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Do Now’s Marking Period 3

1. 1/29/21

Although every estate of the late 1700s all had their unique advantages, the Third Estate
had the greatest upper hand. People of the First and Second Estate had many privileges,
for example, they were paying very little taxes, owned a large amount of land for the
amount of people they had, and they also each had one vote per estate. This means that
if the First and Second Estate came together to out vote the Third Estate, it could be
easily done. On the other hand, the Third Estate had the greatest advantage because of
its percentage of the population. The Third Estate made up about 98% of the
population. This meant that if the Third Estate wanted to overthrow the government or
go against something that they were treated unfairly about, they could easily fight back.
During this time period, it was not all about power, it was about amount of support and
advantages that one group/estate may have had.

2. 2/4/21

Throughout our “Mock Estates General,” many decisions and laws were put in place. As
part of the Third Estate, many of the decisions made benefitted us along with the other
estates. At the end of the “Mock Estates General” the king saw that much rioting and
chaos has erupted and he took matter into his own hand and dissolved the Third Estate
completely. This obviously hurt me very much because I was part of the 98% of the
population and many of my expectations were met throughout this. This included the
fact that the 98% of the population was not being represented fairly because each
estate had one vote. In addition, I had the expectation that the Third Estate might have
tried to take over power at some point since it made up many more people. The
government at the time was not completely fair because although the Third Estate
made up so much of the population, it had equal power to the other estates which only
made up about 0.5-1.5% of the population.

3. 2/10/21

The “Tennis Court Oath” that was formed when the Third Estate left the Estates
General, could in fact be related to today’s society. For example, if someone today
either left or got fired from a job, they may start their own business and run it however
they wish. This was very similar to the Tennis Court Oath because like the Third Estate,
the individual left what they were a part of to form a new business or something else. In
addition, the “Tennis Court Oath” focused on a voice for the people and representing its
citizens. The rights of every American citizen are also very similar because it provides a
representation for every individual and basic rights that are guaranteed to them. The
“Tennis Court Oath” allowed for more representation, of the people, in the National
Assembly which is what the Estates General did not provide. In the Estates General,
each estate had a limited voice because all power was in the hands of the king.
4. 2/12/2021

The King posed many challenges in front of the National Assembly. Angered with all that
has occurred, the King wanted to attack the National Assembly which brought much fear
and terror of what could happen in the near future for the people in the National
Assembly. The King was an absolute monarch and had all of the representation and
power. When the National Assembly had formed, the King rebelled which led to others
rebelling and much conflict arose. Another very large failure and challenge was the
amount of reforms that actually went through from the National Assembly. In addition,
when the National Assembly added reforms to the Church, which would benefit the
economy, the millions of devout Catholics/French peasants became frightened. The
National Assembly faced many challenges and overall failed because much of what was
attempted to benefit the economy, led to more challenges which would lead to anger
and rebellion.

5. 2/16/2021

I believe that the Constitution of 1791 was destined to fail rather than succeed. The
country still faced many issues including food shortage and debt. The Legislative
Assembly ended up being too divided and people could not agree on how government
should be run. Although the National Assembly had good thoughts and ideas to better
the future, they did not cooperate and come to an agreement with rulers. Much of their
actions angered rulers because they did not agree with them. This Constitution was
made and was not agreed to be signed by the king. This Constitution caused much
rebellion and the National Assembly’s actions had to pay a consequence.

6. 2/17/2021

The Reign of Terror of 1793 was a period with much violence and fear among many
people. The Reign of Terror was fueled by two rival political group know as the
Girondins (moderate republicans) and the Jacobins (radical republicans). The Jacobins
considered anyone that did not want radical change, an enemy. There was a massive
death toll that came from this period and it stirred much chaos, confusion, and fear
within the French people and foreign troops/people as well. There were an extreme
number of deaths many coming from execution from the guillotine and some in
summary executions. If I were to have lived in this period, I would be terrified because
so many people were losing their lives to violence from another party. Instead of
attempting to solve this problem organized, they brought violence between the groups
which left so many people dead. At the same time, the Dutch, Spanish, and Great Britain
all joined the fight against Prussia and Austria. During the Reign of Terror, nothing was
fixed and much hunger and other issues were not resolved. At the end, Maximillian
Robespierre was executed by his own method and people finally said enough was
7. 2/19/2021

The reactions of the European nations encouraged the actions of the revolutionaries
and Jacobins. The Europeans were showing fear and were scared that the actions of the
Jacobins would happen to them. This led to the encouragement of the Jacobins because
they saw the fear that they were instilling in the nations. The Jacobins saw that what
they were doing was working so they continued with it. This left the European nations
with much fear and terror of what the Jacobins may do to them. Instilling fear and
gaining power was the goal of the Jacobins, and the actions that they took were working
towards this goal.

8. 2/22/2021

Napoleon Bonaparte was known as one of the greatest French emperors and military
generals. Napoleon was able to conquer a large part of Europe and win most wars that
the French were involved in. In many cases, he was able to defeat much larger armies
than his and he is therefore considered a brilliant military general. One of Napoleon’s
greatest losses was the Battle of Trafalgar, where the British overtook Napoleon’s army.
One of his greatest victories was the Battle of Austerlitz, where his army defeated the
Austrian and Russian armies. Napoleon’s system of laws was thought by him to be the
greatest work he has done and it was known as the Napoleonic Code. This set of laws
brought much needed order to France and eliminated injustices, but it also limited
liberty and promoted order and authority over individual rights. This was negative
because basic rights established during the Revolution were limited and restricted.
Along with this, the code also restored slavery in the Caribbean French colonies.
Although at the end of his carrier he was exiled, he is still considered a great general to
this day.

9. 3/16/2021

The development of photography had a large influence on Western Civilization and the
Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was a time of much invention and
development and much of the developments made at that time, are still used to this day
on a daily basis. The development of photography during that time was very influential
because it was able to capture a picture in a very unique way. Although it could not take
photographs of moving scenes, it was able to take a picture of a still object or person.
Western Civilization was largely affected by this development because it was able to
capture a moment in time. This development led to more and more additions to perfect
it but overall, it was a start of something completely new during that time period.
10. 3/18/2021

Working conditions of industries had the biggest effect on society during that time.
Throughout the period of industrial development, many industries struggled with the
conditions of their workplace. In fact, many diseases and sicknesses travelled through
the citizens because of their workplace. Additionally, there was scarce sanitation and
cleanliness and as a result factory were often extremely dirty, unsafe, and dangerous.
Workplaces were also contaminated with any sickness that someone may enter with
and easily spreadable. Along with this, water and other necessities were difficult to get
which added to the filthiness of the factories. It was very dangerous and unsafe for adult
workers and even more so for children to work in such horrible conditions.

11. 4/9/2021

Creating my own business reflected what the Industrial Revolution was meant to be and
ended up being. Creating a business during the Industrial Revolution was much more
difficult because communication was not very easy and transportation was only starting
at that time. In addition, this project is able to put me in the shoes of business owners
during this period of time. It was very difficult for a business to do well during that time
because of how much competition that there was. The Industrial Revolution and its
developments allowed for many more inventions and businesses to be made
throughout history and even to this day. Although much was unheard of yet and many
issues arose throughout this period, it was able to influence the future of manufacturing
and invention.

12. 4/12/2021

Our society today has many examples of nationalism that are displayed. Nationalism is a
movement or knowledge that could support a nation or homeland. For example, songs
that are taught as a child about respecting and loving the country we live contribute to
nationalism. These songs and anthems such as the National Anthem, Pledge of
Allegiance, and many more, are all taught at a very young age and are taught for the
reason of spreading nationalism and teaching people to love and appreciate the country
they live in which gives them freedom and rights. Another example of nationalism in
modern society is the military. Joining the military or any of its branches, if eligible, is a
very strong example of nationalism for your country. In addition, flying your country’s
flags, celebrations, voting, or representing symbols of a country are all extreme
examples of nationalism. These examples have a very large impact on nationalism and
promote the interests of a nation.

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