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Module 1

Meaning & Nature of Stress

Characteristics of stress

Types of stress

1. Identify the Stressor in your life by listing what stresses you most:
List the stressors in your life define them as Eustress and Distress

1. Debate: Is Stress Good or Bad?

Time Management Questionnaire:-

Score yourself on the following questions; 2 for "always", 1
for "sometimes", 0 for "never" and tally your score at the
bottom of the column.
_____I do things in order of priority.
_____I accomplish what needs to be done during the day.
_____I always get assignments done on time.
_____I feel I use my time effectively.
_____I tackle difficult or unpleasant tasks without
_____I force myself to make time for planning.
_____I am spending enough time planning.
_____I prepare a daily or weekly "to do" list.
_____I prioritize my list in order of importance, not urgency.
_____I am able to meet deadlines without rushing at the last
_____I keep up-to-date on my reading and homework
_____I prevent interruptions from distracting me from high
priority tasks.
_____I avoid spending too much time on trivial matters.
_____I am spending enough time on academic matters.
_____I plan time to relax and be with friends in my weekly
_____I have a weekly schedule on which I record fixed
commitments such as classes and work hours.
_____I try to do the most important tasks during my most
energetic periods of the day.
_____I make constructive use of my commuting time.
_____I periodically re-assess my activities in relation to my
_____I have discontinued any wasteful or unprofitable activities
or routines.
_____I screen and group my telephone calls to allow for control
over telephone interruptions.
_____I judge myself by accomplishment of tasks rather than by
amount of activity or "busy-ness".
_____My actions are determined primarily by me, not by
circumstances or by other people's priorities.
_____I have a clear idea of what I want to accomplish during the
coming semester.
_____I am satisfied with the way I use my time.
45 - 50 points: You're on your way to becoming CEO of a
major corporation!
38 - 44 points: You probably own a Franklin Planner and have
organized your sock drawer.
30 - 37 points: You are managing your time fairly well, but
sometimes feel overwhelmed.
25 - 36 points: Your college career is likely to be stressful and
less than satisfying unless you take steps to begin to manage
your time more effectively.
less than 25 points: Your life is one long roller coaster ride, out
of control.
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Module II: Stages and Models of Stress

Activity- 3 Symbols/ Pictures that mean Stress to you.

Module III: Causes and symptoms of stress

1. List 4 Movies each that cover Personal, Organizational and Environmental stress as their
dominant theme and write down in few lines describing the specific movie scenes which
are examples of the above 3 types of stress.
2. Eg : Movie : Corporate : Dominant theme : Organizational stress.
Module IV: Consequences of stress


Every individual has a different personality; however, there are certain traits that are commonly seen in
everybody. Based on these traits, certain personality tests were organized. One of such test is the type B
test. This personality test was first introduced in 1921.
Type A and type B people are very opposite to each other. A person's behavior can change from time to
time, so, will these personality tests be still useful? Well, the answer to this question is definitely yes.
Because, though human behavior changes, there are some major qualities in each person, which never
change. These personality tests are based on these non changeable characteristics. Following table will
tell you the difference between type a and and type b personality.
Type A vs Type B Personality

Type B
Type A
Hyper active Easy going
Short tempered Calm
Impatient Patient
Always pressurized Hardly stressed
Aggressive Complaisant
Competitive Reflective
Very ambitious Do not mind losing

It is very clear from this table that Type A's are 'stress junkies', whereas type B's are the cool like
cucumber people! If you are still confused about being type A or type B, take down the following test. This
test will clearly tell you your personality. There are just two rules about this test, think and answer, and be

Type B Personality Test

1. When facing an unfamiliar problem, what do you usually do?

a) Address the problem immediately.
b) Think about what to do and then take action.
c) Sit back and let things work out for themselves.

2. If you have to wait for someone or something for about thirty minutes, what do you do?
a) Keep checking the watch.
b) Get impatient and somewhat angry.
c) Do not mind, spend your time looking around.

3. Someone does something nice for you. How do you react? What are your immediate thoughts?
a) You wonder what it is that they want.
b) You feel a little uncomfortable but definitely appreciate the gesture.
c) You think it's very kind of them and go out of your way to return the favor.

4. What is a normal day in your life like?

a) Full of problems.
b) A mixture of problems and fun.
c) There are never enough things to keep me busy.

5. There is something good in every person, you think of this statement as:
a) Over-rated.
b) Yes, because you have experienced it.
c) Absolutely true.

6. Do you often finish other people's sentences because they speak too slowly?
a) Yes, frequently
b) Yes, sometimes
c) No, never

7. What do you think of praising others?

a) Shouldn't praise, as praise makes people proud and lazy.
b) Should praise sometimes.
c) Should always be praised, as it helps boost their performance.

8. Do you keep a daily schedule plan?

a) Yes
b) Once in a while
c) No

9. Do you think scientific approach is the best approach to anything?

a) Yes, definitely
b) Depends on the situation
c) No

10. When conversing with someone, who has less knowledge than you (e.g. lower education level)
a) Feel superior
b) Find an excuse to end the conversation.
c) Try to adjust your speech to make him/her comfortable.

Maximum A's mean your personality type is 'A', maximum 'B's mean you are a mixed personality
i.e. AB and maximum 'C's mean you are type B personality.

Type A Personality Test

Take the following Type A personality traits quiz to see how much you score on the Type A scale.
Give yourself a 1 for every question that you answer in an affirmative and give yourself a zero for
every negative answer. Add up the figures once you finish answering all the questions to get your

1. Do you talk fast?

2. Do you always reach places either a little before or right on time?
3. Are you a fast eater?
4. Are you always in a hurry to complete tasks?
5. Have you ever found yourself involuntarily grinding your teeth when faced with a challenge or
tense situation?
6. Do you find yourself thinking of a lot many things when another person is speaking?
7. Are you used to always getting your stuff done, no matter what?
8. Do you find it difficult to completely trust other people?
9. Do you often find it distressing to delegate work because you are doubtful of other people’s
10. Do you multitask often?
11. Are you considered as a chronic / compulsive workaholic by your family / friends / colleagues?
12. Have you often been told to sit back and relax rather than trying to take active control of the
13. Do you often get headaches while tackling a difficult or heavy situation?
14. Do you anger easily?
15. Do you get easily impatient with people who are slower than you?

If you’ve answered at least ten of these questions with a "yes", you really need to slow down! You
may be running a risk of heart disease and hypertension!

If you have answered about 7 - 9 of these questions in "yes", you are a borderline Type A person.

In case you have answered ALL of these 15 questions affirmatively - STOP RIGHT
THERE! What do you think you’re doing to yourself! Slow down and get a breather, my
dear friend - life is beautiful for only those who take the opportunity to stop and smell
the flowers along the way!

Hope you got an idea about your personality type after taking this Type A Personality
quiz! Being a go-getter is a wonderful trait but overdoing it may prove detrimental to
. your health and wellness! Relax a bit and slow down while you still can or a complete
burnout is not very far away for you!

Discuss and gather information on How Corporate Houses are taking initiatives to reduce
Organizational stress

Quote example of School/ College Life where your performance suffered due to stress .Also
mention any of your Personal / Professional achievements that were due to your ability to handle
stress in an effective manner

Eg : Losing Weight : personal Achievement : Coped stress of being Overweight by not

buckling under peer pressure , instead motivating self to achieve desired goal in slow and
steady manner
Module V: Strategies for stress management
1. PPT : Causes of Stress Amongst youth and Coping Strategies has been mailed to
Following Addresss:-



Few Highlights of PPT:-

What is stress:-

 Stress is the body’s automatic response to any physical or mental demand placed on it.

 Adrenaline is a chemical naturally produced in our body as a response to stress .

 Fight or Flight response is illicited

Causes of Stress:-

Situations, activities, and relationships that cause ‘trauma’ to one’s physical, emotional, or
psychological self

Other Stressors amongst youth:-

 School

 Work

 Family

 Relationships

 Legal

 Finances
 Health/illness

 Environment

 Living Situation

Coping with Stress:-

 Stress Relief Strategies

1. Body relaxation excercises

- breathing techniques

- guided imagery

2. Physical exercise


-work out routine

3. Meditation

4. Counseling

-talk therapy

-life coaching

Other Helpful tips:-

 Changing perceptions and expectations

 Break jobs/tasks into manageable parts

 Set reasonable/realistic goals

 Avoid procrastination

 Set boundaries
 Don’t compromise your values/beliefs

 Schedule “me” time

Benefits of Stress Management:-

 Physical health gets better

-more energy and stamina

 Emotions stabilized

-positive attitude


 Ability to focus improved

-able to learn and achieve

Module VI: End-of-Semester Appraisal


Exit Level Rating by Self and Observer

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