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Dear Dominos,

I am here to show you the epidemic in our country on how many people throw away good food
that starving people could eat. With the amount of food wasted at homes and by large
businesses many people each day do not know where their next meal will come from or that
they will just go starving. If more and more people do no not get enough food many people can
be at risk to die.

Every year in America we throw away 96 billion pounds of food which could be used to help
starving people in need such as the homeless people and shelters, with not enough food for
everyone like the Salvation Army. By helping out Food Banks you can help solve the problem in
our country with regards to hunger and poverty. Local wholesale food distributors and
restaurants should be giving food to food banks.

With the help of the government and big businesses we can make a big difference in helping
people with no food by making people care to help the people in hunger and in general to stop
wasting food. From the help of the businesses our country would waste much less food than we
normally would and by not throwing it away and giving it to shelters or food banks we help the
people and the environment. It is very wasteful to throw away food because the 96 billion
pounds of food wastes in America costs $136 billion annually.

A suggestion I have to give you, is for Dominos is to check your foods expiration dates and if
there is only even one day left give it away to a food bank or shelter, so that we can help stop
this crisis as a community. Another suggestion I would have to give you is to try and throw away
no food and maybe even tell your customer’s to please try and not waste the pizza you sell to
them, so that people who are starving could have had something to eat, instead of the food
being thrown in the trash to never to be eat again. Also, if you were to throw away food, think
before you do throw it away, so you can think about the starving people who are not as
fortunate as we are and cannot even have snacks or real meals every day to enjoy life how we
do, so think before you throw away and food.

Thanks you for listening to my reasons to not waste food and how it can help the people in our
country to be a less hunger filled country to live in.

Sincerely, Gil Voremberg

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