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 Department: Management sciences

 Programme: BBA

 Name: Amanullah Khan

 Roll no: F19-0105

 Semester: 4th

 Assignment: Nike-Case Study

 Submitted to : Mam Ghazala Shabnum


Write the answers of the following questions.

Qno.1: What are key CSR issues for Nike?

Ans1: Nike has been reportedly blamed for different moral evils related to CSR. These issues invlude
harrasement, child abuse, sex abusing, child labour and bad working conditions.

Qno.2: Do yoy think NIKE has gone far enough in its supplier audit program?

Ans2: NIKE was previously blamed for not having good working conditions especially in its sub
contracted factories. NIKE responded to all issues by issuing clearifying statements tjat it will not happen
again. But, they did not initiate a fair audit program which was a question mark on their entity.

Qno.3: What else could Nike do in this regard?

Ans3: NIKE could take following steps in order to solve these CSR issues,They could have investigated
the whole scenario using government authorities or third party.They could have made strict rules
regarding all these issues.They could have started a fair audit program and make the report public.

Qno.4: What are the possible reasons NIKE could not have publish the report?

Ans: Nike did not publish the audit report. The reason they depicted was that they do mot want to show
their supply chains and operational activities. Acvording to them, publisizing the report means sharing
eventual secrets with the other competitors.

Qno.5: If Nike published the reports, do you think that pressure groups would believe them?

Ans: I think pressure groups would not. Pressure groups always have the intentions to hold their
argument by doing different activities. If Nike would have published the report, it might contain the
theory not related to the pressure groups’ argument, and pressure would not accept it.

Qno.6: Why or why not?

Ans: Pressure groups would not have accept it because the report will cover those things which they
don’t want. They just want to see NIKE down.
Qno.7: Do you think pressure groups focus more on companies that claim to be good, rather than those
who claim or seem to do nothing?

Ans: Pressure groups always try to put more pressure on those entities who are socially good, who have
good image. They will not do a penny action against those who are not douing anythi g.

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