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5 BB

Too Many Competitions happening on Internet Market

 There has been significant development in Internet network past 3 year and many internet
service companies and mobile companies want to expand their business and gain new
 The companies are fighting aggressively with other competitors to gain advantages and

Competitive Strategies and Plans

 Telenor and Ooredoo have become more and more popular in Mobile internet. Other
internet service companies such as Myanmar Net, SpeedNet and Kinetic have become to
push more and more on fight to gain advantage in Internet market.
 Therefore, 5BB Global Technology Company has to set up with their strategy and plans to
gain customers and popularity.

Marketing Targets

 5BB has target to people who want to set up safe and effective internet at home.
 For Business companies, 5BB has offered safe, secure and high performance internet for
business and enterprise.
 5BB has also target many cafes, apartments, condo, restaurants and hotel in Yangon.

Online advertising

Usually, 5BB Company focuses their advertising on Facebook. 5BB has been pushing their
advertisements and promotions on Facebook because of there are many strong competitors in


 Get twice speed for internet if the customers pay 3 month advance.
 If the customer has subscribed and paid the 1 year fees of S plan Internet packages, the
activation fees will be reduce and there will be 5 percent reduction of monthly fees.
Competitive Advantages

 Wide range of price for internet packages for everyone and

 It has fair price and cheaper than others.
 Well trained employees for better services for customers.
 The branch offices are widely though out the Yangon.
 Innovative marketing ideas that can compete with others.
 Up to date information on Facebook.

5BB Process mapping

Customer Check
request Process order


Deliver Order Assemble order
ISP laws
1. Broadband Speed Code of Practice

 5BB Company must also provide, upon request, the Minimum Guaranteed Access Line
Speed (MGALS) for customers.

2. Advertising Standards Authority Guidelines

 It enforces a number of guidelines against Internet and mobile data providers, which are
designed to prevent on misleading ISP promotions of broadband speeds and "unlimited"
style usage allowances.

3. Mid-Contract Price Rises

 It’s issued guidance against mid-contract price hike such as making mobile and or phone
providers to raise their prices when 5BB has already part of the way through a fixed
contract term with customers.

4. Copyright and Security

 5BB Company must have copyright laws for their works and services.
 5BB must not give any information of customers to public,

5. Automatic Compensation for Total Service Loss

 The compensation will only apply to faults that lend themselves to being "within the limit
of contracts" and which have not been caused by consumers themselves.
Top 10 Ranking - Fastest ISPs in Yangon

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