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*SABBATH*: Just as the two parts of the Scriptures have received the names Old & New

Testament but all communicate the same message, so is the covenant God made with men named
Old & New covenant to cover the two periods allotted for man’s redemption. The newness of the
old covenant is in its renewal. Both offer God’s grace & mercy. It’s just like putting “new” on a
soap box but not changing the soap.

*SUNDAY*: The Old & New covenant are not so different. There are several lines of continuity
in both; God is the same in both, the law is the same in both, the partners are the same (God &
man), the purpose is the same (“I will be their God, and they will be my people”). The “fault” of
the old was not in the covenant itself but in the fact that it was broken by man (Jer. 31:31-34,
read Rom. 2:15; Matt. 5:17-28).

*MONDAY*: Although the concept of a “new” covenant first occurs in Jer. 31:31, other
prophets such as Hosea predicted a new covenant 150 years before Jeremiah (Hos. 2:18-20; Jer.
31:31-34). Amid the rebellion of man against God, from time to time He sent prophets to remind
His people that He’s ready to enter into a covenant with them when they repent (Ezek. 11:19;
18:31; 36:26, 27; Jer. 24:7).

*TUESDAY*: The promises of both the old & new covenant was for all people, even though
God chose Israel as the point of contact. All Jews & Gentiles were invited to partake in it by
agreeing to it (Isa. 56:6, 7, Jer. 31:33). The “new” is called “better” because it was not based on
faulty but better promises (see Rom. 11:5, 7, 13-24, Eph. 2:12, Heb. 9:15). Christ is the mediator
of the new covenant, for all believers.

*WEDNESDAY*: In details, the new covenant is better because unlike the old which was made
through animal sacrifices, the new was made through the death of Christ & His
priestly/mediating service in heaven (Heb. 8:6-8, 4:2). In both the old & new the salvation offer
is the same, but the symbols/types in the old is fulfilled in Jesus in the new (Heb. 9:8-14). He is
the lamb slain for us (Heb. 7:25, 8:5, 10:1).

*THURSDAY*: The book of Hebrews provide a vivid account of the new covenant with clarity
through the priesthood of Christ (Heb. 10:4). The types & symbols of the old covenant could not
save in & of themselves but pointed to Christ. In the new, through the priestly work of Christ in
heaven, we’re saved. His blood made the sacrificial blood of animals in the covenant at Sinai
“old” (Matt. 27:51, Heb. 8:1-5, 9:12).

*FRIDAY*: The new covenant was made during the Lord’s supper. The blood of Christ is the
blood of the new covenant. The blood of Christ was actually shed upon the cross the next day.
By this covenant, all the blessings of heaven was poured upon those who enter in it. Notably, the
covenant offered pardoning mercy to every sinner who repents. God is merciful as He is just
(Heb. 8:12). Obey & receive pardon.

—Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 659 & God’s Amazing Grace, p. 138.


_Faulty Covenant/Promise: The old covenant was faulty not in itself but with the response of the
people (Israelites) to it. They pledged to obey (“all that you’ve said we’ll do”) & broke it
afterwards relieving God from the conditions of the covenant. It was faulty because it was based
on faulty promises._


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