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There are many reasons for studing medicine, each one has their own reasons. For wxample, I have
a friend he stuidied medecine, he like help others and learn about the fuctioning of the human body.
Other young people study by inheritance. In their families there is a doctor and their want to study
the same profession.

Medicine is a very complicated degree to study, it has much more subjects than many degrees and
more and this subjects too temary in comparasión with another subjects. The degree is longer and
you need study more years for be doctor. In Spain you need study about 6 years to finish the degree
more a years more to preparate the “MIR”, a examan to specialize being a doctor from practice. And
then, although you do it working and earn money, you need to do 5 years in this “MIR”. When you
finish, you can practice as a doctor anywhere.



B- How were the tutorials

C- Extra degree and work in laboratories

D- Work in a clinical student and change his schudles

E- Clinical students with new expereinces

F- Conclision


B- I had the opportunity to many thing.

C- The different specialties.

D- The team itself is hugely

E- I was expected to work hard

F- This well-known people

G- Consisted of


1- G

2- A

3- F

4- C

5- B
6- D


In my point of view study medicine is so hard and I envy everyone who is capable to get this degree.
Their need to spend so many time studying and have a lot of intelligence. Although I like others
degrees related to education, such as primary education, psychology or pedagogy.

When I decided that I was going to study, I wanted to study psichology as the first opción, but I
needed to go to another city and I was working at the same time that I was studying. The only option
that I liked to study in my city was primary education. It was that the razon I studied my degree.

Respect to study medicine, I tarted studying at 29 years old and I didn’t want to spend so many years
more studying. I dinn’t not feel sufficiently prepared to study such a demanting career either.
Although I bilieve that medicine is a very exciting career, I did not hace that vocation or that desire
to study it that many people have.

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