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I am ……..

quiere decir……… Yo soy o yo estoy

You are ……..quiere decir………. Tu eres o tu estas
He is ……..quiere decir………. El es o el esta
She is ……..quiere decir………. Ella es o ella esta
It is …….quiere decir……….. esto es o esto esta
We are. …….quiere decir……….. Nosotros somos o nosotros estamos
You are. …….quiere decir………. Ustedes o
They are …….quiere decir………. Ellos son o ellos están

1)I am a doctor -soy un doctor-

2)He is in New York – el esta en N.Y

Where⟶ Donde
What ⟶ Que
Who ⟶ Quien

What are they doing?

They’re studying

What are we doing?

We’re drinking in my house

What are you doing?

I’m eating tacos

What is it doing?
It’s sleeping

What is she doing?

She’s dancing at the school

Where is it?
It’s on the desk

Where are we?

We are in my house

Where are you?

I’m on the bus

Who is it?
It is sparky, my dog
Who is he?
He’s my English teacher

Who is she?
She’s my cousing

Who are they?

They’re my parents

What are we?

We’re brothers

What are they?

They’re cousings

Comiendo ⟶ eating
Corriendo ⟶ running
Bebiendo ⟶ drinking
Bailando ⟶ dancing
Durmiendo⟶ sleeping
Nadando ⟶ swimming
Escuchando ⟶ speaking
Cocinando ⟶ cooking
Enseñando ⟶ teaching
Estudiando ⟶ studying
Cantando ⟶ singing
Leyendo ⟶ reading


Where are you?

I’m at school

Where are they?

They’re in church

Where is he?
He’s on the bus

Are they happy?

Yes, they’re

Are they worried?

No, they aren’t

Where is the notebook?

It’s on the desk

Where is the pen?

It’s On the desk

Where is the car?

It’s in the garage

Where is my phone?
you’re phone is in the car

What are you doing?

I’m reading my favorite book

What are we doing?

We’re cooking or we’re cooking in the kitchen

What are they doing?

They’re studying or they’re studying in the classroom
What is he doing?
He’s drinking soda

What is she doing?

She’s teaching in the classroom

Are you busy?

Am I busy?
Yes, I am reading

Are you busy?

No, I’m not busy

Are we busy?
Yes, we are studying

Are they busy?

No, they’re not busy

Is he busy?
Yes, is he working

Is she busy?
No, she’s not busy

Is it busy?
Yes, it is sleeping

Are they rich or poor?

They’re rich

Is sparky young or old?

It’s old

Is Pedro thin or heavy?

He’s heavy

Is Amanda busy?
Yes, she’s eating

Is Albert busy?
No, he’s not busy
Is Juan tall or short?
He’s very short

Cepillando ⟶ brushing
Limpiando ⟶ cleaning
Alimentando ⟶ feeding
Arreglando ⟶fixing
Pintando ⟶ painting
Leyendo ⟶ reading
Lavando ⟶ washing

I am cleaning my room
Estoy limpiando mi habitacion (cuarto)

You are feeding your dog

Estas alimentando a tu perro

We are fixing our car

Estamos arreglando nuestro carro

They are painting their house

Estan pintando su casa

He is washing his car

El esta lavando su auto

She is brushing her teeth

Ella se esta cepillando los dientes

It is eating its food

Esta comiendo su comida

What are you doing?

I’m cleaning my room

What are you doing?

We’re washing our dog

What is he doing?
He’s fixing his car

What is she doing?

She’s brushing her teeth
What is it doing?
It’s eating its food or the dog is eating

Nevado Snowy
Ventoso Windy
Tormentoso Stormy
Lluvioso Rainy
Nublado Cloudy
Templado Mild
Caluroso Warm
Caliente Hot
Soleado Sunny

How⟶ Como
Weather⟶ El tiempo

How’s the weather today?

It is Sunny

How’s the weather today?

It is hot

How’s the weather today?

It’s warm

How’s the weather today?

It’s mild

Example conversation
Jou: hello. Is this Mary (hola eres mary?)
Mary: yes, it is (si soy yo)
Jou: hi Mary. This is Jou (hola mary. Soy jou)
Mary: hi Jou. How are you? (hola Jou. Como estas?
Jou: i’m fine. Thank you. And you? (estoy bien, gracias, y tu?)
Mary: i’m good thanks (estoy bien, gracias)
Jou: what are you doing? (que haces?)
Mary: I’m cleaning my room. An you? (limpio mi habitacion, y tu?)
Jou: I’m feeding my dog (alimento a mi perro)
Mary: how’s the weather in California? (como esta el clima en califonia?)
Jou: it’s cloudy. How’s the weather in San Francisco? ( esta nublado, como esta el clima en
san francisco)
Mary: it’s sunny

T. what are you doing? (que estas haciendo?)
I. I’m looking this video and studying

T.How’s the weather in Saltillo?

i. it’s cloudy

Family members
Wife⟶ esposa
Husband⟶ esposo
Father⟶ papa
Mother ⟶ mama
Daughter ⟶ hija
Son ⟶ hijo
Cousin⟶ primo@

Grandmother ⟶ abuela
Grandfather ⟶ abuelo
Granddaughter ⟶ nieta
Grandson ⟶ nieto
Ant ⟶ tia
Uncle ⟶ tio
Niece ⟶ sobrina

Nephew ⟶ sobrino
Children ⟶ niños
Parents ⟶ padres
Grandparents ⟶ abuelos
Grandchildren ⟶ nietos
Family⟶ familia

Who is he?
-he’s my father

Who is she?
-she’s my mother
Who is he?
-he’s my grandfather

Who is she?
-she’s my ant

Who is he?
-he’s my cousin

Panaderia ⟶ bakery
Estetica o barberia ⟶ barber shop
Libreria ⟶ book store
Estacion de autobuses ⟶ bus station
Cafeteria ⟶ cafeteria
Clinica ⟶ clinic
Farmacia ⟶ drug store

Peluqueria ⟶ heir salon

Gimnasio ⟶ health club
Hotel ⟶ hotel
Lavanderia⟶ laundromat
Escuela ⟶ school
Estacion de trenes ⟶ train station
Tienda de video ⟶ video store

Article “the”
(el,la, los,las)

Su regla es que “NO” se puede utilizar este articulo con nombres propios ya que en ese
caso de que sea nombre propio no es necesario el artuiculo (un nombre propio es algun
nombre, alguna marca, empresa, pais, nombres de personas, etc. Por ejemplo;
 The harvard. Harvard The school
 The carls junior Carls junior The restaurant
 The starbucks Starbucks The cafeteria
 The cinepolis Cinepolis The movie theater

Preposicion de lugar
Next to (aun lado de…)
Between (entre….)
Around the corner from (a la vuelta de la esquina de….)
Across from (enfrente de…..)
Where is the restaurant?
It’s next to the bank

Where is the supermarket?

It’s across from the movie theater

Where is the school?

It’s between the park and the supermarket

Where is the post office?

It’s around the corner from the hospital

Where is the park?

It’s in front of the post office

Where is the hospital?

It’s around the corner from the movie theater

Who is he?
He’s my father

What’s your name?

His name is Roberto

Where is he?
He’s in the movie theater

What is he doing?
He’s watching a movie

Home rooms
Sala ⟶ living room
Comedor ⟶ dining room
Cocina ⟶ kitchen
Cuarto ⟶ bedroom
Baño ⟶ bathroom
Patio ⟶ yard
Cochera ⟶ garage

Is there an elevator in the building?
Yes there is. There’s next to the stairs
Is there an air conditioner in the bedroom?
Yes there is. There’s a very nice air condition in the bedroom

Español Ingles
Año Year
Mes Month
Semana Week
Dia Day
Fin de semana Weekend

Calendar parts

Mañana ⟶ morning
Tarde ⟶ afternoon
Tarde-noche ⟶ evening
Noche ⟶ night

Have ⟶ (I, you, we, they)

Has ⟶ (he, she, it)

Pronombre personal Pronombre objetivo

I Me
You You
We Us
They Them
He Him
She Her
It It

How often do you visit your aunt in Minnesota?

I visit her every week

How often do you use your computer?

I use it every day

How often do you wash your car?

I wash it every weekend

How often do you clean your windows?

I clean them every month
Siempre ⟶ always
Usualmente ⟶ usually
Frecuentemente⟶ frequently
Seguido ⟶often
A veces ⟶ sometaimes
Ocasionalmente ⟶ occasionally
Raramente ⟶ rarely
Nunca ⟶ never

Does carmen usually study in her room?

No. she rarely studies in her room. She always studies in the library

Does Alan always watch the news after dinner?

No. he never watches the news after dinner. He frequently watches game shows after

Does henry usually wash his car on Sunday?

No. he never washes his car on Sunday. He always washes his car on Saturday

T. how often does your boss say “hello” to you?

He says “hello” to me every morning

T. How often do you feed the animals?

I feeds the animals every afternoon or I feed them every afternoon

T. Does your neighboor’s dog always bark during the day?

No. it never barks it during day. It always barks it during at night

T. Does your baby have blue eyes?

No. my baby has brown eyes or No. he has brown eyes

T. Does your grandmother have a car?

No. she has a motorcycle

T. Does your uncle have a big house?

Yes. He has a very big house

T. How often
Does your neighboor have a dog?
No. he has a cat

Emotions and feelings

Español Ingles
Feliz Happy
Triste Sad
Hambriento Hungry
Sediento Thirsty
Caloroso Hot
Frio Cold
Cansado Tired
Enfermo Sick
Enojado Angry
Nervioso Nervous
Asustado Scared
Avergonzado Embarrassed

Why are you crying?

I’m crying because I’m sad. I always cry when I’m sad

Why is she smiling?

She’s smiling because she’s happy. She always smiles when she’s happy

Why are you shouting?

I’m shouting because I’m angry. I always shout when I’m angry

Why is the bird drinking water?

It’s drinking water because it’s thirsty. The birds always drink water when they thirsty

What do you do when you’re nervous?
When I’m nervous, I perspire and very hungry

What do you do when you’re sad?

When I’m sad, I cry and watch scared movies

What do you do when you’re happy?

When I’m happy, I smile and watch videos of my favorite youtuber

What do you do when you’re tired?

When I’m tired, I sleep listening to music
What do you do when you’re hungry?
When I’m hungry, I go down to the kitchen and eat pizza

What do you do when you’re thirsty?

When I’m thirsty, I drink soda or water

What do you do when you’re scared?

When I’m scared, I watch videos on youtube and eat chocolate

What are you doing?

I’m walking to my work

That’s strange! Do you usually walk to your work?

No. I never walk to my work but today I’m walking to my work

Why are you doing that?

Because my car is broken
I’m sorry to hear that
T. Why is she going to the doctor?
She’s going the doctor because she’s sick. She always going the doctor when she’s sick

T. Why are they going to Stanley’s restaurant?

They’re going to Stanley’s restaurant because they’re hungry. They frequently going it
restaurant when they’re very hungry

T. Why are you using a flashlight to read?

I’m using a flashlight because the lights is broken

T. Why are they shivering?

They’re shivering because they’re cold. They always shiver when the’re cold

Where ⟶ donde
What ⟶ que
Who ⟶ quien
How many ⟶ cuanto
When ⟶ cuando
Why ⟶ por que
Actor ⟶ actor
Actriz ⟶ actress
Panadero⟶ baker
Cocinero ⟶ chef
Albañil ⟶ construction worker
Bailarin ⟶ dancer
Mecanico ⟶ mechanic
Vendedor ⟶salesperson
Secretaria ⟶ secretary
Cantante ⟶ singer
Intendente ⟶ superintendent
Maestro ⟶ teacher
Camionero ⟶ truck driver

Can you speak English?

Yes, I can

Can they speak German

No, they can’t

Can they ski?

No, they can’t

Can you skate?

Yes, I can

Can Roger use a cash register?

Yes, he can or No, he can’t

Can Judy and Donna play baseball?

No, they can’t but they are good at play soccer

Can Jack fix cars?

Of course he can. He’s a mechanic

Can Michel type?

Of course he can. He’s a secretary

Can Barbara teach?

Of course she can. She’s a teacher

Can Oscar bake pies and cakes?

Of course he can. He’s a baker
Can Jane driver a truck?
No, she can’t

Can Stanley cook?

Of course he can. He’s a chef

Can Claudia sing?

No, she can’t

Have to⟶ I, You, We, They

Has to ⟶ He, She, It

Herbert is depressed. He’s having a party today, but his friends can’t go to this party.
They’re all busy

(Herbert esta triste. El tiene una fiesta hoy pero sus amigos no pueden ir a su fiesta, todos
estan ocupados)

Can you go to Herbert’s party?

No, I can’t, I have to work

Can Mikel go to Herbert’s party?

No, he can’t, he has to go to the doctor

Can you and Tom go to Herbert’s party?

No, we can’t, we have to fix our car

Pronombre Adjetivo Posesivo

I My
You Youre
We Our
They Their
He His
She Her
It Its

Can Susan go to Herbert’s party?

No, she can’t, she has to go to the dentist

Can Vayron go to Herbert’s party?

Of course he can

Can your children go to Herbert’s party?

No, they can’t, they have to study
T. Can Rita play the trumpet?
No, she can’t

T. Can Marvin paint pictures?

Yes, he can or No, he can’t

T. Can Helen and Brouce dance?

Of course they can. They’re dancers

T. Can Arthur act?

Of course he can. He’s an actor

T. Can Jhon go to Herbert’s party?

No, he can’t. he has to wash his clothes

T. Can your parents go to Herbert’s party?

No, they can’t. they have to clean their appartament.

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