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several research has shown that the excessive use of new technologies are 

dramatically increasing the

rate of childhood depression and attachment a result, it is very important for
children to enroll them in  extra-curricular activities. Can you imagine a world where the books,
and board games get replaced with the mobile phones? that is a terrible thing.

The main cause is that the mobile phones take away the children’s capability of creativity
Firstly,. Spending a lot of time on the phone, then it may take away from activities that might be
more beneficial for psychological well-being, like spending time with people in person. today's
young are struggling with self regulation and attention skills necessary for learning, Their free
time is monopolized by their handheld devices rather than play outside. Secondly, as we can see
how it limit children’s creative minds

creativity is a life skill. We need children to be to think outside the box the use of mobile phones
is not good for young age children it can be harmful for their brain development. the radio waves
from the mobile penetrate deep into the brain, not just around the ear. The disturbed brain
activity could impair children’s learning ability and other behavioral problems

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