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Name : Muhammad Fazran Andrian

Student ID : 010002000375

The Similarity Between Criminal Law and Civil Law

In the investigation of a case, whether it is a criminal or civil action, it must consist of three
judges or panel judges. One of the judges acts as chairman and 2 others as member judges.
This is because there is an absolute decision and there is no balanced vote. The next equation
is that in the trial, the trial is open to the public. This trial can be watched and attended by
everyone so that they can see the proceedings of a case investigation. Furthermore, in court,
both the prosecutor and the accused must be treated fairly and not differentiated. This applies
to criminal and civil acts. Then, the judge in the trial must hear statements from both parties.
In court proceedings, both criminal and civil law proceedings, the defendant or the prosecutor
must get justice. Their report must be heard and their defense also accepted. Criminal and
civil laws are made so that people can feel safe.

The Difference Between Criminal Law and Civil Law

Based on the definition, criminal law is a law that plays a role in regulating acts that have
been prohibited by the government and statutory regulations. For violators, they will receive
sanctions by criminal legislation. Civil law can be called personal law. Civil law is a law that
regulates legal actors who are more personal. Civil law is inversely proportional to public
law. Public law usually handles cases related to the state and other general matters such as
politics, while civil law focuses more on the relationship between citizens. Some examples of
these civil law cases are marriage, divorce, transfer of property, and inheritance. In the
application of criminal law, the legal apparatus can immediately take action without having to
receive a complaint or special report from the injured party, unless the criminal act is in the
form of complaints such as rape and domestic violence. Meanwhile, civil law enforcement
officers can only act after a complaint or report from the reporting party feels aggrieved. If
there is no complaint, then the legal apparatus cannot take further steps in a case. In terms of
its content, criminal law is divided into 2 parts, namely formal criminal law and material
criminal law. Formal criminal law is a law concerning how to commit a crime, while material
criminal law regulates everything concerning criminal acts and also their sanctions.
Meanwhile, the contents of civil law consist of 5 parts, namely family law, inheritance law,
property law, property law, and contract law. Furthermore, criminal law is a law that
regulates the relationship between citizens and the state. Civil law is a law that regulates the
relationship between one person and another and is more personal. The purpose of criminal
law is to protect public interests, for example, those stipulated in the Criminal Code (KUHP),
which has direct implications for society at large (in general), where when a criminal act is
committed, it harms security, peace, welfare, and public order in society. Different from
criminal law, civil law itself is private, which emphasizes regulating the relationship between
individuals, in other words, it focuses on individual interests. Therefore, it can be concluded
that the consequences of the provisions in civil law contained in the Civil Code (KUH Per)
only have a direct impact on the parties involved, and do not directly affect the public


In the investigation of a case, whether it is a criminal or civil action, it must consist of three
judges or panel judges. One of the judges acts as chairman and 2 others as member judges.
This is because there is an absolute decision and there is no balanced vote. The next equation
is that in the trial, the trial is open to the public. Criminal and civil laws are made so that
people can feel safe. Based on the definition, criminal law is a law that plays a role in
regulating acts that have been prohibited by the government and statutory regulations. For
violators, they will receive sanctions by criminal legislation. Civil law can be called personal
law. Civil law is a law that regulates legal actors who are more personal. Civil law is
inversely proportional to public law. If there is no complaint, then the legal apparatus cannot
take further steps in a case. In terms of its content, criminal law is divided into 2 parts,
namely formal criminal law and material criminal law. Formal criminal law is a law
concerning how to commit a crime, while material criminal law regulates everything
concerning criminal acts and also their sanctions. Meanwhile, the contents of civil law consist
of 5 parts, namely family law, inheritance law, property law, property law, and contract law.

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