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After reading the lesson from the module which was entitled “Interconnectedness
of Geography, Culture and Religions. I have realized many things and I would say that
this lesson became an eye-opener for me about religion differences and cultural
diversity. It also brought me to a realization that having different religion was not
typically becoming the way to part things away but it made an interconnection to
people. I have learned that religion has a set of beliefs, practices and attitudes which
makes our world a diverse one and I also learned that religion helped in building
civilizations in the world.

Studying about religion, I discover that it surrounds our daily lives and studying it
helps me to understand many types of differences that are visible all around me. It made
me delve into how religion interacts with all of these facets of our world. I have
discovered their practices and beliefs that made me aware and have an interest about it.
I think it is important for me and to others to understand the geography and culture of
the religions because this is one of the stereotypes in the world. Knowing the geography
and culture of the religions will make affect how specific beliefs are practiced and
behavior that it encourages. It also provides people with necessary tools to understand
the spread of cultural traits. In this world that has diverse religion and people has its
own, I think we should respect one’s religion. We should acquire religious relativism
rather than being religiocentric which thinks his religion is superior than other. In this
way, equality with every religion will be gain and peace will surround the world.

In conclusion, understanding differences in geography and religion will make a

difference in the society and make people be transparent about the religion diversity. I
have learned that studying geography, culture and religions will modify that single
paradigm about it. In addition, this will minimize in creating tension and diffusion on
each culture and religion.

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