Anna!” Chtopak, w Hérym sig cakochaa, nawet nie jest studentem. Poor Ann! leven a student, 7 Miaks sucecie! Bylem w sane ci pom tylko date, se Musiater zostac w domu aby sig opiekowad ‘siostrg. = You were lucky! 1 only eo Ddecause my sister 16 1 3 Nie mogli sig spotiaé w Paryéu. Lucy nigdy tam nie byia, ‘They — here im Paris. Lucy never sEHAVE!. Thate | 9 inet, by i més, ja se pine cow 10 _Uvatam, te wie moteny teas zresygnowee fGIVE UP). Navet vig ie reer. oink we totes. pojechat do Wlarsaawy. Powiedsiaiem, se nie.” “What the boss____ you then” | | 11 °Co cf wtedy powiediat see" “Zapytt, czy bede még! ranajutre | 12 Jest wetmies cotery butlk, ie zostanie nic da Sue. ifyou there nothing for Sue, 18 Mia aie re pi om prc So stew oso npc he nfo alone for most the day. 14 Zane = mist, prez Mire prephncn faFLOW! te recs, nie poids atid chemiconych. None of a chemical plant. |S. Naprawd nie wiem, gdsie one si. Nie moga graé x tensa, bo jest 22 They really asitis too dark. 16 Oa Kiedy Warszawa jest stoicg Polski? Since 2 v7 to musik sie pomlié. Jest a dutofitanek axa mato lalerayko ‘must 18. Staraj sig im mie proerywad [INTERRUPT], dobre? you? % stownrerwo W hats © luk wien. po Jednym wyraie, Licaba iter wpisywanego ‘rasa a jee ved ae. Nl ley amet ey a Podane) (82 pit] All the boys La u g he d om hearing his funny story. 1 He struck a = ‘0 light up his pipe, 2 Tam sure this old car isn’t _ 5 (can’t understand what you all seein this man, To me he is quite anid Person like any of us, | | = more than 250, | i j | 4 I'm surprised how litte in his French he made during his stay in Paris. F's sili making the same errors. 5 Before making a decision we Rave to consider various ==P-—._ of the problem. 6 I found the idea of going to Warsaw in a taxi totally _ ‘going by train was so much cheaper and faster! 7 Although we have ben working hard oni fortwo wees, --M____ to be done, = ae 8 Is this your __r ‘address of are you going to move away soon? going 9 Be careful! All the knives have very sharp ___g_ 10 At the _ 1 ofthe dog my frst thought was to run aa Bus then seals it would have been mote dangerous owe” 11 Itis not always easy to _ ‘good copy. 12 After his terrible illness he's still very weak, I'm sure he wouldn’t have the __r____ to walk upstairs the original from a 13 Do you consider Bob a ___i____ source of information? In your place I would always check everything he says. 14 [think he was very _ 1 with the warm reception we ‘gave him, He thanked me several times for it. 15 So far our players have been successful - six victories and only 16 Luckily we retumed much earlier than usual and i the thieves away before anything could be stolen. 17 Professor Baker's lectures on medieval art were usually wate by large numbers of students; at times there weren't enough seats me during the lidn’t believe it. 18. The first news of the incident __ a weekend while at my country house At 19 No, thank you. I don’t need anything else. I've been v with all the necessary equipment. 20 For the time being we know t00 litle about the problem. Before rawing a conclusion we must collect more ___t _ conceming it 21 All your colleagues, Mr Smith, say that you have accepted the money. Can you nit or is it true? 22 Almost every year people bathing in the sea are attacked and, killed by __a__ 23 Jack is the most himself to be the co person 1 know; he considers ‘and the most talented man in the worl. 24 A barometer is an instrument for measuring atmospheric 25 Why don’t we meet on Friday? It’s a much more day for me, as I have no classes in the TEST B Uzupetnij podane nite} thumaczenia, 1 Coy mage uty woe massyry do piss? May 1 use your a i peing odpowiedziainosé 2a 0, co sig stale. He took for what had happened, 3 Powinnismy mu byt wdzigcani. We should be to him. 4 To by mi zepsulo prayjemnosé ogladania mecou. This would (of watching the match for me. Jk ogrsewass taki duty poi? How do you sucha large zoom? 6 Zastaruwiam sig, co ja bym zrobit w taki eytuacji? 1 what | would in a situation like this? 7 Wiygladase jak mystiwy w tej czapee, You look like a 8. Ona jest wyjatkowo inteligentna. She is ____ intelligent. TEST C Preetlumace na jezyk polski. 1 What do you mean? 2. How serious ia the shortage? 3 What do the figures in this column stand for? 4 I’m afraid this time it isa real challenge. lim thoroughly fed up with it ‘The available evidence won't be enough, 6 TEST D Podkreslone wyrazy zastap odpowiednim slowem angielskim, W kad luke moina wpisaé po jedaym stowie, Prayklad: The Concorde isan aeroplane sohich travel faster than sound, ‘The Concorde i «supersonic aeroplane. 1 April comes before May, April May. Is there such a game or did he invent it? Does such a game ‘or did he invent it? 3. There was no light in the room where we sat. We satin complete +4 Would you go with Jack tothe post-office? Would you ck 40 the postottice? 5 If you don’t pass the exam, you'll have to repeat it in October. If you the exam, you'll have to repeat it in October, 6 She doesn’t give her dog enough to eat. She doesn’t her dog properly, 7 {was too short to touch the lamp with my hand. I was t00 short to the lamp, 8 He completed his studies at Cambridge. He: from Cambridge TESTE Unupetnij podane nite) tumaczenia sah na angles 1 To musiatobyé bardzo nieproyjemne, jak sig coutes? very unpleasant. How did i 2 Reporter, o ktdrym mowile, jut tu byf. The already been here, afternoon, 26 Attimes his ___b_____ to do even the simplest things is upsetting: he is as helpiess as a child. 27 His visit was to last one week, but it was _ days. 28 A taxi ide __t going outsice Be town = city limits is much less expensive than. 29 Ihave beeb trained in __, rot your psyche! 30_He followed me so _ breathing on my neck. ~ Tan trest your teeth, = 0 _ that I could almost fee! his {invited him to our meeting, but since he showed no interest in ‘and said he was busy, Ididn’t __s_ 32. Although it is not very likely, we cannot yet __ ¢ possibility that the accident was caused by sabotage. CZYTANIE {6 piel ‘wybierz jedng najlepseg odpowieds. Nie ma zwiazka pomigday trescig poseczegdlaych zadaa, Pirate radio stations emerged around the coast of Britain in 1966, Broadcasting non-stop pop from ships moored beyond offshore mits, ‘pop music which many felt the BBC could not then satisfy 4 attacking the audience with that Anglo-American variety sponding to a demand for of D where nothing mattered except the | saw myselt, for the first time, as a very worthless, very trivial hhuman being, travelling here and there about the world to no purpose, doing unnecessary business with other human beings as worthless as myself, and that we should be fed and clothed and housed in adequate comfort until death to no other end but C subject to the noble dream. whose dreams go far beyond D failing to keep in their minds {Sddle-class parents consciously want their children to realize how other people feel when they are at the receiving end of thoughtless behaviour; they expect their children to make an imaginative effort to put chemselves inthe place of others, and thereby the impressions which they create, The whole process a palndully slow one. fot to attach excessive importance to 8 actually stimulace © to neutralize D to become sensitive to ‘+ He Uked sitting about in she sun all morning, at some cafe or restaurant, with a glass of wine in font of him, watching the People. He enjoyed the chatter of conversation around him, as long as he did not have to join in; and now and again a smile 2 o> would come his way, a word or two of greeting from some guest im the same hotel, merely a sense of being in the swim, of being a man of lesure on his own, abroad. more than just a feeling of togetherness, intimate and deeply human, © but nothing to commit him, D too refined for The county's foremost need now isto crest a network of lateral bonds Linking individuals “and groups with one. another, independent ofthe state thereby giving sodety the cohesion (6 Balance the government ard the aby to sep inst tes of severe polteal cals, For thi to happen people ides fom above. They must be shown OW thelr wa devices and forced to organise in onder to survive, have to unlearn waiting for C_ need not ignore most of the have to combine thelr wishes D should wait for and architectural commercialism that characterized ‘Kahi’s career is perhaps admirable, but one wonders what is to be leamed from it. For most practising architects, to be able to refuse work, let alone an entire class of work, is a luxury, ‘The heavy reliance on The turn away from © Nota touch from D To embrace some form of (Our sports are lively with the sense of evil. The evil in them is, 0 be certain, ritualized, controlled, and channeled. But it is silly that the disciplines of sport include learning how to cope with the illegal aggressions and tunbounded passions ‘of one's opponent and oneself. to maintain C , if not voluntary, 10 the extreme D todeny He went on to quote what I had said. He was being deliberately flattering because he thought that to write reviews - a grotesque misreading of things, since { was only to happy to print anything he wrote |A he should not be asked it was my idea to ask him 3 otherwise I should not ask Dit was not his turn him from sinking into decline, America is now at the centre of one of the great, exciting moments in mankind's economic history. second industrial revolution is remaking world society. Not since the industrial revolution itself has technological advance been 20 breathtaking, changes in the way mankind lives and thinks of wel. A in spite of all the 3 without considering C et alone the colossal D or more pregrant with 10 These morals sound a litle predictable, the axe-geinding of a professional soldier who believes in the Importance of armies, Sadly, itis all oo true _____ history does or does not teach, of one thing it Teaves no doubt a society which cannot defend its possessions and itself will finish up poor and dependent, if not looted and enslaved, that the: 5 except for something that © that whatever D whether or not 11 fis generally accepted that abilities and personality characteristics are, 0 a large extent, moulded oy environmental influences such as family and echool, is only one factor in the development of a child's personality, the basic structure of which has very largely been laid down by the time the child arrives there, measurable differences between school and school are likely to be smal A And although the school C Since the schoo, however, ® And as the child’s mind Unlike the school, the world outside 12_A search for the deeper sources of all the blatantly obvious diseases of American socety would take us very far. But at least the immediate causes of our third-worldization are simply economic, a matter of capital and labour. And while the inadequate diligence of our labour force the immediate reason for our disastrous shoriage of capital fs plain enough. Americans have litle to invest becatise they save so litte. ‘A obviously has no simple € can easily be explained cause D forall its intelligence B speaks for itself 13 James Finn had outlined the position of the hotel _ both in conversation and on paper, that when | came out of the station with my bag I felt knew the way as well as if it had been in Nottingham, A 50 well B barely for the sake of my mission D and the street it was in 14 Curiously enough, they were as happy as children during these days of hectic work. Hard regular labour suited both of them. Allnutt had become infected by Rose's passion to compete the job they had a common interest all day long. A even if for most of the time B and although © and as soon as D and whether or not 15 No one denies that blood can save lives, But experts agree that many of the 35 million Americans who receive transfusions each year are taking a needless risk. Smart surgeons already use an array of techniques _____transfusion therapy, and. researchers and are racing 10 develop others C which lead to D that might be replaced by A. promoting B to avoid 4 16 We also remind people of the importance of mountain systems. But mountains everywhere have been largely ignored in the environmental debate, If what we are doing in the Alps then so much the better, Because the problems You find here are found wherever there are mountains, whether in the Cordillera or the Rockies A centres on some minor issues 3B requires twice as much funding © today and in the near future D draws attention elsewhere TEST LUK 125 pial W kata « luk nalety wpisat po JEDNYM slowie. Wyrary gramatycme, take jak the, a nt 'oe ee. a0 awatane 24 onabne wyracy i moge Bye woisywane tylko SAMODZIELNTE. Natomlast stowa skladajge sie = duu wyraxéw potecconych mysinikiem, ma. preytiad livintoom s¢ uuwazane za jedno slow moga wystapie w lukach. UWAGAL Napisanie tego tests Dydrie latwiepre, jes rozpoceniese od prreczytana calego tekst With his sharp nose, red at the tip, and hhis thin pinched lips he always looked as though he were raging inwardly; and he was concise in his speech to the point of rudeness. All his time vy duty he spent in his cabin 2/ the door shut, Keeping so 3/ there that he was supposed to 4/ asleep a5 soon as he had 5/ but the man who came in to 6/ him for his wat on7/ _ would invariably find him with his 3/ wide open, flat on his back 9/ __ the bunk, and glaring irritably 10/ a solled pillow. He never 11/ any letters, did notseem to 12/ and 13/ he had beer Portsmouth, it was with extreme bitterness, and 187 in connection with the extortionate 16/ Of a boarding-house. He was one of those men who are picked up at need in the ports of the world. They are competent 17/ appear hopelessly hard up, show no 18/___~ oFany sort of vice, and carry 19/ them all signs of manifest failure. They 20/ aboard on an emergency, care for 21/ for news from anywhe heard once to 14/ ship afloat live in their own 22/ of causal connection amongst their shipmates 237 know nothing of them, and make 24/ their minds to leave at inconvenient 25/ They clear out with no words of leave-taking in some God-forsaken port other 26/ ‘would fear to be stranded in, and go ashore in company of a shabby sea-chest, corded like a treasure-box, and with an air of shaking the ship’s dust off their feet. na KULTURA (82 pktl ‘wybierz poprawna odpowieds 1 Alexander Pope is associated with A. neodlassicisin 5 romanticism © Victorian literature naturalism 2 Which of them is NOT a Scottish city? A Aberdeen B Dundee C Stiling Hill 5. Metaphysical Poets wrote inthe 8 theentury © 19% century 5 ith century D 20th century 4 Willam the Conqueror is associated with A Scandinavia B Ireland C Normandy D Netherlands 5 Poets’ Comer isin 4 Se Paut’s Catheal © Hyde Park 8 Westminster Abbey D Trafalgar Square 6 Which of the following writers was a Victorian? A Wordsworth 8 Browning C Byron Dryden. 7 ‘The Edwardian Age refers to A the 15th century C the 18th century 3B the late 16th centr D the early 20th century ry 8 Blackpool is associated with A. coal-mi © the Conservative Party B the Labour Party D the RAF 9 James Joyce is linked with A mimetic writing © the stream of consciousness B moralizing literature D religious literature 10 The Lake District is associated with A oil B ecology C romantic literature 11 Joseph Conrad's second language was A German 8 English C French D ftalian 12 The head of the Roman Catholic Church in England is the archbishop of A Westminster B York C Canterbury Manchester 13 Brighton is best known as a __ ‘A. seaside resort © naval base B gardening school D power plant 14 The Canterbury Tales can be associated with A epic 8 Arthurian legends 15 Queen Elizabeth II is the daughter of A George VB George VIC Edward VII D Edward Vill 28 6 The Falklands have been a British possession since the 4 second half of the 18th century C second half ofthe 19th century 4 frst half of the 19th century beginning of the 20th century. Saul Bellow writes about A country life B city life C sailing history 3 Washington State is situated in the of the USA. \ East B South C South-West West 19 New York was originally founded by nglish —B Germans C Durch French. Greenvich Village is very well known in the world of A politics B science agriculture Dart The American Civil War began in A 1858 B 1860 C186) Bs 22 Which of these writers did NOT come from the South of the United States? A John Dos Passos 3 William Faulkner © Robert Penn Warren, D Eudora Welty 23 The Mormons are A a religious sect B a philosophical society © an ethnic minority D a politcal organisation 24 William James is associated with A romanticism 8 naturalism C pragmatism D sclentism 29 A James Monzoe BT. Woodrow Wilson © Calvin Coolidge D FD Roosevelt 26 John Cage is a composer B sculptor C novelist D philosopher 27 The Manhattan Project must be associated with __ A the cold war the creation of the United B research in agriculture Nations the atomic bomb 28 Popvartis linked with A Charles Lindbergh © Andy Warhol B Gertrude Stein D FL. Wright 22 The word “abolition” is associated with A. the Great Depression © prohibition B)slavery D Indian wars 30 Isadora Duncan was best known as ‘A alady novelist B a journalist “C adancer D an opera singer 31 The first English settlement in America was in. ‘A Boston B Jamestown C Plymouth Cleveland 32. The first American Nobel prize winner was A. Theodore Dreiser © Eugene O'Neil 8 Sinclair Lewis, D Emest Hemingway TEST NR2-2 GRAMATYKA-1 118 phe] Zaksesi wyrainie kéliktem tert, prey kiGre) enajduje sig poprawne rorwigzanie. Dia kaldego zadania istnieje tylko jedna poprawna odpowieds. Nobody believed what the television last nig, Assays Bsaid Chas said D were saying 1 This is not very convincing. {f they had really been so concerned about preventing any serious crime on the premises, they would identity badges, have made all the employees C have got all the employees wearing, wear 3 have made all the employees D have had all the employees to ‘wear be wearing, {ts impossible to foresee what effect, if any, the opening of the new college on nee! year’s rents in the ‘neighbourhood. We will not know before the end of September. A hushad 8 has C willhave D would have had ) The sudden effort ‘consequences soon aiterwards, her heart, with very bad A hus weaken B has weaked C weaked D weakened. 4 Boing one of the minister's most severe critic, 1 him when he took a firm stand on firing Jackson. with 3 did nevertheless agree C have nevertheless agreed 3 couldn't nevertheless agree D must nevertheless have agreed 5 You can imagine how upset | was after the closure ofthe magazine. Since the first day on its staff it as my best job ever. A have considered B had considered © considered D was considering © We agreed that Alice’s adventure in Monte Carlo should never be about in her presence, A told — B discussed C spoken said 7 than I started receiving some strange phone cali, 4 Little sooner Stella has returned C No sooner had Stella retumed B Hardly had Stella returned Stella's return came before 8 Nobody could have predicted that the show would arouse so much interest and that over two hundred people away. A would have tured 8 would tum © had been tumed D would have to be tured 9. The success of the programme depends on A similar questions to put to all C_ similar questions being put the speakers for all speakers 8 putting all the speakers D_ putting similar questions to similar questions all the speakers 10_A tournament that such celebrities as Jimmy Connors or Boris Becker would require ten times as much money, something we cannot hope for. A drew Bdraws C would draw —D will have drawn, 1 "What shall we tell Father about the party?" "Nothing. The later about it the better for us." A. will he learn B he teams © he will learn D will he have learned, 2 2 He must be completely irresponsible if he suggested, ‘rom her holiday. C waiting for Sue to return A. waiting for Sue returning D let's wait for Sue returning 3 to wait for Sue's return 13 We the new carpet in the hail hoping it would cover the Holes in the parquet. Alaid = Bly Clin D lied 14 Lon’ think it would be wise to try 0 make Max change his mind about divorcing Barbara, Well, in his place { heratall. C needn't have married D must never have married A. would never have married 3 would never marry 15 ___ Lithuanian or Estonian are rarely chosen by students ‘our universities, A Such a language like B The language such as 16 ifr present at the ceremony { might believe Lucy’s version of the event, just as most readers ofthe article in the SUN, do, © Such languages like 1D Such languages as ‘A weren't B hadnt been C wouldn't be D haven't been 17 The robbers who the bank in Vauxhall Street must have been experts in electronics, A held up B held over © held down D held away 18 On her return from Belgium, Doris was second child ‘A the fifth month pregnant with C_pregnant five months on B pregnant in the fifth month five months pregnant with with GRAMATYKA - 11 7 pis Prettumact na jesyk angielskl, NIE WOLNO zmieniaé niczego we fragmentach 2daf jut preettumaczonych. Tiumaczenle winne, Byé smotliwie doktadne. (208. réwniet objanienie w Tedcle 21) 1 Obawy, 2 mote bye ra duto tstéw do odpisania oiacaly sie bespodstawne; tw efekcie stuchacze w wigkszosci po prostu zadzwonl do studia, The fears that —____ to answer tumed out to be groundless; in fact, most listeners Cay misc, se oklamaliny 116 mas, gdybysmy po prostusputl ch, ago Sein? Do you think — tousif 3 basin si, Se nie besiemy moglitega zmieni:obie dziewezyny mag 2 mato cierpliwosci(=PATIENCE) by sig waajemnie woyshuchae Ymatraid we ieee Aerie sail 4 Po kitku godzinach smu poczula sig daleko mocnizisa i nie tak reygnebiona f=DEPRESSED) jak poproedniej nocy. Zacatla miet nadzici, 22 najgorsze jus sig skorcayto, ‘Aker the night before, She began over, De Predentsmin ot ramcunc pd stem ma ai Jdnak mas utrynad lems) Se weatog bexpieczerstwa. me The Presidents Hae but departure for secret for security reasons. 8 Preepraszam cie, Dennis, ale todjzeparck musi sie spetniato pieé minut, Wiasnie nastawitem sid} wedtug radia, Pe Sorry, Dennis, but your Thave just set 7 Od mis} wigce) rieciu tat jest bardzo maly postep w tecknologittektur. Zaje sig, e mato kto sig tym interesuje * progress incardboard seemto D OUT, to od Kogo ani yl tie pemiezy, ‘peony + ‘isi aykrestsn (=cR08s OUT co irzecie siowo > tekst, ani nasi studenci int ich amerykariscy Koledzy vie bedg w stanie soypetnié (FILL INI sasrysthich Tk ifyou blanks. © Posada dich samachs to rane mie pin i i até ScONSIDER) 3408 raeyrsiego, Dla il rade fo one Saving ewocars fsoreinary, For many fanless a Bel 2am Davies mown musiat naprawiaé anteng, bo shszatem jak, jak jego Pra mci do cori, Seby poszén i sprowadzita Tate ze strychu. Mr Davies the aerial again because ‘Bring Daddy from the attic. 2 Podexas wojny zbudowano ladowiske [=AIRSTRIPS) prawie na katde| lwyspie. Jednak niewile jest dostateconie dhugich do wykorzystania proce nowoezesne samoloty, During _ enough however ‘modern aircraft 13 Jak ztoykle miatem racje. Choinka = plastyku kasztownlaby nas 0 50% Yami. A teraz mie mielibySmey probleméw = ighamt. ‘As usual, 1 less 50 percent the needles 14 Z peumymi wyjatiami, ci gémicy, kérey chee kontyruowad akcje srajkowg, byl dst i lope) wykszlatceni od tych,ktdrey nie cheielt With some exceptions, the strike action 15 Jedyna sala do ktSrej nie wolmo wochodsié bes zexwolenia na pismie, 10 sharbiec. Jego draws sabezpiecaa (=PROTECT} osobmy alarm, the only Y without aw Permit is the vault, ee a separate alarm, 6 Jel ith ey, nn saris oe ne bingy 1heas Mrs Key says, they ids with therm ‘Ser 17 Sarl ie nao, 36 mush spat w ptojach ber edge Qfreeta (HEATING, co a dee fl ble wae nse ‘schtce me bya yr, They complained about 36 SLOWNICTWO (95 pet) 1 adda © Ik wpist 90 jednym wyrazie. Liceba liter wpisywanego wrrazu rovna jest liebie Lresek w luce, Nie naledy amieniat tery Jo) podang), AIL the boys tau ge dom hearing is funny story. 1 He tumed the key in the but the door wouldn't open, + Lwouldn’t tend him a penny as ! know him to be a very ° h man. 3 He is now trying to achieve one _o __; to become the richest man in town. One hectare has 10,000 _q_ \rsenic is one of the strongest & The last _ a __ of cholera in this part of Europe was reported some 40 years ago. 7 1 put some dry sticks on top of the pile to keep the _ 1 buming, 8 She went to Texas to marry a ich _ rancher. 9 The report found that the prices of many constimer Increased by more than 20 per cent. 10 Two violins, a viola and a cello make up a 11 He is very intelligent, but his excessive __ y ~ Prevents tim from speaking in public =~ 18 our college's strong point. We have excellent unners and our students hold records forlong-jump a7 1S A thin plastic tube for sucking up lemonade, fruit juice ot other liquids is called ar 24 The cause ofthe snk of the Tanicwasa alison witha huge 15 Apart from amusing the child, a good toy should also have some c value. 16 He was so careless about his letter that he didn’t even ~-~__. to reread it and correct the typing errom 17 Asa skilled _1 ~ Peter should be able to repair this lamp, 18 The progress that has been made is not very _ ‘our safety standards are still very low. 19 The victory over the Red Army in 1920 was one of the most F.._ moments in our country’s history 2 This gas is 00 heavy to travel to the __p___ layers of the atmosphere, 721 The illness has forced the Mayor ton __ all his appointments until the end of the week 2 The _ police w of the missing gitl provided by the too vague & be helpful 23 ‘The first meeting had a = ceremonial character, Real work will start later. 24 To be able to read he needs glasses with very thick _ 25 Stamping out organized crime is one of the biggest t = facing the new government 38 2 We were all __t == By the news that Bob had been, ™ promoted. We expected him to be dismissed, wings and 2 1m popular paitngs angels ae shown with white wings aera th hare ae al 28 He may not be very _1_____ in German, but at least he can comuicate a some denier level 39 She stood absolutely 5 as the snake started moving towards her, dance from central Poland, 30 The mazurka is a lively __ version of the book to be published next year these errors, 31 The vie will be Free of a 52_In my opinion, after the publication of the report too many questions __m___ unanswered, & ls 33. Without some help from __s ____ the bank, the criminal ‘wouldn't have been able to switch the alarm off, 34 He is a natural peacemaker, always trying 40 pour oil on ° waters 35 Whisky is produced at a distillery and beer ata __ 2 Coy musise & larkier? Nie musce, ale uwatam, se powinienert. ‘but I sink aprawde pocwolites Cristie + jer proyjacitom prayigé tu + sbyac twojego komputera? Did you really let 3 Ani ty ami eojasiotra nie moga im pomde. them, 6 Cheiatnym porcamacsixé © dyrettorem (HEADMASTER), Musi pan pocsekad Wreci za pot gedsiny, Ud like Hel be back % Wiem, ze powinienem zostat dluze. Ate niestety musiator wyice pros its, Tienow ‘But unfortunately [ 8 Nie mogiem mu nic powiedzit i oro ludss. couldn't LL W pokojis bylo trofe lub TESTE w zmienione} formle tredé plerwszego zdania 2 katdej pary Prayklads “Hurry up, Sue,” said Mother. Mother told Sue to hurry up. 1 "How much did your parents have to pay? Peter: "I have no Idea." Peter has —— 2 "Did the policemen hold you by the arms, Paul?" "Yes, they did ‘The policemen 3 Yesterday's test was extremely difficult. I had never had such a difficult test before. Yesterday's test was the 4 Joe didn’t move because he was afraid of the dog. The dog didn’t move because it was afraid of Joe. Joe and the dog. 5 [was very rude to Alice last night. I regret it now, I wish Se 6 Inspector Miller: ‘What were you doing yesterday between two and three?" When questioning me last Wednesday, the police wanted to know $$ 7 Fred: "At frst [didn’t want to go to Mark's party, but finally [did go because Mary insisted." made ‘party. 8 Peter: “I'm glad tomorrow's test has been cancelled, Idon’t have to study maths in the afternoon.” If there tomorrow, Peter ° TEST G Cesownik podany w nawiasie wpist w odpowiednie} formic. 1. When they came to our town, they (BE] married for at least ten years. 2 Before I had time to move, the animal (HIDE] itself among the trees, 3 He is in New York, That's what (TELL, 4 IE IRAVE] more time, { WRITE] all the answers. 1 worked too slowly. In this photograph, I (TEACHI Joe to dance, Now he [DANCE] much, Detter than I. © LIKNOW! him for a very long time and I can tell you he is an ‘honest man, 7/8 If he (COME! before you TALK) to Aunt Mary, {TELL + NOT) him anything, cavraNte (04 pl Wyble jedna nalepsy odpowieds. Nie ma ewiazku pom Poszczegélnych zadan. reise pean "AS forthe observation tat teachers pay more attention to boys this is one of those ambiguous findings that uve seers oo he report sutomatically ascribe 10 bias, has long heer ae lctowladge that boys are mows aggressive and helene ee the wadiional dassroom, Senn NM TaIGr conta seeping them inline, focusing Ham on Te seadoone wae A Seemingly then, some tension C between sexes cults on them more frequently 3 Tres 0 allow them more D igroring this difference by autonomy and large Your fist responsibilty as paten’s advocate isto explore the competent patents wishes ‘sto ignore hr enon’ right dedde how to Tne and Ge lt may not be easy butt C_ Accepting even very stam 5 Toignorethe patients wishes“ washes 8 VOT Stange D Noto mention the face 3 The other day my two-year-old Jim fel down and scraped his ‘ee, He screamed and dembled wit fear, What excinnea tras led blood an tat les reat br ‘skin, he became interested. arses tones A that the red he saw © him not to be afraid as it B patiently to him that Xp not to be afrala 35 D that panic was unnecessa and 7 4 Time, like a Alm reel ere fumning through a faulty projector, was a ematc pecs, at moment "becky ‘ king “up then speeding on apni. One day Soon ‘Would sop, Resaing forever on one Saree Yeas C and almost coming to a halt A the operator's invisible touch D with breathtaking deftness 3 for fear of sudden overturn 5 [aught myself to play years ago and there are many errors, strengthened by habit, which T no longer t do not press the keys as { should do with the very Ups of my gers, my fingers fly too high off the keys, and so make it ‘impossible to play fast passages with any facility. A will have duly corrected! 3 put up unwillingly with C willy-nilly put up with 1D have the wil to correct 6 On the assumption that he might have travelled abroad with a false name and documents, a check was made at Heathrow and the main ports to the Continent. But no desk-girlor stewardess C who could be contacted om leave from the airline [A had been contacted nor B to have cooperated with police 7 My father was particularly proud of the pure samurai blood that ran in the family. His general presence was not one which encouraged relaxed conversation; by his odd. way of stating each remark as if if were the conduding one, A neither were things helped yet, his self-esteem was such, unaffected 5 but he would boost it even _D_ nat to mention the empathy more created, 8 Henry and I have a reasonable proportion of sence of humour, but ‘no more. He gets his from his mother who, as you will Iter see, is lke a character from the novels of Miss Compton Burnet, or, at least, when [read those novels. characters like Henry's mother, & | people them entirely with, B about hopelessly serious People and © as if written for people with D Ji like many common people, fancy A before a division made C even if a very narrow gap 3 where the cutoff point D whose unstable balance 10 2? Thursday, South Korean President Kim Young Sam abolished pindge 7? Bi 08 foreign rice.“ Dropping an elacacrsna pledge Kim apologetcally told a national 1 re nea etludng about? milion South Korean ree Ne had no alternative if the nation was to sverd becoming an “nternaticnal orphan’ under a new global pact A ‘9 continue trade S it 4 gesture of rare integrity liberalization to uphold the prohibition B and stirring peasants’ hopes even further 11 At some points, the Louvre still thuvarted Peis intentions, He three of he url light throughout the painting galenas sue {free of the rooms, _ SO ula ea ‘meant taring down a 19th century chimney, A to modemize the 1920s lamps C installing skylights B opening up the bay windows D to remove some skylit spaces © sap gaol movies look bad now, of course; the good ones are stil good - TRON WEI, i you consider how eee the sta is lost on Wlevision Not oniy thesis Carat shape of C attough mere septic would fe wekoael "nshng snag br the average viewer 4 often surprisingly good 3 sometimes, even more attractive now of money s high inirucive, ot can be made 0 ee ere Ne ae ob mate Tis weil cn beamed about money Leechs C stricely amateurish Bie. D utterly nonsensical 3 more accessibie to ai amy was the one sabe point of oder in an unable society "(Eas tongue cae ate ec, the Republic. They would have stemored ifs only The republican pelicans had scepted pesmanents and sincerely te dsarmasrent imposed upon Gammany by ie Treay of Vera and none id A looked with utmost suspicion C were ready to spill blood : Be Ee eps aS a Bowereipend the stability of ‘TEST LUK (30 pke! W kad z luk nalety wpisaé po JEDNYM slowie, Wyrazy gramatyczne, {aki jak the, a, wl, ‘ve ete 54 uwadane 22 onobne wyraty | mos dye wpisywane tylko SAMODZIELNIE. Natomiast stows skiadajece sig 2 wa wyrazéw potacronych mysinikiem, na_prepiiad livin-wom "se iuwatane za jedno stowo i moga wystapié w lukach, UWAGA! Napisanie tego tests bedzie Itwicjsze, jell ronpo ‘Preeccytania calego tekst. less od Just as the car had stopped at the end of the street for Gilbert and his violoncello, o - more than an hour later - it stopped for Mars Swann and her hot potatoes. There were hot potatoes = ray, very hot potatoes - of a medium size, because Mrs Swann’ recollections of youth had informed her that if a potato is 00 1 one cannot get one’s fingers well 2/ it, and It too it cools somewhat rapidly. She had 4/ ‘wo, not in the hope that 3/ ‘would be able to use two. 6/ once, for a baby or a ‘cello hands full of potatoes, but 9/ to provide against accident. Besides, the inventive boy might 10/ all find a way of using both simultaneously, which would be all the 11/ for his playing at the concert, and 12/ all the better for the 13/ of the Musical Festival. never 14/ to Mrs Swann that she was 13/ anything in the least unusual. There 16/ ‘was, in her best boots, and her 17/ dress, and her best hat, and her sealskin mantle (not easily to 18/ surpassed in the town), and her 19/ to match (nearly), and concealed in 20/ ___"""" muff were the two very hot potatoes, And it id not 217 her that women of fashion like 22/ wives of managers of flourishing companies, 23/ ot commonly go about with hot potatoes concealed on their persons. For she 24/ a self- confident woman, and after a 25/ She did not 44 lect, nor did she heed minor consequences. She was alway's sured) Nhatahe was doing was the 27/ and the only thing to do. 28/ to give her justice, it was; 29/ her direct, abrupt common sense was 30/ remarkable, The act of climbing up into the car warned her that she must be skilful in the control of these potatoes; one of them nearly fell out of the right end of her muff as she grasped the car rail with her right fand. 48 KULTURA (26 pke} Wybierz poprawng odpowieds, 1 William Styron is the author of A Danes Visbie © The Cees of American Hit BRK D Gomrtsons e; 2 Dizy Gillespie will be primarily remembered as a(n) _ A human rights activist C reformer of ballet B jazz trumpeter D opera singer 3 Sellafield is known as a (an) ‘A. nuclear power plant © annual art festival B major art auction. D Commonwealth trade agreement 4 The secret agent James Bond was played by A Silvester Stallone © Robert de Niro B Sean Connery D Humphrey Bogart 5 Anthony Burgess wrote ‘A The History Man © The Loneliness of the Lon, B May We Borrow Your Hushand ad Distance Runner D A Clocizoork Oran 6 Bill Clinton was governor of ‘A North Carolina B Maine Avkansas Virgina 7 ‘The Great Barer Ree es off the coast of NE Australia © NW Austata B SE Austata D New Zanand a Peeping Tom is linked with A King Arthur B Godiva C Lady of the Lake D Saint joan 9 Which of these states was founded by US emigrants? A Trinidad D Costa Rica B Panama Liberia 10 We associated The Proms with __ Alan B shipbuilding C trade unions _D music 1 Cardigan isin A England B Scotland C ireland =D Wales 12 The sinking of the Lusitania took place in AW BIS C1 1856 19 Herman Melville was contemporary 10 Benjamin Franklin € Jack London 3 Nathaniel Havthome D Esra Pound 1M Montreal is in the Canadian province of ‘A Quebec B Alberla Ontario. D Manitoba 15 Which of these is NOT an East Coast university? A Maran B Columbia C Stanford Yale 16 Samuel Beckett wrote mainly in ‘A French B English C Welsh D Gaalic 17 The Everglades Noorl Park ain = uF A Alaska B Arizona * C Califomia Florida Samuel Pepys is remembered for his A ponraits B voyages C crimes D diary 19 Lady Caroline Lamb is connected with ‘A Orson Welles B james Joyce C George Byron D Bertrand Russell 20 Walt Whitman wrote in A prose B blank verse © free verse D iambic pentameter 21) Henley is connected with A rowing —B golf C horseracing rugby 22 Which of these cities is NOT in Texas? A Austin B Fort Worth C Albuquerque D Amarillo 23 The evacuation from Dunkirk was completed on A 2May 1940 BA June 1940 C 1 July 1940 D 3 September 1940 24 “The Lady of the Lamp" is the name given to A jane G 3 Emmeline Pankhurst © Isadora Duncan D Florence Nightingale 25 The author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was a(n) ‘A ammy officer B physician C mathematician D geographer 26 Orson Welles directed. B Citizen Kane A High Noon © Modern Times D The Tramp FINAL, nstaw finalowy sklada se = piecly vestow (razem 120 punaiéw! odrielonych na nastepulgce skladnikir soz ‘tumaczenie) lownietwo, test caytania fei 2 ist luk stow. Crest, Na wykonanie calose! preezaacea Ne 2 ode, sainut. Po napisanie sestu wszyscy kandydad orzystepuip do egcaminu ssmego. Poziom trudnose! tego zestaw wyraarie preewyssea tgeamin vstepny na Slologieangiesig, co nie powinno dziwit jel etme sig Dod age fake. testue sip Scislgcactéwke najlepszych 58 uezniow wyoranijeh “posted wiely tysigcy uczestrik6w Olimplady, Cd iat stedni wynik tore finale utrzymuje sie na pozlomie ok. 6D procent (0-72 pi TEKSTY ODCZYTYWANE W CZBSCI LISTENING ‘eS testy maja bye wykorystane w celach diagnostycnych, aie naiety sagladaé do ponitszych tekstéw PRZED ich wysluchaniem. Kasdego tekent sucha sig dwukrotnie -zatem lektor powinien je odcoytywae dost s2bko~ redkokcig normalng dla ceportersw w radia i telewish. Paine wykorzystanie tych testéw w celach diagnostycenych zaklada wukrome WYSLUCHANIE test preed udzileniem adpowiedzi, Osobg -dczytaica nie musi byé native speaiey- wystarezy dobra wymowa bryy)ska amerykasska. Namiastke wyshuchania setstéw (jell te oseme snaleté nikogo, kto odezytaby le sam, tak lak na egraminic) moze Se ‘smodriene jednorazowe odezytanie ch "po cichu’ -wéwesas "ie ale Stczymywat sie pray nieznanych slowkach ey nielasnych ragmentaeh, W ou preypadkach nalezy preed wystuchaniem (preéezytanicm) teksto, sapoznac Se 2 pytanian TEST NR3-1 LISTENING 113 points} ‘TEXT ONE About two weeks ago the cty of Norwich n the county of Norfolk $30 a daring escape fom the county ptson, Av tanga ne prsoners awaiting wal in Norwich prson managed rere oe ‘som the window of their call. They than aed tedshees toed ‘ogether ‘© reach the ground, afer which, not unoapeel fe vanished. immesiatly ater the excape, Norfolk polite wee iene andthe search forthe escapes began But almost a week ines nog one of them was recapared alter detectives entered w hones i, Nonwich a dawn. The other two men, sll onthe rin ane eae, by police as dangerous, and the public have been werncs nae ak Answer the questions, oi Date te ecape al 2 Wat happen wart a TEXT Two Tony, Sparks was the manager of a hamburger restaurant in Notlingham. He rather liked his job because the salary was fecene and besides he was entitled to free meals in his restaurant, Tie, UyorMately, meant that he had to eat a hamburger for lunch every alien walters of a pizza restaurant next door. In exchange for a fomburger lunch from his restaurant, Tony was to be given a fee Pizza Sy one of the ftatians. The arrangement satisfied Nutritional experts no longer dispute about whether animal flesh is essential; they now agree that itis not. If ordinary people still have misgivings about _ these misgivings are based on ignorance. having too much of it © traditional ccoking 3 animal and chicken fat D doing without it 3. Stealing over to the shed’s window, I got a look at him: he was absorbed __ and, to judge from his face, might have been listening to nothing more uplifting than the hum of fly; he liggted a finger in his ear, as though to relieve an irritation. A im-sorting the insides of aC inside with some sort of a lock clock 3 inside, ata sorting clock D with a sort of clock on his side 9 The rain had thickened, fish could have swum through the ar; like a deepening scale of piano notes, it struck its blackest chord, that, though it threatened, did not at once reach ust drippings leaked through the leaves, but the tree-house stayed a dry seed in a soaking plant, and drummed into a c and pouring down downpour D pouring down like alot of B atthe drums pouring down drums, 59 1 Even if you make to comect hem ail nary rnistakes, you A will be giving Boge C willgive 3 2 You don't mind a little later, do you? S toleave B leaving C against leaving D not to leave 3 She — here until May. But, of course, I don’t know if she will A willstay B does stay Cis tosmay —D ought to say ++ My room was empty when I entered it, but I quickly opened the window, as somebody there A had to be smoking B had been smoking C has smoked D was smoking 3 Why did you buy ___ records than the others? A fewer B much less the least 6 Inhis place f that house. But he is of age now, and fm not going t9 do anything to stop him, A wouldn't sell B weren't selling © wouldn't have sold D weren't to sell, TEST NR1-2 TESTA W mlejsce Kresek wpise po jednym wyrazie, Lictba kresek odpowiada Leable liter beaksjacego wyrazu, 1 I can’t see you on Friday because | have an earlier --P- with my dentist at 3 pm. 2 She has a very kind heart and when she watches a boxing match, her sympathy is always with the __s 3 Why didn’t you come with me? You missed the to speak to one of the greatest writers of our 4 Tk won't be easy to her ino giving up the foolish ‘idea of becoming a Star - at present her mind is quite set on it, 5 All the extra costs like postage, customs duty, ete. are ‘ ~ in the price, He was very __d__ thanks to good luck. Injured in the accident and survived 7 Lwrote to her at least ten times; but all my letters went a ‘She just didn’t want t6 see me again. for all In some countries military service is __m young men leaving school TEST B eupetnij podane nite} dumaccenia, 1 On jest oficerem RAF-u. Ale nigdy nie widaitem go w mundurce. He ‘san officer in the RAF. But [ had never seen him in and looked at her more o less for the —_______ the floor. And like many undersized people she had a freak structure, in her case an enormous, really huge head. © her bare feet seraping D her feet barely scraped A barefoot as if to scrape B baring her feet that scraped 11 We lived on the side of a hill, surrounded by trees and grass and clouds. Across a shallow valley where a greening meadow lay idle, from a mirroring rise of land. C facing yet another A farmed by another of ours D another farm faced ours B our farm facing another 12_The shed, shaded by fig trees, was in the back yard. Matronly: Plymouth hens waddied about its doorstep of ast summer's fallen sunflowers. ‘A undisturbed by the B picking at the seeds tC which was earlier cleared S D trying to clear i¢ 13 There are various ways of defining creativity, In order to make more lear the meaning of what is to follow, let me present the elements, which, forme, —_. and thenattempt 2 definition (A area part ofthe crentive indeed, for every rational acess mind 3 arly imitate the mind's ‘st delimit the problem processing 60 READING AND WRITING (25 points} ‘lim she missing letters, First cead she whole text Reading over what ! have written so far, I see I have given the impression that the events several weeks apart were all that acsorbed me. O_ ~~ they we__ merely a crowded summer, a5 un_ me infin_ much _— early mor tl wer. th threw m_ shadow do__ the whi __ chasm ‘_ Probity Trust. Tkn__ the =. bond-salesmen i= 2 their ve__ and itin____ with th. inda__ crowded esa______ o_ little po__ Sausages a mashed fev _ hadash_ aif___ with jersey Cl_ and wor___ in = BL _ her bo. _ began \_ direction. 5_ wh she ~ iti quietly Yale G2 _ sa iw! _ investments a tout THw we. generally a mersmakers aro "7 > @ they Be ante ne the Te ne — PlLo_ to wo_ —— that, i_ the ni_ nel___ Tstro_ do__ Madison Ave 9__ Murray Hill Ho___ and ov__ 3rd Sir, Pennsylvania Sta___> Tbe___t i__ acy, adven_____ feel o. La. ni___ and satis th the constant flicker of men and women and machines gives to the restless eye 6 TEST NR 3-2 LISTENING US points) TEXT ONE i was Wednesday morning lst week and Lyn Jaton was jogging along the seashore in a small town in Dorel in Sears ge She had just completed her dally twornle ran and was deere ome and then to the restaurant where she wohl #94 wang. tee then something in the sen caught her atnton, She ist es ssw, something big, a lage fh, petaps, splashing the stains water some ity yards offhore” She suppatia eek mee eae, ana what she saw was a delpin. note fh, and it was deasy & trouble. The animal was sanded on a mudflt, urabie te avin away. Lynn stood for a while not knowing what de, bat en ter yt another outburst ofthe dolphins centusveaplshing, oe acted on impuse, wading into the sen straight the pace mies we oor creature was stranded. The dolphin wasn very sory se Xe was breathing. with difcally ‘and its shin was Covseel ak brownish patches, particulary wheres body was sbove Secure of he water. Lyra started pouring water onthe animals fe was the only thing she was able todo, as she cal by no seas en the delphin fom the mudfist. ‘The ivefeot lng staal ae oe heavy t0 be moved, Then she realised tat he water was apraceny iMag the animal some rele S0 she wed Ter bgger eet ee easel for pouring more water ~ ag much water Se coud Te dolphin grew calmer and ts breathing became ore tages ANE ve Lyn felt rather helps; te anise early reine one Gna x intensive care beyond the fist aid she wes" giving, tei greanime some passerby cae the police, wh it tan callt he Marine Rescue Team ofthe Royal Navy. Some fo hour snes yee ‘ad bepun her fitald jb, rescershished on the Seage, en decide that the mot imporant thing was fo keep the doigin ray which was exactly what Lymn had Been doing all at snr oy the dolphin was wrapped in wet towels and taken sstore. Irae thon carried to Bournemouth, wher it was placed in' spec pea ‘hat, when the animal is eventually set free, she wil be the person to open the door of the cage. Answer the questions. Always give reasons for your answers. Text One (7 points) Did Lynn know how best to help the dolphin? 2 2 List all those involved in the rescue. 7] ‘What did Lynn most probably do when the rescue operation was 2 (2) over? 4 What is the likely ending of the story for the animal? 1 TEXT TWO port of Malm. “At this dime Swedish drug police were expecting 2 large quantity of narcotics to Be sent to Scandinavia from Greece. “They stopped Richard McArthur shortly after he left the fersy and ‘cok him and his red Ferrari toa police station in Malmé. There they searched the car to discover as much as 60 iilograms 2f heroin. The ‘rug was hidden ir small bags in the seats of the car dichard appeared to Se shocked Sy the discovery and kept saying he had 20 fdea he had been carrying the drugs, He said that he fad borrowed the car from his Greek girlfriend’s uncle for a pleasure ride across Europe, But he could give no satisfactory explanation why his gilfriend Daphne had not come with him. Daphne's uncle, who has 8 restaurant in Athens, went underground twelve hours after Richard's arrest. Police all over Europe have been looking for him ever since. Aiter an investigation of several months, Richard went on ‘wal in Sweden. A district court in Malmd found him guilty of drug smuggling and geve him a five-year sentence. Richard, who had been in prison since his arrest, appealed to the high court. But the high court confirmed his sentence after a short hearing, No new evidence was produced, and the high court judges found no reason © question the ruling of the district court. At present Richaad McArthur, who has been claiming his innocence since the beginning, ofthe affair, is serving his sentence at a prison in Northem Sweden, Under the ultra-progressive Swedish system, a five-year sentence usually smounts to no more than two and a half years in prison. This means that Richard might leave Sweden in less than two years’ time. He will be deported from Swexien immediately after his release. Text Two (8 points} 5 How was Richard arrested? Was it by pure chance? nu 6 Describe the actions of the police. 2 7 What do we know about the tral? 2 3. When will Richard be free? ny 9 What do we know about the owner of the car? al GRAMMAR (20 points} ‘Translate into English. Wickscote diewcagt, dla tdrych zorganizowano to. sckolenie, Predee} coy pein) wyjdzie xa magi bedzie msi stanaé[=FACEI prea roblemami podobmymi do iych,ktGre teraz sprawiaja swoim rodzicom training, Tak jak prondstawiat to najpierw 9, Lennon, miaio nie bye folograft wo angielshojecycane} wersji ksigiki; wszystkie edgcia majqce fowarzyszyé (@ACCOMPANY tekstowi mialy bye caarno-tiate, The way. and white ‘Wiscigi pwackie = okasji$ linea poproe jezioro Paloma stay sig teraz zrmccaea f= MACR) atrakcia turystycong, Jedratk Hedy ureadzona F=HOUD) pierscy taki wyscig, me prayciagnat on wigcey nt garsthi sHANDRUR) wide, races across ~ Kontrol becpiecotstn bia nagoeca rec, jal proslimy ico mOUG ad psa cect acon tar tam adam oy cote pragesieam do ary, Misa oye oka ek dla Holendrow i Szwajcardw. = mee The security check, Suma wymieniona jako moja prayscte pensja kazate mi {SCONSIDER! poi pracy na rok lub da. fednak gy moja Sona apy, cay jester pewien, 22 staé nas na odbywanie miztzymaradouych rozmio telefonicanych w co drugs weer, smieniem adanie. ‘Thesumquoted afford Nie podobato mi sic wyszutane stownictoo, kidrym posbugival sig posreink nieruchomosci dla opisania posesji Spruce Manor in the spring and summer and fal is a pretty town, full of gardens and old eims, In the winter, the houses reveal themselves as comfortable, well-kept, architecturally insignificant. It is a commuter’s town, the living centre of each morning as the men swing aboard the local airs, and contracts again in the evening when they return. A a spirit that awakens overflowing energy B a web which unrolls D enterprising America, especially 3 He was not reading, and at intervals Miss Jenny glanced above her ‘lasses and across the top of the paper at him. Then she read again, and there ‘he sporadic rustling of the paver. |A was no sound in the room © she was, completely dumb save against B was complete silence if not —_D_ was nothing that made him. count vulnerable #0 4 At chat point a first-time visitor may stil believe that both airport and saxi are glaring exceptions to the America he had always imagined - clean, modem, efficient. by the jolting drive over potholed highways and crumbling bridges, through miles of slums or miserable public housing. 70 |A What is more, he will not be C His faith will be surpised strengthened, again, B Clean, of not so clean. reality DIF so, he will immediately be snoed not be mistaken disillusioned St not looking up at his mother, Lionel Gemonstate Re sling tolity He swung We dead Wher al the ‘way to the right, then immediately yanked it back in to his side. A called upon and seemingly abrupt B seem abruptly calling upon seemingly called abruply ‘upon D abruptly seemed called upon 6 Civilian consumption during the war was reduced not by higher prices but by rationing or by allowing shelves to go empty and Jour away empty-handed or by giving the Supplies tw those who arrived earliest of a morning or stood Jongest in a queue, A. most consumers had. B although consumers were unwilling © until the war ended D thus forcing consumers Daniel was cither unwilling or unable to speak up at once. At any rate, he waited tl che had subsided a litle. Then his answer was delivered, muffied but intelligible, A tears of his hiccupping, © hiccupping aftermath of his aftermath tears B aftermath of his hiccupping __D tears of his aftermath tears iccupping, 8 The new global consciousness, however, is only beginning to become an influential force. It stil lacks identity, cohesion, and focus, Much of humanity - indeed, the majority of humanity, is prepared to support it. Science and ‘hnology are stil used to buttress ideological claims, to fortify national aspirations, and to reward narrowly national interests. a |A though rather unwillingly B still neither shares nor © has yet to deny that it 1D whatever the consequences » 9 “The company’s sophistication is extradorinary. When Procter é& Gamble advises that a trailer of detergent for Denver will be ready in Cincinnati, Ohio, at 3 pm, the ‘Cincinnati and. their arrival times, updated every two hours via the satelite link fon each truck. |A computer lists drivers headed listings on computer drives match D network directs some lorries to 3B truck deck computers select 10. Digging a foo'step in the sand or crumbling rock five or six feet beneath him, I reached up, took hold of him by one of his feet and gently slid him down on his back, placed his heels in the step, ‘another five or six feet, dug heet notches, and ‘Sid Rim down to them, ‘A. breathing hard 5 crawled him upwards and, moving up D then descended. 11 Last month the Council released a study showing that in all job categories, from clerks to professionals, people who know how to work with computers earn more than those who don't. In fact, the difference between the two groups ‘between high- school and college graduates. A. accounts for half the almost offsets the traditional Increasing wage gap job rivalry 5 can hardly be seen if the D tends to parallel the ever sampling had not been rarrowing divide 12 But how did the grizalies relearn thelr predatory behavior? How did the slovenly garbage bears figure out that trout or moths were a tasty substitute for molderng junk food? Did they to ind moth sites and spawning streams, much as migratory birds manage *9 fly to wintering grounds they have never seen? a |A abandon some of their more C draw on some collective bear Gvilised habits ‘unconscious B have to migrate in sufficiently D consciously go searching for large numbers ourishment| 13 Atall stages of experimental science one of the principal uses of| apparatus has been to aid and improve observation. Also at all stages whenever any experiment is performed than itis worth while observing. Consequently one of the greatest reguremen for succesful experizeta beable “pinpoint A. sophisticated equipment there is little regard to the allows more broader spectrum B there is always a lot more t —_D we end up overwhelmed and observe puzzled rather READING AND WRITING Flin the missing letters. Fist read the whole text He gave me a room at the back of the house, wi _ a fi_ outlook ov__ the pla.___, and h_ ma_ to mys_ a moto. aL Tse paper, wh __ inthe la__” afte _ . op__, and ma_ ~ fig.__ he s_ keeping a spe_ =_ and aerop_ note o_ any ~ sharp Then Is, the cipher. AL Tto__ ip___, and b_ an elab: well disco. —~ The trouble was the Key word, id million words he might have used I felt pretty perplexed. 74 tr KEY ETAP SZKOLNY TEST NR1-1 SLOWNICTWO- testy A-D TTA Wymagamy peine) poprawnoic ortograficae| wpleywanych wow. Jel ucred sae sowo nie priewidelane w Klvcry, a paaujgce do Kontelat | wpetnajce ‘arrocone wymog!foonaine, punt zalicsamy. eawer 2pissed 310m datow Siolow Guimeable 7 wise 8 smianty TB Liypewriter 2 (full responwibiity 3 grateful 4 spol the pleasure 5 heat ‘wonder 7 hunter (inthis cap) 8 exepeorally Testc 1 ccniamy sive plsich eumacted. Najwstiehce jut joinmacine ‘aie vee wprebaengoh aioe renter 1 maa Co mass a my? Coches pee opie? 21S thee pow ot nor ey os get: and for-Co otc, prednaUehy (ye) tole ‘challenge “Obrint 26 tym ten ft wo praia) yeaa 5 thoroughly fed up - Mam tego calhowice (debacle) dos 6 anilable evidence - Dosgpne cowody nie wystarca, TTD ‘precades Dest 3darknes 4 accompany Sail feed 7ruach @ graduated GRAMATYKA - ety © TESTE . O.seyanin punk decyue popeawne ccmiqzanie wyréenonego problems Basuyczege. Deb tty we kgmenach ne wpacaenger he te easy punkru. Pry dora lub wie) wyrsenieiach wezysthie musca byénapiane poprawnie dla sdobyci punks Nie pryanajemy polowe. 1 MODAL + PEREINE. tmnt have bea very unpleasant, How di you et 2 RELATIVE CLAUSE Te repre you poke paki bat Pay en 5 MODAL + INF. - Matt yous you Rave tao with Mak? 1 edo havea go bat Fi sbolught 4 VERS PATTERN . Chine ale ena cme here aa we sour ope? 5 CONJUNCTIONS + SINGLE NEGATION Netter you oe your tec ep them {5 DETERMINERS 4 he to lk the naar. You he 9 wt He bbc in 7 MODAL + PEREINE. (know | stoullough laa Hayed linger ut uotunatey J Ina to invelg bore Gem 9 THERE BE coe Nin anything, The were thee people nh ee TESTE © rye punktu decyje poprawne rmizanie veyrétionsge probions sramatyaneys (Zab owattsbaaniene TEST 1 OBJECT CLAUSE - Ptr ha en how mach Bi part ad py. 2 STRONG VERG ~The pocnen held Pal by the ar | COMPARISON - Yeates ts was tft fai he tet ee eer a | PRONOUNS. Jw and th dog war aif ch athe ae hey a ee. [5 UNREAL WISH - wih ada Den wo rue t Alena been more pie {6 SEQUENCE OF TENSES - what I had been doing the previous dayrthe day before 17 VERD PATTERN. Mary made Hed got the pry {8 CONDITIONAL. -1 hee waranty, Pte mod have oetedy math in Test Wiymagamy pene} popeawmase wpisywanyeh form 7% {had been 2hid/had nidder/ 3 have been/am being/ tld. 4 had had. would fave writen "5 was wacning. dances/can dance ® have ktown 7 somes salk/have lke 8 don't tall TeTH 1D 2c 4 SA 6A TEST NR1-2 SLOWNICTWO - tenty A= D TST A Zeb. objdnienio SLOWNICTWO - ety A= D TEST NR 1-1 ‘appointment 2 lover opportunity 4 persuade Sincudet 6 badly Punaswered —§ compulsory mst 1 unforsy 2 the enterprise 3 carbon paper 4 a beauty comtest 5 Zidney transplant 6 he count 7 ros and carnations. 82 gold cain Tstc ob, ebhrene TESTC TEST NR1-1 3 eave os ot aoa eee “Nba eer ee Stacking Arosa by sk vat swnis oc? getidot- Tee ig pose, est “hier Dave 3reite concen §puse Shablie 7 eplater 8 apliatone ORAMATYKA testy Bt reste Zo obarene TESTE TEST NR 1-1 » COMPLEX BECT, forthe te ee he or aon wie ating ‘tenting abn ede 1 QUESTION TAG. thant end ae nce re cae, ht 1 THERE BE - Thee ought to sould bea tw apt people he yo, MF. | OBIECT CLAUSE - We have in ut whem and here be wa 5 RELATIVE - Ym aad the gi you Dorowed 2 fom hat ots phone. 7 COMPARISON + PRONOUN How mach ate te Bue lowers! Theyre cheaper thn 1 BETO. RELATIVE. Who iste play aust oe Arce it shold be smeon oe dott TESTE Zo. bjeinienie TEST E TEST NR 1-1 1 VERD PATTERN... your daaghert go ling with ny on. 2 CONDITONAL = MODAL. meng bw ng a ard wl eo 2: REFLEVE PRONOUN - 4 yeh for thames. AOMOOAL + PEREINE.- have men # an, 5 STRONG VER gp 1g of Rear ine om the mak {6 COMPARISON - Wondered Ano SA, ech was telat peri yt ofa 1 UNREAL WISH. Thad then Lae’ niggton sec 1 SEQUENCE OF TENSES. at ohe might be Ite an bed me to he. mst ‘Wymagamy peine) poprawmose wpisywanych fom. dom’ grow 2 uaking pert 3 stated; have lad 4 haart been told Sis/has ben/announeed, wil be 6 is cycling were/was 7 became: ad been B hadn't been; would have been TestH 1D 2A 30 4A 5B 6B 78 ETAP OKREGOWY TEST NR2-1 GRAMATYKA “1 1B 2D 3B 4D 5A GA 7C aC 9C 10D MB IAC 1B MA 188 16D GRAMATYKA tt ty poprawansu swrtcam wage w case fyiko na zaztactone w uct let shy sawersge estan sagas. Tam, ge eet wee] ons tertowane cagadnverse, Purkt siesta poprawne wykonanie wacyehieh sazmaezoryoh ements. Tak oceay jet fen tst w sawouach Seepgowyeh. Dla wae ‘yt macnn zallesa polbwhipunktOw, calsacca am, patie estowanevgudniena ‘alts do cipeliesSenyehtategonigramatvernyeh, W praatyee mychodalzesg “amo. poids ni prwidmane we Kia matemy sale jo) re watliwoss coda popawnosel b spun wyamog dokldnepe umacenia [SENT PEFECT PRCCRESSIVE- How long have su ben sting sch oer? 2 VERB PATTERN. What would you ay ting them ryalowiag then oy onc api 2 IMPERATIVE « DETERMINER Lett acta plan ay. Ther wil be nap Sine 4 OBIECT CLAUSE. De you rmmter what tae and where he lane soln oat or {5 IDIOM + SEQUENCE OF TENSES « PRONOUN Fit | made nae! we taking 0 he ‘ah person and he nrnscns 4 ARTICLE + RELATIVE. Poor Anat The hay ohe las allan ove th n't ren 7 MODALS +. You ware atin! {we ony able help You Benue [ad 0 aya Hoe | MODAL. + PERF INE» @RESEAT PERFECT They couldn Wan have meta Ps, Lacy 9 PASSIVE + OBJECT CLAUSE hte big indo be fldmow I shoud bekare 10 CONDITIONAL + BETO mink we aot ire ip nm ven I ee lone {UW SEQUENCE OF TENSES + MODAL "What id the bom el you then? “He sla lettbethet wold be ale tego e Wath ety wound’ a 2 Motm =daniem, to proedsieweigce jest ryzyhowne, ale mote stat sig suicesera. In my opinion, is Hoky but can be a success, 3 Potrezéa nam co najmmiej deiesigciu arkussy iaiki mascymowe, We need at least ten sheets of 4 Nie musisecaty czas sie usmiechad. To mie jest konkurs sietnoset. You don’t have to smile all the time. This is not 5 Tylko preeszesep nerki mote mu uratowad ‘yc Only a can save nis life. 6 Podscedt do lady { popresit 0 dow piwa. He went to and asked for two beers. 7 Réie i gosdziki to moje wlubione katy. are my favourite flowers, 8 Miat sloty tacuck woke? sxyi. He was wearing, round his neck, TEST C Preetlumace na jgzyk polski. 1 He grabbed it and ran off 2 | found the captions unnecessary. 3 She is sucha sensitive girl 4 No fee will be charged. 5 How about sacking Joe as weil? 6 We should get rid of her boss. TEST D Podkreslone wyrazy zastap odpowiednim slowem angielskin. W katde luke motna wpisaé po Jednym slowie, DPreyklad: The Concorde i an aeroplane shich tras faster than sound The Concorde isa supersonic aeroplane Only last month police arrested twenty people who stole some goods, Only last month police arrested twenty ‘The important thing Is to catch the animal without iilling it The important thing is to catch the animal use of advanced age aS. 3 In many countries men give up their at 65. In many countries men +4 I hate people who have excessive opinions of their own talents and, abilities. Tate people ¥ 3 He took two coins out'a little bag for keeping monev. He took two coins out of his 5 Smoking is one of the bad things she does regularly, Smoking is one of her bad Jerome had a very good relationship with the man his mother Married after Jerome's father's death. Jerome had a very good: relationship with his —___. Soon after the advertisement was published we received many letters from people interested in being ued. Soon after the advertisement was published we received many for the job. TESTE xupetni} podane nite) umaczenia rdaf na angielski, Na razie chciatbymm by parisey deienniarce nie psali nic o kontrakce, For the time being, i'd like’ the deal 2 Nie padato odigd tu proyjechalismy, prawda? It here since we came, 3 Powinno byt prawo ma takich tude jak pan, pantie Fox! ‘law against people a5 12 TIME CLAUSE «IDIOM Ifyou ae four ten tee wl be nt ef for Se rept ned being, M4 RELATIVE + SINGLE NEGATION - None ofthe tin through whichis eve Tewethrowgiltee schema pant 18 OBECT CLAUSE PROGRESSIVE -| ray dont ine whee they ate They at be laying tone o hbo ar {6 PRESENT PERFECT ARTICLE Since when hat Ware heen the capa of Pole? 47 DETERMINERS. Somebody man inve made ite, Thar ae to many cpa ac 00 Papo 2 COMPLE OMIECT + TAG Ty nto lterapt ban, wl out stownictwo ‘Uneayony punkt tylko w preypadk beeblgdne|psownl. W razie woisania slows ‘nego nie promndazane w Kiser a paigcego do Konekst, punt allezany6k0 ‘eft sgadan oe ba Iter | tera fur peda You 2pm soy, poem Supe faba Zena a i Dedges 1Onighe T1dlingeien 12erength 19 seble A peace Isto 16fnghenadiPatended Io reached 9 proved 20 sta deny otals ‘Demented 24 prere, 25 covenant as iablty” 27 prlenged Sswinin 29.deniaty So donny "3 inast Sexe czyTANE W zadaiach tego test paw si stonurkowe duzo sbwek ieych kandydad ale nuit Je fo sabieg clowy.chodz 0 raladowarle sprawods cysania W boy ery. Sprawnoté a wy:nagauieeode domydana sg acaeh reznangeh 7 Sear inuepretcp. teats, sry fooumiemy Wiko cxicowo. Ten fst pt ‘aprudniepea coe estan 1B 2A 3D AC SA 6B 7D 6B 9D W0C MC MA 134 UC 158 16D ‘TEST WK ‘Zamioszzone ponise| slow 10 wyrzy wykzclone = oryginalneg> tekst Popewiatc ten test nie wymagamy oczywikde odtworzenia oryginah, natomiast _swracamy soragy rat, aby 2danda tworzone deh pica waz Idk yy atkowisie poprawne zane pod wapladem gramatycym, jtk ico do trek calege tekst 80 Lo 2with Sstil 4 fll 3isappeared S wake 7deck Beyes Pin 10 om i wrow 12hope 13 though it mention "IS only 16 charges 17 cu evidence about 2eome Zine zatmeephere who sk up. 35 ties 26 men Preygotowge sia doe cen! ata nalety pari, 28 ai cada mote doxyesyé Ditacych problem i wyearzan. Zatem wart w speed rgulany ineresowe® le spdarzeniams dosergcyni fata cjwizagy angieask) 1A 2D 3A 4C 5B 6B 7D 8B 9 10 NIC WA DA MD 158 168 178 18D 19C BD 21C BA BA UC 2B 26A 7D WC 298 CHB 2B TEST NR2-2 GRAMATYKA- YB 2C 30D 4A 5B 6C-7C SU 9D 10C LIB TEC TSA HA 18D 168 17A 18D ORAMATYKA 1 ‘Zoo bjaniene GRAMATYKA. I TEST NR 2-1 1 THERE BE + SEQUENCE OF TENSES » DETERMINER - The ita out there Imi ou be to any eter 9 ae sued ot ‘be ruinininct unt aane many eng apts 2 CONDITIONAL. + OECT CLAUSE Do you thnk Ne would Ue wold hated w wt era arsed thn wb Separating a 3 PRONOUNS + MODAL + DETERMINER nnd we won sao change both {Bes hr tow epee Ge sac | COMPARISON + MODIFICATION. After ew hou sep she faoch stronger an ‘sot ae depend a hgh en, Se ge hong be wate oor 1 BETO + PASSIVE. The Prides deckon wo bashaveben/naoeaeed ore Nt eps fo Habel had be ap sce rs anne {5 DIOM + PRONOUN. Sry, Dn bt your wath at ive minute sow have it mina he mc. 1 THERE SE + PERFECT Thee han Sen ery ite pops in cot cology fete lan fv ons oes. Few Pople sem tbe aa {9 RELATIVE + OBJECT CLALSE The any thing I wold Uke ld out i who ty hare ‘rowed woh ogy fmm ” 81 9 GOMFNTION » FTERMINER » CONDITIONAL i you got ot ey hed me Taeghts gland tog Sang naa ) nrg wee ton itary sat Newer i lather me Ioogrnsugn fo be ed by nocer at © MODALS- Avsamal woe digit glue Clratras te woul Se on ut £0 eran woh And ove wouldnt have proclams wi be ai Wh PRONOUNS + -MPARISON - ith sme ecepdons, tone sures vo wae © “Sine ste con ware younge snd eter educeted nah ‘howe sewn cian {5 CDN. PASSIVE ~ DETERMINER - Ta oly oem as mt ne it 2 “npn ah eS) ae 993 Se MENTE SSESSIE » ADVERBAG. tan My Ker a they ae not ning ha utake our shor 87 RELATIVE Thy pho hat ing fle ine te pet ng ob. sbatnente SLOWNICTWO TEST NR 2-1 lock dishonest 3 goal 4sctare Spolsons Scare 7 fame Scacie 2 geois seing Il anyness athlencs 12 suaw M4 ieoerg 1S educational 16 Bother Poctecan’ fesignincant 19 glonous 20 upper 2 canes. 22 description 2S puray 2 lenges 35 challenges” sbartorited’ 2 devs 28 Tuent. 29 tried aici strevied Sicemain” a3inside 34 Noubled 35 brewery cayTaNtE 1G 2B 3A aC SD 6 7A BA 9B WD HC HA A 8 2 TEST LUK Zob. objsnienie w Teéce nr 2- Liarge around 3small taken Gilbert Gat 7either $two Sather 10 afer I beter T2hence iSauccess 14 occurred 15 domme I6she 17 best 18 be 19 mut aDehe Zatnke 2 hemelf 29 do 24 vas 28 decision 26 that 27 right 28 And 29 for “30 indeed KULTURA 1A 2B 3A 4B SD 6C 7A 8B SC 10D 11D 128 198 14a 15C 6A 17D ISD 19C 2C 2A MC 2B MD WC 268 FINAL TEST NR3-1 USTENING 123 pul ‘Csoba poprawisigca en test mus rapier doktdniezapozna siz odexytywanymi tekst (9 one podane osobne). een podiogn tylko tek cdpowicdz, ne as forma - nawet powaane biedy jerykowe sve obra oceny, jt mora iscnozacniesromumint. Panny pecyzajemy 28 uWaglednieni w odpouredziack Podanyeh rite} elemertse te Test One wpa 1 prisoners awasing vanished afer remcving bar om window, ‘knotting bedsheets_ 2 pte bar AND bedehees mentioned 1 pt one meationes ‘wee Inter one escapes caught, police wam publ - man may be arm 2px ane caught AND orang {prone caught Toe Two (pal 3-1 pt: LISTED Tony lllan waiters), Tony's employer 4 Tony: ented to feo meal anya, ad extn hamburgers oolong 2 pls: both mentioned 1 pt one mentioned employer: her manager eating eval fod bad for image; her food cannot be 2 pte both mentioned 1 pene mentioned 5 1p eam ot decided yor Text Taee i pu © opens locks by pressure invented in US, cle Heys, co £100 2 pts ot ent THREE mentonad inciting FIRST 1 br two mensoned 7 pe group at MPs GRAMMAR Praymjemy po dwa punky a semeney wyréznione oma dodathowe po esa» ‘a becbledne orzethimaczene ceszty2dania. W ‘ita peeyyachach mecive. oe one przyznawarie po ednym punkcle za popeane“apicaie sega slemenioe podkeslonych. Jednak ber wagied na sotonode posceapalngch sada 2s kate ‘moma unyskac3punkty” Makaymalna esos punktow ca sane sadanue sod co TIME CLAUSE - Whar i te point of orang te deur befor the asta ‘opponent have competed th pps 2 EMPHATIC BE. was Wallington, not Neon who comonanded th Sein army 3 ‘Waterioc. In 815 Neon ha ben dead or Jers 2 ARTICLES Wich Goldberg ae you ing aout? Th soa or 4 CLAUSE OF PURPOSE Lee ave he 5 COALS: Ste gre up bent he coulda’ finda eplacem ent. Of cout sh od ave {SEQUENCES OF TENSES Protos Mar filed bn for saying athe Sau 7 ADVERDIAL + DETERMINER - We ware tei in avery edly way. Ba {would ‘ve prefered = aightly fv oma stop 5 CAUSATIVE MAKE « Ate « wosday condrnce we were aude 1 ign an nerenese ‘whch Tam sure wil be repay oe he sees, 9 CONDITIONAL The surgery hone lem rte outcome wie i wenn, woe ‘se tuncrnr i te pte: Rad been given ne High mesione JO TENSES- Sine we announced ou econ ep seperate organo, theyve ben {aiking abt anya ht a 84 ‘VERB PATTERN. 1 dot get enough omy havea he Ieee, have to onsite se ed VOCABULARY 133 pu Dia adobycia punks koniaca jet pens popeawnosé onograficna, Lincirence 2 stoke 3 generous ladder Sclapping. 6 ive 7 navigable Snuphir 9 fiddle 10 tune TI gimpse I2leaked 13 ome I& adimived 1S selee iGavaiadie 17 ast 18 revealed 19 samage ivory Zi lenere Zsesiog Brlucrnt Urow regard smashed 27 father 28 concree 29 Danse 20 dragon 31 bald. 32 loeded 30 proved READING 119 pa 1€ 2C 9B AC SD 88 7D 4A 9A 10D UD 2B BA READING AND WRITING 125 pa) 2opraa tego testa ob yn sp Ww nastepune) Kaede: Sumjemy slowa Seni wpean uke 2 Sune Siedow i luk diliny preee wepolceyouk uatlany w zalenods od wynikow vests, Dla poniszago teat wapolezyncik yon 2 2: Pranezong sume bedew odefmujemy od wy realeymalnegs (25 penkton) PREVELAD: 2. Suma bgdsw luk wyras 322. Orlin: 32/17 = 188 «9 3. Nate wy wynori 25-19" 8 punkiow Przsignywyrik Gnalitow limpiady (prey prasiceniku 1.7) wyniel ok 19, punitow reece ecu neces et yn. ere Fa Soa erent acces tek ain Sere cial events ina oman eres unl uch ey Ted oe yen ny pt aa i ss ee eee Senn tren ty eee nan te a Set NewYork we hiya Thee oo Se fe ae ‘Sen tonnes thd a ee a Sie ps tinge onl hel Pome ind aes Tee stave gh woe ajay Cy toed we ae ee berths igen vg ols Sy neti ee a Maton hited gay ante oko cn eae cae epane asm war gam eu cha a ek as feta wud eer al cn ne ra ec emis a merahe oa a hae ae 85 i was a govt slace to work. After that ifthe ight Was mellow, I strolled down Madison Avenue past the old Murray Hill Hote, apa over Sra Steet "0 the Penraylvana Satin, U began to Uke New York the racy, adventurous fal of at right anc ine semacton thatthe connat icker cf men od women ard mactones ‘pve the ren ef, TEST NR 3-2 USTENING 105 pai Punkty przyansjemy 2a uwvapednlense w edpeviedziach podanych nid slementSi ‘eet lz. caus cbjatnienie Ww Tesce ae 3.1) Tex Ce 7 pu 1 2 pla FIRST poured water, THEN dacovened tit lp 1 pe Yes by keeping i wet 21 Gye pamers by police, Navy sce, et 2 pte alse 1 pe the ites 3. 2 Pw wore Nome to change AND informed restaurant 4 pt ons mentioned 4 pe wil beet ee by Lyn Text Two (spat 51 pb No, police warned about deuge rom Grosse S 2 bts: Atvested Richard Me ith afer leaving fey 00k ca 9 police stato ‘ura 2 Xg of Narin nents 1 ple arested RM, searched ca ound drags 3 pss BM csimed fs innocence; ive Yeas; hgh cour wpe 1 ple Sve year sentenco 1p: Fernaps nwa Years me 2 bls: Cintrena’s ance AND now in hiding 1 pt Glateena’s uncle OR now in ding GRAMMAR. (30 ps P-zyenalemy po jednym punkie za katy veynéenionyslement oraz dodathowo po jody za besbgae prestumaccenie exe taansa Makeymalna fice punto 28 cate zadanie podana jet kis an, 1 Most (ofthe) srs for thom she training has ben organized (1p] wil, sooner ‘or later. get marred and will have to face problems similar to those ey are now causing [1p] thelr parents. (3 points] 86 2. The way Mr Lennon first presented it, there were 10 be {1} no colour photographs in the English language version of the book all the photographs to accompany the text sere fo be [tp] black and white, 2 points] 3. The sth of july swimming races acros (0) Paloma Lake have now become 8 major tourist attraction. But when the fist such (0) race ipl was held, i didnot attract more than a fandfl of Cpl spectators. [3 points} 4 The security check was the worst thing we had gone through since the Stat of the tour. We sere made to stand [1p] with our hands up and foreheads pressed to/against the wal. It must Hew been (ipl a real shock for the Dutch andthe Sess (1p). (6 points) 55 The sum quoted as my future salary made me consider taking [1p] the job for a year or two; but when my wife asked me if was sure we could [1p] afford to mae [1p] international phone calls every second evening, I changed ‘my mind. [ points} 6 I did oe ike the fanciful vocabulary (which) the rea estate agent used to Acsrie the properties he manted us tose (ipl. Infact ofthe two houses we saw in the morning (before noon), netier [ip] was closer than 20 minutes to the station and the cheaper one [ip] overlooked a car park. {4 points} 7 {stil think it mould have been much beter to decline Mr Corfu’s invitation to Jook round his plant in Salonika, Now we couldmight be (pl free to plan another weekend in Athens. What ! am seying (Ip! now does not necessarily [ap] mean that! consider Mr Corfu as someone hot worth meeting, & poinisl 8 Most (ofthe) doctors at St Anne's Hospital did not diagnose my fatherin- laws Cipl illness as malaria. The only one tht did was U1p} a young Chinese, who may have had some firse-Aand experience oft [3 points) 9. Even the wisest of men can have a silly idea now and then. But the city mayor who will act in a sly zy (ipl all the time will end up hoing hhundreds of angry people march [ipl on the town ball. [3 points) 7 VOCABULARY 132 ps ia sdobyein punktu Konieczna fst petna poprawnct€ ortogracen, J waterproof 2 surprise 3 cope 4 ceasing S upset 5 gained 7 vehicles 3 distanced 9 sword 10 scattered 11 fossil 12 homet’ 13 extensive ieshorthand 15 erupting 16 frogmen 17 provided IS soles 19 sovvinated 3 profile 21 curable 2 regardless. 23 dubious 24 remains 25 pice 36 peninsula 2 notorious 28 cradle 29 igures 30 orphan 31 gauge 2 sse READING 3 pis) 5B 3A 4D 5D 60 70 $B 9a 1D HA xe 1B READING AND WRITING 180 pest Tia Penitszog testa wspélezymnik vemos! 23. Wonik makeymainy - 30 fw. Suma digdw 1 luk wynes! 4. Delelimy: 34/21 < tose wwmik wynosi 29 - (6 = 1M panktow 5 owytik cnalistdw ollmpiady {pray stzelionika ‘Punktdw, (20b. rowniet objasnience w Tedce ay 21) 2) wyniést ok Ja¥8 mea oom atthe back of the house, vith ane outlook over the uy and ie made ne fee of is own stacy, whieh nas senioee ae scitons of hs ‘avourte author, Taever saw the pescetnr Sutsbed she was beatidden. An old woman cee Mag ene een Panis, and the inakesper ois around tne Hl ean Pe s» mysely sof inventes 3 ob for him. He na ¢ if pect naming fr the aly paper, which suave aor the ate aternoon {told him fo Keep his eves wide oper ane ae ee ny strange figures he saw, keeping 4 specal sharp nokont oe ene and areas Then a 4k ire ee okt ote came back st midday withthe Scotman. There was setae ences some furher evidence of Paddock and ine sulle, we Yesterday's statement that she murderer Rad gone nod Bot Se one long are reprinted from the Times, about Cros and theese gees in2he Balkans though there was nomenon of any vate goed 2 ofthe inakener for the aernoon, or wae geting ver Ba in search after the cipher, As tld you, wat & mumerel per ed ye aborate ystem of experiment Thad prety wel dacsanred ne nals and stops. The trouble was the key wore nd when testa oe ‘dd milion words he might have used fick prety porns 88

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