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Carlos Galan was threatened in different opportunities.

In 1989 Carlos Galan was postulated by himself for presidential elections for liberals. Carlos
Galan had received several threats against his life.

He was saved from an attack attempt same year when he was going to start a conference in
UDEA. Some man was going to shoot him with a rocket launcher but they were discovered
because a women had seen anything suspect in car.

Shortly after Carlos Galan was murder when he had going to start a public discussion in
Soacha. A unknowed man hiden in the public shoot a mini uzi and he Killed to him and
another two men, the soacha`s councilman Julio César Peñalosa Sánchez, and a Galan`s
shooting guard he named Santiago Cuervo.

At the begun Alberto Jubiz Hazbun was guilted for the murder and he stayed in the jail for 42
months. but He was acquitted.

Then Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez, alias Popeye a well known Paramilitar and drug dealer
declared that the colombian political Santofimio Botero had been material author of Galan

He was declared guilty in 2005 and he was sentence to pass 25 years in the jail but he was get
in free 3 years after because there weren't enough evidence against him. however he was
captured another time in 2011 and he was condemned to 24 years.

The estate council of colombia declared delito de lesa humanidad to the Carlos Galan Murder,
for this reason it can investigate his murder until today. even Miguel Maza Márquez a general of
police was condend the same year for Galan Murder

Julio César Peñalosa Sánchez

Santiago Cuervo
Alberto Jubiz Hazbun
Jhon Jairo Velásquez Vásquez, alias Popeye
Santofimio Botero
Miguel Maza Márquez

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