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Introductory Part Accounting is the study of how businesses track their income and

assets over time. Accountants engage in a wide variety of activities besides preparing
financial statements and recording business transactions, including computing costs
and efficiency gains from new technologies, participating in strategies for mergers and
acquisitions, quality management, developing and using information systems to track
financial performance, tax strategy, and health care benefits management.They perform
these vital functions by offering an increasingly wide array of business and accounting
services to their clients, in order to provide information to them. Accounting- the best
profession There is a lot to gain from a career in accounting. The most important is that
people can learn how business works from accounting. Accounting jobs offers
stimulating and challenging work that is constantly evolving.

Because accountants spend a lot of time looking under the hoods of businesses, they
really learn the nuts and bolts of business.An accountant is perfectly positioned to
become a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) because he has the best understanding of what
drives business and profits in a company. In the year of 2009, the world economy is
undergoing recession. The accounting profession has been affected just like the rest of
the financial services industry. Accountants are thinking hard about their work lives and
are worried about the future. Yet, the fundamentals are strong, demand for new
graduates will be back and accounting should remain a promising profession for many
years to come. Accounting in ManagementMany firms are focusing on activity-based
management, process-view analysis, constraint checking and business process
analysis as well.

The world of management accounting is evolving rapidly and there is high demand for
accountants who are knowledgeable about these trends. Educational Requirements
Climbing Most accountant and auditor positions require at least a 4-year bachelor’s
degree with major in accounting or a related field. Some employers prefer applicants
with a master’s degree in accounting, or with a master’s degree in business
administration with a concentration in accounting.

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