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Furthermore, I have learned just as much online as I would have in a traditional

class. I do not have the interactions with the instructor and the classmates, but I can
email my instructor or my classmates at anytime. Internet classes have the
discussion board where my classmates and I can exchange comments and ideas
about our papers online. I do not feel as though I am missing out on anything by
taking online classes. Actually, I am gaining much more that I am losing. For example,
I involve my family in my Internet assignments, and I get ideas from them on
assignments. I make a list like a survey, and question everyone on his or her ideas.
This is a lot of fun, and it gives me ideas for my assignments. This is a learning
experience for my whole family. And also, I am spending time with my family; which
is difficult for a non-traditional student.
    Finally, online classes fit my lifestyle, because I am not a traditional student. If
given a choice I would take all of my classes through the Internet. Online classes have
saved me money and time. Also, online classes allow me to work, to be a wife and
mother, and it allows me to be a full time student. The only drawback for me was
when my computer crashed. Other than that my experience with online classes has
been a rewarding, learning experience.

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