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pecs. hi Fr 3 r Rcrcie ewordy That must begin with a capital eee aan frog bird james kil kolkata mt, everest dog, ganga india bus school pool deer horse Full Stop B. Rewrite correctly using capital letters. R : Example: Ayan met a japanese. Ryan met a Japanese. 1. penny knows prof. peter. 2. kim, sim and rim are sisters. eet 3. i live in delhi. 4. new york is in america. ee 5. chocolate is sweet. a ———— 6. they do not know how to cook. — 2% 7. a eake is kept on the table. = as ee and end with a full stop- | C. Rewrite each sentence with a capital letter 1, my mother baked a cake 2. we went to the beach 3. father made me a kite 4, school is a fun place it is very hot today . you are late ow . this dress is dir 8. ilove my country. Question Mark ofa: D. Put a full stop (.) ora question mark (?) to complete the sen’ 1. The elephant has a long trunk 2. Where is your house 3. Can I go out 4. Who is that man 5, That pan is hot 6. What is inside this purse

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