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This article is a piece talking about all of the ways google tracks its users, and sells their
data to marketing companies so that they can have better information to use, to advertise to
potential customers. It says that google records your location, search history, and much more
about you in order to gain deep insights into your behaviors.

Yes the author is clearly biased towards extreme privacy, and is biased against google
also. He claims that they are constantly invading your personal life, and tracking you. He says
that google is selling your data to ad companies who are using it to try and manipulate you into
buying their products. He claims that google is turning “you” into the product


I believe that google and duckduckgo are both equally safe to use. I believe both have
their upsides and downsides. duckduckgo is a great search engine to use if you really want
companies to respect your privacy, and has search engine results comparable to google.
Google has less privacy, but has a full suite of useful office features it offers to make up for it
and has marginally better search results. Ultimately either will get you the answer you're looking
for relatively easily. Here is a website comparing the two engines


1 make sure to delete all your cookies

2 clear your search history often
3 turn off location tracking


1 Don’t click targeted advertisements

2 Don’t give your personal information away to a company you don’t trust
3 Don’t use web browsers that save an sell your searching habits to retailers.

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