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 Activity 1

1. Alan
2. Student and Teacher
3. He want to talk about student camping activity
4. Yes,Tomorrow morning at Mrs.Intan house
5. Dialogue 4
 Activity 2
1. Greeting
2. Stating purpose of call
3. Asking the purpose about the appointment
4. Offering time
5. Suggesting time
6. Suggesting venue
7. Confirming an appointment
8. Closing
 Activity 3
1. D
2. B
3. E
4. A
5. C
 Activity 4
1. A
2. J
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. H
7. E
8. I
9. F
10. G
 Activity 5
1. R
2. G
3. G
4. R
5. G

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