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IESL College of Engineering Academic Year 2018 — Part Time Programme Advanced Diploma Level Stage 2 HM3001 Humanities | Date: 02 December, 2018 Duration: Three (03) Hours From: 9:00-12:00 Read the following instructions before starting to answer the question paper 1. This question paper has Seven (07) questions. Answer any Five (05) questions. 2, All questions carry equal marks. Marks assigned to questions within a question are given, 3. Write the relevant numbers of the questions to which you provide answers in the cage on the cover page of the answer book, 4. Start answering each question from a fresh page of the answer book and write the relevant question number at the top of the page. 5. Use sketches to explain your answers wherever relevant. 6. Neat and clear handwriting and steps invelved in calculations ere extremely important. 7. Delete any material, which does not require the attention of the examiner, by drawing, line over such material 8. Use only black/blue ink pens to write answer 9. Marks will be deducted if the above instructions are not adhered to, z 3, (a) Briefly define what is Philosophy (4 marks) (b) What are the major branches of philosophy? (4: marks) [c) Who are the founding political philosophers? and briefly explain their main philosophical points? (6 marks) (d) What are the main factors that Social Philosophy explores? (6 marks) Q2. Explain the following types of government with examples (4 marks for each) a) Monarchy b) Anarchy Democracy 6) Military Dictatorship e) Oligarchy Q3. (a) How social sciences are different from natural sciences? (6 marks) (b) Why Engineering science and mathematies designated as applied sciences? (4 marks) (c) Name eights subjects that are belonged to Social Sciences or humanities (4 marks) (a) What are the similarities and difference between Humanities and Social Sciences? (6 marks) Q4. (a) Define what is psychology? (4 marks) (b) What are the major branches of psychology? (4 marks) {c) Explain any three (03) of the following psychological concepts (4 marks for each) 1. Perception Ul. Motivation MW. Learning IV, Memory and forgetting V. Affective disorder VL Depression vil. Somatic therapies QS. Briefly Explain the followings concepts. 06. a7. a) b) a a) e) a) b) d) b) o) d) Values and Norms Material and Non-material culture Cultural diffusion Cultural Lag Ethnocentrism ‘What is Language? What does it refer to know as a language? Explain. What are the main characteristics of human language? Why both biological and cultural factors are important in learning a language? Briefiy exolain what verbal and non-verbal communication is How do you define religion? Explain the positive and negative role of the religion with examples What is ethics and morality? What is law? and explain main features of legal system in Sri Lanka, (4 marks) (4 marks) (4 merks) (4 marks) (4 marks) (6 marks) (4 marks) {6 marks) (4 marks) (4 marks) (6 marks) (Smarks) (S marks)

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