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In my opinion, the cancellation of Hajj departures due to the pandemic which has not subsided is

very reasonable. Because indeed the Saudi Arabian government itself provided clarity on this,
and not only Indonesia was canceled but all countries were also canceled. There are only 11
countries that are allowed in and out of Saudi Arabia, but not to perform the pilgrimage. So it is
appropriate and reasonable if Indonesia is not allowed to go for Hajj. Because in Indonesia itself,
COVID-19 cases are still high and have not decreased.

However, for me, there was a slight discrepancy regarding the explanations from state officials
such as the President and Vice President. Because the vice president said that the hajj funds were
used for secure infrastructure. Meanwhile, the President said that the hajj funds were not used
and stored properly and safely. The statement given is incomplete and can cause hoax news to
spread. So it can be debated later. In my opinion, the Indonesian government should be able to
provide certainty and not make hasty decisions. Because this concerns the wider community and
is quite sensitive. So it must be estimated carefully

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