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Rehabilitation Once the person has successfully made it through the early stages of combating addiction, the prime focus shifts to ensure that any form of deterioration does not occur. Perseverance becomes the critical factor of this stage. A chain-smoker who wants to give up smoking can first shift to reducing the number of packets he smokes per day. Next, he must change to alternative nicotine-based products. Then finally, he can quit. This gradual procedure is essential because a sudden lifestyle change will be useless against an addict. Scanned with CamScanner Skills are the ability to do something with the utmost perfection. We always chase rainbows. We do not pay attention to things that are nearest to us. Our skills can be our saviour. So, learn to hone a skill, develop it and own it. There are a few skills one can develop at home. Listening skill is art. The first and foremost skill | repeat every single person should possess is active listening. We often confuse hearing with listening. But listening is not hearing. Hearing can happen. But listening happens advertently. Mostly, people are devoid of this skill. They are unable to comprehend the true concept of listening. Scanned with CamScanner ees s \ al Skills That Can Be Developed At Home Scanned with CamScanner Relapse Rome can not built in a day or not overnight. Overcoming a bad habit is not easy, especially during the early stages. It requires discipline, perseverance, and courage. In cases of common addictions like excessive smoking, drinking or drugs, the person's body starts to relapse in the early stages of rehabilitation. The person should firstly come clean about all the mistakes of the past and let go of that burden. Many renowned therapists also advise pursuing healthy exercise, yoga, and meditation as anew hobby to help combat addiction. Scanned with CamScanner On the other hand, there are still chances that even after putting rules, children might use it for wrong reasons and secretively. So, understanding the fundamental purpose of schools is very important. A child has no self- control whatsoever when he is in his learning stages of life and chances of him/her breaking the rules is more. Therefore a complete ban might work in their favor and help them absorb every bit of knowledge that is provided to make them responsible citizens and workout their careers. Scanned with CamScanner Acceptance is the first thing for breaking the habit A person with a bad habit more often than not does not even consciously realize it and will be not able to break the bad habit in himself. This could be possible when you are surrounded by ‘yes men’ or lack people in your life who point out our flaws constructively. Hence it is quintessential to surround yourself with people who always keep you in check. The problematic issue is that some people live in denial. The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging the problem. Acceptance is the process where a person should recognize that there is a flaw with them and that it is entirely reasonable for it to exist. This helps the person acquire the motivation to fight the issue and willpower to become better. Scanned with CamScanner SMARTPHONES IN SCHOOL PROS & CONS STU eee CU Cig Smarphones are a significant clal commodity distraction & instead of lis- OT aR len eat Uc) In schools children may miss mma ete out in notes & also writing becomes a task, cellphones Te em eur lee PRU ma te tet icr y Py eRe cee Scanned with CamScanner Stress is a huge problem these days, and one of the most common sources of it is Smartphones. These are addictive and have become an essential part of human life. Today, the world might come to a halt if there are no phones. Half the anxiety is caused by using too much of phone apps and continuously being on mobile phones. Students at present era wish to carry their smartphones in schools. This shows how important mobiles have become to everyone. We touch our phones 2000 times a day. A study says that we go through our phones 221 times a day. We are regularly using our phones without any “off-time”. We are always going through information overload without even realizing it. All of us also using it when we are off to bed. Scanned with CamScanner Assistance People often refuse to put a therapist on the same pedestal as a doctor. Mental health is undermined as people do not accept it as an illness. These stigmatized narratives have led to a paradigm wherein people are afraid to seek help—seeing a professional has become a taboo in society. But why is seeking help required in the first place? When you are down with the fever, your parents give you paracetamol. But despite that, it is always advised to see a doctor as a proper precautionary measure. Similarly, a bad habit is also like a disease. Your friends and family can still help you fight it, but a trained, certified professional can guarantee amore systematic result-based result. The bottom line is that you should never fight addiction alone. The people who love you and care about you should always fight alongside you to ensure that you succeed. Scanned with CamScanner a VATSAL SHARMA February 25, 2021 at 3:53 am Pretty efficient article Scanned with CamScanner How many oT us approve of the usage of smartphones in schools? Well, in my opinion, there are both pros and cons to every situation and so this is a debatable topic. Talking about the cons, | feel that cell phones are a significant distraction, and instead of listening to the teachers, students might use them for their benefits. This may kill the purpose of allowing using phones in the classrooms. We all are aware of the diversity in school culture and the students coming from various economic backgrounds. If schools allow using smartness in the premises, it might bring an inferiority complex to those who are not able to afford it. Students might use it as a status symbol which may defer from forming friendships and personal interactions. Bullying is also a significant concern in schools, and having said that; | WAHAWA SKAIAR 28 KR RAHA SIAR ne Scanned with CamScanner VATSAL SHARMA February 25, 2021 at 4:16 am Most helpful article Scanned with CamScanner Resurgence Much like a boomerang, a lousy habit comes right around. Studies show that many smokers who successfully quit fell into circles or under peer pressure and resumed smoking. This analysis for any bad habits. Conclusively, one never really stops fighting a bad habit. There is no finish line or any winners. The process of combating addiction is routine. The ultimate takeaway from all the stages is that the battle is only within oneself and one’s mind. Willpower and desire to improve is the correct attitude and can only be nurtured in a positive environment with supportive people. Scanned with CamScanner Before checking phones, rarely do people sleep. It has become the reason for our misery and happiness both. And while we are too much at it, we must realize that one should not make it an indispensable part of one's life. Students at the age of building their career should be strictly not allowed to use technology 24*7. It might harm their thinking abilities or the organic thought process. Technology helps us and not meant to control our lives. That is something that should be kept in mind, and while introducing children to smartphones. One has to be very particular as to what they go through and check on their phones. Scanned with CamScanner Pupils also can devise ways of cheating instead of studying for the exam. So there are more possibilities of using cellphones for wrong reasons and not for constructive purposes. On the other hand, we cannot shy away from the fact that technology has made it much easier for us humans. Smartphones are a beneficial commodity. They have multiple advantages. In schools, children may miss out on notes and also writing becomes a task. Cellphones may allow them to click pictures and share the same with their other friends as well. Schools also offer other activities like sports and extra co-curricular. When children participate in such activities, they might miss lectures, and so it can also be recorded to help them. Also, many children travel from far off places. To ensure safety, parents might ask them to carry cell phones. So for the safety purpose phones are an irreplaceable asset as it helps you to be in contact and share your location for that Scanned with CamScanner Then how can we avoid its demerits and allow students to use smartphones? To create a balance between the two, we ought to make rules and regulations. Free use of mobile phones might be both distracting and disrespectful. Imagine a teacher putting their heart and soul in explaining the concepts of physics and biology, and the child sitting at the last bench accessing the phone. Sounds disturbing and pathetic right? Many boarding schools in India have implemented strict rules regarding the possession of a smartphone by a student within the school's premises. In the present times, when these devices have become a lifeline to many, abstaining the residential school scholars from it seems very far- fetched. But, we must also remember that we all were once a part of the world without any cellphones and smartphones, and still people were thriving. Scanned with CamScanner Monday Blues-a feeling of depression or unhappiness. When do you feel fabulous? When you are happy! There could be many reasons for being happy. But for being sad? Maybe just one. Monday! Monday that triggers in you a feeling of uneasiness. Work seems to be a lousy activity, and people feel less motivated. Mondays are gloomy, and people find it challenging to work with enthusiasm. Employees may also get unproductive because of the anxiety and dullness. Studies say that your state of mind can have a significant impact on your work output. The unwillingness to work might double ona Monday morning. This doesn't happen with one or two. Monday blues is becoming a phenomenon nowadays. Therefore, it might result in some serious issues regarding one’s work life. Scanned with CamScanner v COmpiete Work beforehand ¥ Enjoy your weekend well v Sleep early the night before v Be positive v Keep hectic work scheduled for the middle of the week Scanned with CamScanner EDU = Home » How to overcome with Monday morning blues HOW TO OVERCOME MONDAY MORNING BLUES? Scanned with CamScanner Breaking the habit — How to escape a bad habit? by Shubham Sanjeev Das / October 12, 2020 / 13 Comments AK Breaking the habit — How to toon escape a bad habit? Scanned with CamScanner Reason being? Maybe because they have their work submission deadlines. To avoid such a feeling of not attending the office or school, make sure you complete the work beforehand. Often people keep their work pending, which leads to fear of being scolded considering there was a Sunday in between. Mondays seem challenging because one is already burdened with the previous week's work. Please don’t wait for the end moment as it will only cause panic. Secondly, enjoy your weekend well. Do not think about Monday and burden yourself. Stop checking on work. If work gives youa feeling of anxiety, try to think less while you are enjoying the weekend. When working, focus on your work. But when enjoying, enjoy to the fullest. Scanned with CamScanner Also, try to sleep early on a Sunday night. If you sleep late and wake up late the next more, everything seems nothing but a mess. Be disciplined enough to get up early so that you get enough time to soak in that it’s Monday finally. Take time to have your breakfast and do other things that make you happy. Do everything that makes you feel satisfied on a Monday morning. These little things might make you feel the bliss of starting a new day. Thirdly, be positive and think about good things. Visualise your success instead of being negative. Please don’t be sad about the fact that it's the beginning of the week. Be happy and give it a fresh start. Wear nice clothes and welcome the day with an open heart. Feeling beautiful from the inside is all that you need. It is the half battle won. Scanned with CamScanner Breaking the Habit ‘A stepwise procedure to successfully combat addiction and breaking your bad habits’ If you're an avid fan of rock music, you must've come across the track ‘Breaking the Habit’ by Linkin Park where the lyrics say, “You all assume that I’m safe here in my room, unless | try to start again”. This suggests that breaking a bad habit isn't an overnight or single-step process. This article will explore the five broad stages of successful addiction combatting: Acceptance, Assistance, Relapse, Rehabilitation, and Resurgence. Scanned with CamScanner VATSAL SHARMA February 25, 2021 at 3:50 am Nice article Scanned with CamScanner Fourthly, be less worried and keep the hectic work scheduled for a Tuesday or Wednesday. This will help you with a smooth start on Monday, and you will stress less organically. Fifthly, try to have fun with whatever you do. Having fun with your work is all that you need. There is a famous saying by Dale Carnegie. 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