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The Koran in its simple

forceful manner emphasises

the individuality and
uniqueness of man and has I
think a definite view of his
destiny as a unity of
life(1)Unity of thought with
out unity of action is
imperfect(2)Everything is
preoccupied with self-
expressionEvery atom a
candidate for greatness Life
without this impulse spells
death by the perfection of
individuality man becomes
like God(3)It is with the
irreplaceable singleness of
his individuality that the
finite ego will approach the
infinite ego to see for
himself Consequences of his
past action and judge the
possibilities of his
future(4)Takhallaqu Bi-
akhlaq Allah” create in
yours self the attributes of
God. (5)God is the most
unique individual.thus man
becomes unique by
becoming more and more
like the most unique
individual. what then is life?
it is individual: itʼs higher
form so far is the ego in
which the individual
becomes a self contained
exclusive centre .physically
as well as spiritually ,man is
a self-contained centre but
he is not yet a complete
individual.(6)Our soul
discovered its self when we
come into contact with a
great mind it is not until I had
realised the infinitude of
Goetheʼs imagination that I
discovered the narrow grip
of my own(7)if he does not
take the initiative, if he does
not evolve the inner richness
of his being, “if he ceases to
feel the inward push of
advancing life, then the spirit
within him turns into stone &
he is reduced to the level of
dead matter”.(8)In order to
emphasise the individuality
of ultimate Ego the Koran
give Him the proper name of
Allah and further define him
as follows say Allah is
one .all things depends on
him he begetteth not , and
He is not begotten ;And
there is none like unto him.
(9)What ever may be the
final fate of man it does not
mean the loss of
individuality . the Koran does
not contemplate complete
liberation from finitude as
the higher state of human
bliss. the unceasing reward
of man consists in his
gradual growth in self
possession,in uniqueness
and intensity of his activity
as an ego even the scene of
universal destruction
immediately preceding the
day of judgment can not
affect perfect calm of full
grown ego(10) The flame of
life cannot be borrowed from
others it must be kindle in
the temple of oneʼs own
soul(11)That which
intensifies the sense of
individuality in men is good
and which enfeebled is
bad .virtue is power, force,
strength.evil is
weakness .give men a keen
sense of respect for his own
personality, let him move
fearless and free in the
immensity of Godʼs earth,
and he will respect the
personalities of others and
become perfect virtuous.
(12) The whole system of
Islamic ethics is based on
the idea of
individuality;Anything which
tends to repress the healthy
development of individuality
is quite inconsistent with the
spirit of Islamic law and
ethics and Muslim is free to
do anything he likes,
provided he does not violate
the law(13) all life is
individual there is no such
thing as universal life God
himself is an individual is the
most unique individual in the
universe as theDr McTaggart
says is in Association of
individuals ;but we must add
that the orderliness is an
adjustment which we find in
this association is not
eternally achieved and
complete in itself .it is the
result of instinctive and
conscious effort we are
gradually travelling from
choas to cosmos and are
helpers in this achievement.
nor are the members of the
Association fixed new
members are ever coming to
birth to cooperate in the
great task . Thus the
universe is not a completed
act: it is still in the course of
formation.there can be no
complete truth About the
universe for the universe has
not yet become whole . the
process of creation is still
going on and man to take his
share in it inasmuch as he
helps to bring order into at
least a portion of the chaos.
(14) The moral and religious
ideals of men is not self
negation but self affirmation
and he attends to this ideal
by becoming more and more
individual more and more

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