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Inglés Instrumental IV

Comenzado el sábado, 22 de agosto de 2020, 21:54

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 22 de agosto de 2020, 22:19
Tiempo empleado 24 minutos 40 segundos
Puntos 21,00/22,00
Calificación 14,32 de 15,00 (95%)

Pregunta 1

Finalizado Lea el párrafo e indique su patrón de organización

Puntúa 1,00 sobre Congresswoman Barbara Jordan’s life was punctuated by a long list of personal and professional achievements. Born in Houston, Texas in
1,00 1936, Jordan made history in 1966 when she became the first African American to serve in the Texas senate since 1883. On March 21,
1967, she became the first African American to preside over the state senate. In 1972, Jordan ran for Congress and won. She gained
na onal prominence during the televised Watergate proceedings of 1974, when her eloquence impressed a na onal audience. In 1976, she
became the first African American to give a keynote address before the Democra c Na onal Conven on. Jordan re red from poli cs in
1979 due to ill health. She died in 1996.

Seleccione una:
a. Descrip ve
b. Narra ve
c. Comparison & Contrast
d. Analy cal
e. Chronological

Pregunta 2 A Neutraliza on Experiment

Finalizado To perform a neutraliza on experiment, proceed in the following manner. First, measure out about 2 cc. of laboratory NaOH
Puntúa 1,00 sobre solu on. Second, pour the solu on into a small casserole. Next, add por ons of HCI solu on, s rring a er each addi on un l the solu on is
1,00 acid when tested with litmus paper. Then, place the casserole containing the solu on on a wire gauze over a Bunsen burner and heat it un l
the solu on begins to boil. When it does, reduce the size of the flame immediately and allow the solu on to boil gently. As it approaches
dryness, spu ering may occur. At this point, cover the casserole loosely with a watch-glass. Then, hold the casserole above the flame and
move it back and forth un l no further water vapor is expelled. Finally, allow the dish and residue to cool.

¿Cuáles conectores son usados en el párrafo?

Seleccione una:
a. into each un l, above
b. proceed, measure, pour reduce
c. first, next, then, finally

Pregunta 3

Finalizado Seleccione entre la dos oraciones que siguen, la que crea pueda presentar el
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
planteamiento del problema de forma más eficaz en el párrafo introductorio de
1,00 un ensayo corto (aproximadamente 400 a 600 palabras). Tenga en cuenta que el 
planteamiento debe estar bien enfocado y ser específico, no sólo una declaración
general de los hechos.
Seleccione una:
a. The iPad, with its rela vely large high-defini on screen, has helped to revitalize the comic book industry.
b. The iPad has revolu onized the mobile-compu ng landscape and created a huge profit stream for Apple.

Pregunta 4 A Neutraliza on Experiment
Finalizado To perform a neutraliza on experiment, proceed in the following manner. First, measure out about 2 cc. of laboratory NaOH
Puntúa 0,00 sobre solu on. Second, pour the solu on into a small casserole. Next, add por ons of HCI solu on, s rring a er each addi on un l the solu on is
1,00 acid when tested with litmus paper. Then, place the casserole containing the solu on on a wire gauze over a Bunsen burner and heat it un l
the solu on begins to boil. When it does, reduce the size of the flame immediately and allow the solu on to boil gently. As it approaches
dryness, spu ering may occur. At this point, cover the casserole loosely with a watch-glass. Then, hold the casserole above the flame and
move it back and forth un l no further water vapor is expelled. Finally, allow the dish and residue to cool.

Forma verbal más usada en párrafo:

Seleccione una:
a. past
b. infini ve
c. present perfect
d. present progressive

Pregunta 5

Finalizado Lea el párrafo e indique su patrón de organización

Puntúa 1,00 sobre Men have a harder me adjus ng to widowhood than women do. Although both sexes suffer profoundly at the loss of a spouse, men seem
1,00 to have more problems. They have difficulty, for instance, managing the household chores once performed by their wives. They also have
difficulty keeping in touch with old friends because it was the wife who, in the past, kept up the couple’s social network.

Seleccione una:
a. Descrip ve
b. Analy cal
c. Chronological
d. Comparison & Contrast
e. Narra ve

Pregunta 6

Finalizado Lea el párrafo e indique su patrón de organización

Puntúa 1,00 sobre Back in 1999 this fearless athlete posed in this football picture. In the far distance below the cloudless sky stands an off-white stadium.
1,00 Embedded in the center is large, cracked, blue, painted, le ers that spell out BISON. Beneath the old stadium are rows of worn-out
bleachers which are completely empty. Up in front stands the compe tor down on one knee. As you observe more, the sport player is
wearing a blue Bison jersey spor ng the number 60. To the le above the freshly trimmed green grass that engulfs this player’s figure lays a
football. In the center of the picture, you see her pale white face and dark brown eyes. Around these features you cannot help but no ce
the bronzed hair; which appears to be pulled back around this slender face. Her stern look shows how proud she is; nonetheless, all the
confidence she carries on her padded up shoulders. This unique woman is not only elegant and brave; she is my sister, Margaret Eva Hoyt.

Seleccione una:
a. Analy cal
b. Descrip ve
c. Comparison & Contrast
d. Chronological
e. Narra ve

Pregunta 7

Finalizado Seleccione entre las dos oraciones que siguen, la que crea pueda presentar el
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
planteamiento del problema de forma más eficaz en el párrafo introductorio de
1,00 un ensayo corto (aproximadamente 400 a 600 palabras). Tenga en cuenta que el
planteamiento debe estar bien enfocado y ser específico, no sólo una declaración
general de los hechos.
Seleccione una:
a. J. Robert Oppenheimer, o en referred to as "the father of the atomic bomb," was born in New York City in
b. J. Robert Oppenheimer, the American physicist who directed the building of the first atomic bombs during
World War II, had technical, moral, and poli cal reasons for opposing the development of the hydrogen bomb.

Pregunta 8
Finalizado Seleccione la mejor opción que represente el planteamiento del problema de un
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
ensayo de acuerdo a su tópico/tema.
Topic: Changes in the weather pa erns around the world

Seleccione una:
a. This essay explains the reasons for an increase in the number of mel ng icebergs in the Arc c.
b. The weather in our region has changed a lot in the last couple of years.

c. Sub-zero temperatures in tropical regions, fierce winters, and disastrous flooding are key examples of global

Pregunta 9

Finalizado Seleccione entre la dos oraciones que siguen, la que crea pueda presentar el
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
planteamiento del problema de forma más eficaz en el párrafo introductorio de
1,00 un ensayo corto (aproximadamente 400 a 600 palabras). Tenga en cuenta que el
planteamiento debe estar bien enfocado y ser específico, no sólo una declaración
general de los hechos.
Seleccione una:
a. Every Sunday we visited my grandmother, who lived in a ny house that was undeniably haunted.
b. When I was a child I used to visit my grandmother in Moline every Sunday.

Pregunta 10

Finalizado Lea el párrafo e indique su patrón de organización

Puntúa 1,00 sobre To begin with, it is necessary to consider the long-term implica ons of the decision to increase our dependence on permanent staff in our
1,00 restaurants. For example, let us say we do go ahead. In this case, our reliance on hourly-paid staff will decrease. As a result, costs will
reduce, as permanent staff are cheaper than hourly-paid staff. In fact, it is not necessarily the case, especially as there is no way of knowing
what the rela ve costs of hourly-paid staff and permanent staff will be in ten years' me. However, as a rule hourly permanent staff are
more reliable than full- me staff and this is a genuine advantage. As a consequence of these two advantages, permanent staff would seem
to be a be er op on. In other words, they are cheaper and more reliable so they are be er. In that case, it is not necessary to hesitate.
Naturally, nothing is so simple. In short, cost is an unknown factor and the most economical choice is not known.

Seleccione una:

a. Narra ve

b. Comparison & Contrast

c. Chronological
d. Descrip ve
e. Analy cal

Pregunta 11

Finalizado Seleccione entre la dos oraciones que siguen, la que crea pueda presentar el
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
planteamiento del problema de forma más eficaz en el párrafo introductorio de
1,00 un ensayo corto (aproximadamente 400 a 600 palabras). Tenga en cuenta que el
planteamiento debe estar bien enfocado y ser específico, no sólo una declaración
general de los hechos.
Seleccione una:
a. There are several steps that teachers can take to encourage academic integrity and curtail chea ng in their
b. There is an epidemic of chea ng in America's schools and colleges, and there are no easy solu ons to this

Pregunta 12
Finalizado Complete las siguientes oraciones con la opción que mejor complete su idea.
Puntúa 3,00 sobre 1. A vegetarian can be defined as someone who does not eat meat, fish, or other animal products, such as eggs or cheese;
instead , he or she eats vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds.

2. because this diet consists of non-meat food sources, a vegetarian typically consumes less fat and cholesterol than an

individual who consumes meat.

3. furthermore , raising animals for food uses valuable land, water, and energy.

Pregunta 13

Finalizado Lea el párrafo y responda la pregunta.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre A Neutraliza on Experiment
To perform a neutraliza on experiment, proceed in the following manner. First, measure out about 2 cc. of laboratory NaOH
solu on. Second, pour the solu on into a small casserole. Next, add por ons of HCI solu on, s rring a er each addi on un l the solu on is
acid when tested with litmus paper. Then, place the casserole containing the solu on on a wire gauze over a Bunsen burner and heat it un l
the solu on begins to boil. When it does, reduce the size of the flame immediately and allow the solu on to boil gently. As it approaches
dryness, spu ering may occur. At this point, cover the casserole loosely with a watch-glass. Then, hold the casserole above the flame and
move it back and forth un l no further water vapor is expelled. Finally, allow the dish and residue to cool.

¿Cuál patrón de organización ene este párrafo?

Seleccione una:
a. Comparison and Contrast
b. Analy cal
c. Descrip ve
d. Chronological

e. Narra ve

Pregunta 14

Finalizado Lea el párrafo e indique su patrón de organización

Puntúa 1,00 sobre It's been almost ten years since I first ran for poli cal office. I was thirty-five at the me, four years out of law school, recently married,
1,00 and generally impa ent with life. A seat in the Illinois legislature had opened up, and several friends suggested that I run, thinking that my
work as a civil rights lawyer, and contacts from my days as a community organizer, would make me a viable candidate. A er discussing it
with my wife, I entered the race and proceeded to do what every first- me candidate does: I talked to anyone who would listen. I went to
block club mee ngs and church socials, beauty shops and barbershops. If two guys were standing on a corner, I would cross the street to
hand them campaign literature. And everywhere I went, I'd get some version of the same two ques ons.

Seleccione una:
a. Narra ve
b. Comparison & Contrast
c. Analy cal
d. Chronological
e. Descrip ve

Pregunta 15

Finalizado Seleccione entre la dos oraciones que siguen, la que crea pueda presentar el
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
planteamiento del problema de forma más eficaz en el párrafo introductorio de
1,00 un ensayo corto (aproximadamente 400 a 600 palabras). Tenga en cuenta que el
planteamiento debe estar bien enfocado y ser específico, no sólo una declaración
general de los hechos.
Seleccione una:
a. Drug and alcohol addic on is a major problem in the world today, and many people suffer from it.
b. Like other addic ve behaviors, Internet addic on may have serious nega ve consequences, including
academic failure, job loss, and a breakdown in personal rela onships.

Pregunta 16
Finalizado La siguiente oración da apertura a un párrafo po:
Puntúa 1,00 sobre As first ladies go, no two were more dis nctly different from one another than Jacqueline Kennedy and Patricia Nixon.
Seleccione una:
a. Narra ve
b. Descrip ve

c. Comparison & Contrast

d. Chronological
e. Analy cal

Pregunta 17

Finalizado Lea el párrafo y responda la pregunta que sigue.

Puntúa 1,00 sobre A boyco is an organized refusal by people to deal with a person or group in order to reach a certain goal. An example is the famous boyco
1,00 that began in 1955 when Mrs. Rosa Parks of Montgomery, Alabama, refused to obey a law requiring black people to sit at the back of city
buses. Mrs. Parks was arrested, and her arrest sparked a boyco of the city bus system by African Americans. The boyco was organized
and led by Dr. Mar n Luther King, Jr. Rather than con nue to lose money needed to run the bus system, the city changed the law.
The main pa ern of organiza on is:

Seleccione una:
a. comparison and contrast
b. me order
c. cause and effect
d. defini on and example

Pregunta 18

Finalizado Lea el párrafo e indique su patrón de organización

Puntúa 1,00 sobre The lights grow brighter as the earth lurches away from the sun, and now the orchestra is playing yellow cocktail music, and the opera of
1,00 voices pitches a key higher. Laughter is easier minute by minute, spilled with prodigality, pped out at a cheerful word . The groups change
more swi ly, swell with new arrivals, dissolve and form in the same breath; already there are wanderers, confident girls who weave here
and there among the stouter and more stable, become from a sharp, joyous moment the center of a group, and then, excited with triumph,
glide on through the sea-change of faces and voices and color under the constantly changing light.

Seleccione una:
a. Descrip ve
b. Narra ve
c. Analy cal
d. Chronological
e. Comparison & Contrast

Pregunta 19

Finalizado Seleccione la mejor opción que represente el planteamiento del problema de un

Puntúa 1,00 sobre
ensayo de acuerdo a su tópico/tema.
1,00 Topic: Successful business people

Seleccione una:
a. These days, to be successful in business you need to work hard, establish clear goals, and have good ming.
b. A successful business person is always very busy.
c. Having your picture on the front page of the newspaper is an indica on of success.

Pregunta 20

Finalizado Ordene las siguientes oraciones para formar una párrafo descrip vo con
Puntúa 1,00 sobre
secuencia lógica.
1,00 a. For a lightweight poster or sign, you can use either offset book stock or cover stock.
b. You'll probably have to take your publica on to a commercial printer, however, since bristol won't feed through most desktop printers or
copy machines.
c. The type of paper you choose for a poster or a sign depends on how it will be reproduced and how it is going to be used.
d. If you need to create a more durable poster or sign, or create packaging, bristol stock is your best choice.

Seleccione una:
a. a, b, c, d
b. d, b, c, a
c. c, a, d, b
d. d, b, a, c

Volver a: Tema 2 

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