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Music is a part of all of our lives, from when we’re growing up to when we’re old.

grow up to the sound of our mothers singing us lullabies so that we’d go to sleep. Music
is one of the most calming and soothing things if you let it be. It comes from melodies
and tunes strung together by people who sing and play musical instruments. The power
of music shows in the simplest of things, such as when you absentmindedly tap your
foot to a beat or hum a tune unknowingly.

Music is not only created by people, but it is also all around us in nature. In the
mornings, when the crickets and the birds chirp, it is music. The loud sound of the
waves in the ocean swishing, the whistle in the wind, and the sound of trees and leaves
rustling are all their own forms of music.

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Long and Short Essay on Music in English for Students

and Kids
For different age groups, there are different types of essay on music. There is a long
essay on music which consists of 400-500 words, and a short essay on music of 150-
200 words.

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