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 During this COVID19 pandemic, what do you think is the importance of

physical activities in your own personal life?

Corona virus targets the immune system of one’s body so
keeping oneself healthy is really necessary and must not be taken
for granted. One must always eat healthy foods every day, take
vitamins after eating each day, and exercise regularly. All of these
will help to prevent COVID to attach to your body. I always keep
myself full of healthy foods, always eating an apple at least once a
day. Taking the vitamins my doctor prescribed me. I exercise
regularly and with the Physical Education subject, I work with my
body more, that’s why it’s very important for me to take this course
Everyone should always look out for themselves, especially
our health as it is fundamental in one’s life. I take care of my body
doing physical activities as it gives lesson to life. It doesn’t just
keep our body strong but also taught us to be disciplined, focus,
and have goals every day.

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