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I Am Malala – Prologue

Name ____________________________ Date _______________________

Define the following vocabulary words.

1.Shalwar Kamiz

2. Cricket

3. Bazaar

4. Chapati

5. Cheeky

6. Rickshaws

7. Banter

8. Bhabi

9. Jani Mun

10. Pisho

11. Compare and contrast Malala’s childhood home in Swat, Pakistan to her current home in Birmingham,

Pakistan England
12. Characterization. We are introduced to Malala as the narrator and the protagonist in the Prologue.
Complete the below chart: Give a few direct phrases from the book with page number.

Personality Traits



Relationship to others

13. Why would the Taliban target Malala’s father?

What are the neighbors telling her father and why?

14. Give two direct quotes that foreshadow “the day my [Malala] world changed.



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