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International Journal of Computer Science

and Information Technology (IJCSIT)

ISSN: 0975-3826(online); 0975-4660 (Print)

Evan R.M. Debenham and Roberto Solis-Oba, The University of Western Ontario, Canada

The aim of this paper is to propose new algorithms for Field of Vision (FOV) computation
which improve on existing work at high resolutions. FOV refers to the set of locations that
are visible from a specific position in a scene of a computer game.

We summarize existing algorithms for FOV computation, describe their limitations, and
present new algorithms which aim to address these limitations. We first present an algorithm
which makes use of spatial data structures in a way which is new for FOV calculation. We
then present a novel technique which updates a previously calculated FOV, rather than
recalculating an FOV from scratch.

We compare our algorithms to existing FOV algorithms and show they provide substantial
improvements to running time. Our algorithms provide the largest improvement over
existing FOV algorithms at large grid sizes, thus allowing the possibility of the design of
high resolution FOV-based video games.


Field of Vision (FOV), Computer Games, Visibility Determination, Algorithms.

Full Text:

6th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering And

Applications (CSEA 2020 )

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John Hawkins, Transitional AI Research Group, Australia


Prioritization of machine learning projects requires estimates of both the potential ROI of
the business case and the technical difficulty of building a model with the required
characteristics. In this work we present a technique for estimating the minimum required
performance characteristics of a predictive model given a set of information about how it
will be used. This technique will result in robust, objective comparisons between potential
projects. The resulting estimates will allow data scientists and managers to evaluate whether
a proposed machine learning project is likely to succeed before any modelling needs to be
done. The technique has been implemented into the open source application MinViME
(Minimum Viable Model Estimator) which can be installed via the PyPI python package
management system, or downloaded directly from the GitHub repository. Available at


Machine Learning, ROI Estimation, Machine Learning Metrics, Cost Sensitive Learning.

Full Text:

6th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering And

Applications (CSEA 2020 )

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Jiawei LI and Tad Gonsalves, Sophia University, Japan


This paper presents a Genetic Algorithm approach to solve a specific examination

timetabling problem which is common in Japanese Universities. The model is programmed
in Excel VBA programming language, which can be run on the Microsoft Office Excel
worksheets directly. The model uses direct chromosome representation. To satisfy hard and
soft constraints, constraint-based initialization operation, constraint-based crossover
operation and penalty points system are implemented. To further improve the result quality
of the algorithm, this paper designed an improvement called initial population pre-training.
The proposed model was tested by the real data from Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. The
model shows acceptable results, and the comparison of results proves that the initial
population pre-training approach can improve the result quality.


Examination timetabling problem, Excel VBA, Direct chromosome representation, Genetic

Algorithm Improvement.

Full Text:

8th International Conference on Computational Science and

Engineering (CSE 2020)

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Yoshiaki Okubo, Hokkaido University, Japan


In this paper, we present a method of finding conceptual clusters of music objects based on
Formal Concept Analysis. A formal concept (FC) is defined as a pair of extent and intent
which are sets of objects and terminological attributes commonly associated with the
objects, respectively. Thus, an FC can be regarded as a conceptual cluster of similar objects
for which its similarity can clearly be stated in terms of the intent. We especially discuss
FCs in case of music objects, called music FCs. Since a music FC is based solely on
terminological information, we often find extracted FCs would not always be satisfiable
from acoustic point of view. In order to improve their quality, we additionally require our
FCs to be consistent with acoustic similarity. We design an efficient algorithm for extracting
desirable music FCs. Our experimental results for The MagnaTagATune Dataset shows
usefulness of the proposed method.


Formal concept analysis, music formal concepts, music objects, terminological similarity,
acoustic similarity.

Full Text:

4th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology

(COMIT 2020)

1. L. Billard ad E. Diday. Symbolic Data Analysis, Wiley, 2006.

2. S. Marsland, Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, Second Edition, CRC Press, 2015.

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Yakoop Razzaz Hamoud Qasim, Habeb Abdulkhaleq Mohammed Hassan,

Abdulelah Abdulkhaleq Mohammed Hassan, Taiz University, Yemen


In this paper we present a Convolutional Neural Network consisting of NASNet and MobileNet in
parallel (concatenation) to classify three classes COVID-19, normal and pneumonia, depending on a
dataset of 1083 x-ray images divided into 361 images for each class. VGG16 and RESNet152-v2
models were also prepared and trained on the same dataset to compare performance of the proposed
model with their performance. After training the networks and evaluating their performance, an
overall accuracy of 96.91%for the proposed model, 92.59% for VGG16 model and 94.14% for
RESNet152. We obtained accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and precision of 99.69%, 99.07%, 100%
and 100% respectively for the proposed model related to the COVID-19 class. These results were
better than the results of other models. The conclusion, neural networks are built from models in
parallel are most effective when the data available for training are small and the features of different
classes are similar.


Deep Learning, Concatenation Technique, Convolutional Neural Networks, COVID-19, Transfer


Full Text:

4th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology

(COMIT 2020)

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Sergio Hidalgo-Espinoza, Kevin Chamorro-Cupuerán and Oscar Chang-Tortolero,
University of Yachay Tech, Ecuador


Intrusion detection into computer networks has become one of the most important issues in
cybersecurity. Attackers keep on researching and coding to discover new vulnerabilities to penetrate
information security system. In consequence computer systems must be daily upgraded using up-to-
date techniques to keep hackers at bay. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of an
intrusion detection system based on Deep Learning architectures. As a first step, a shallow network
is trained with labelled log-in [into a computer network] data taken from the Dataset CICIDS2017.
The internal behaviour of this network is carefully tracked and tuned by using plotting and exploring
codes until it reaches a functional peak in intrusion prediction accuracy. As a second step, an
autoencoder, trained with big unlabelled data, is used as a middle processor which feeds compressed
information and abstract representation to the original shallow network. It is proven that the resultant
deep architecture has a better performance than any version of the shallow network alone. The
resultant functional code scripts, written in MATLAB, represent a re-trainable system which has
been proved using real data, producing good precision and fast response.


Artificial Neural Networks, Information Security, Deep Learning, intrusion detection & hacking

Full Text:

10th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology

(ACITY 2020)

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Qile He1 and Yu Sun2
Webber Academy, Canada, 2California State Polytechnic University, USA


Many robot applications depend on solving the Complete Coverage Path Problem (CCPP).
Specifically, robot vacuum cleaners have seen increased use in recent years, and some models offer
room mapping capability using sensors such as LiDAR. With the addition of room mapping, applied
robotic cleaning has begun to transition from random walk and heuristic path planning into an
environment-aware approach. In this paper, a novel solution for pathfinding and navigation of indoor
robot cleaners is proposed. The proposed solution plans a path from a priori cellular decomposition
of the work environment. The planned path achieves complete coverage on the map and reduces
duplicate coverage. The solution is implemented inside the ROS framework, and is validated with
Gazebo simulation. Metrics to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm seek to evaluate
the efficiency by speed, duplicate coverage and distance travelled.


Complete Coverage Path Planning, Mobile Robots, Graph Theory.

Full Text:

10th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology

(ACITY 2020)

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Cloud computing gives a relevant and adaptable support for Big Data by the ease of use,
access to resources, low cost use of resources, and the use of strong equipment to process
big data. Cloud and big data center on developing the value of a business while reducing
capital costs.

Big data and cloud computing, both favor companies and by cause of their benefit, the use
of big data growths extremely in the cloud. With this serious increase, there are several
emerging risk security concerns. Big data has more vulnerabilities with the comparison to
classical database, as this database are stored in servers owned by the cloud provider. The
various usage of data make safety-related big data in the cloud intolerable with the
traditional security measures.

The security of big data in the cloud needs to be looked at and discussed. In this current
paper, my colleagues and me will present and discuss the risk assessment of big-data
applications in cloud computing environments and present some ideas for assessing these


Cloud computing, risk assessment, big data, security.

Full Text:

10th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology

(ACITY 2020)

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Richard Zhang1, Mary Zhao1, Yucheng Jiang2 , Sophadeth Rithya2 and Yu Sun2
Irvine High School. 4321 Walnut Ave Irvine, CA 92604
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, 91768


Through our app, it is aimed to teach and tell the patients how to use the drug properly
taking off the chances of putting their lives in danger, especially the elderly. It is also
efficient to give patients these instructions as well as saving lots of paper. Because of the
law, every drug that is given from the pharmacy to the user includes a receipt that lists
information of, patient’s information, drug information, insurance information, directions on
taking the medicine (black box warning issued by FDA), medication details on how it
works, side effects, storage rules, and etc. These pieces of information are crucial to
patients, where it tells them how to use the drug properly, but most people would throw
these receipts away, which is a risk as well as a waste. Through using this app, the patient
can efficiently get information on how to properly use the drug. This application is also
helpful, where the user can choose to set reminders on when to eat this drug each week or


Cloud computing, risk assessment, big data, security.

Full Text:

10th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology

(ACITY 2020)

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Sami Ouali, College of Applied Sciences, Ibri, Oman


Software Product Lines (SPL) are recognized as a successful approach to reuse in software
development. Its purpose is to reduce production costs. This approach allows products to be
different with respect of particular characteristics and constraints in order to cover different
markets. Software Product Line engineering is the production process in product lines. It
exploits the commonalities between software products, but also to preserve the ability to
vary the functionality between these products. Sometimes, an inappropriate implementation
of SPL during this process can conduct to code smells or code anomalies. Code smells are
considered as problems in source code which can have an impact on the quality of the
derived products of an SPL. The same problem can be present in many derived products
from an SPL due to reuse. A possible solution to this problem can be the refactoring which
can improve the internal structure of source code without altering external behavior. This
paper proposes an approach for building SPL from source code. Its purpose is to reduce
code smells in the obtained SPL using refactoring source code. Another part of the approach
consists on obtained SPL’s design based on reverse engineering.


Software Product Line, Code smells, Refactoring, Reverse Engineering.

Full Text:

9th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (NLP 2020)

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Abhilash Pani, Jinendra Gugaliya and Mekapati Srinivas, Industrial Automation Technology Centre,
ABB, India


Gas sample is conditioned using sample handling system (SHS) to remove particulate matter
and moisture content before sending it through Continuous Emission Monitoring (CEM)
devices. The performance of SHS plays a crucial role in reliable operation of CEMs and
therefore, sensor-based condition monitoring systems (CMSs) have been developed for
SHSs. As sensor failures impact performance of CMSs, a data driven soft-sensor approach
is proposed to improve robustness of CMSs in presence of single sensor failure. The
proposed approach uses data of available sensors to estimate true value of a faulty sensor
which can be further utilized by CMSs. The proposed approach compares multiple methods
and uses support vector regression for development of soft sensors. The paper also considers
practical challenges in building those models. Further, the proposed approach is tested on
industrial data and the results show that the soft sensor values are in close match with the
actual ones.


Sample Handling System, Soft-Sensor, Variance Inflation Factor (VIF), Local Outlier
Factor (LOF), Support Vector Regression..

Full Text:

9th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (NLP 2020)

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Genetic Algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm and a metaheuristic that was introduced to

overcome the failure of gradient based method in solving the optimization and search
problems. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact on the convergence of Genetic
Algorithm vis-a‘-vis 0/1 knapsack. By keeping the number of generations and the initial
population fixed, different crossover methods like one point crossover and two-point
crossover were evaluated and juxtaposed with each other. In addition to this, the impact of
different selection methods like rank-selection, roulette wheel and tournament selection
were evaluated and compared. Our results indicate that convergence rate of combination of
one point crossover with tournament selection, with respect to 0/1 knapsack problem that we
considered, is the highest and thereby most efficient in solving 0/1 knapsack.


Genetic, Crossover, Selection, Knapsack, Roulette, Tournament, Rank, Single Point, Two
Point, Convergence

Full Text:

7th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information

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For electromagnetic induction wireless power transmission using an elliptical receiving coil,
we investigated changes in magnetic field distribution and power transmission efficiency
due to changes in the position of the transmitting and receiving coils. The simulation results
using the high-frequency structure simulator were compared with the actual measurement
results. It has been shown that even if the alignment between the transmitting coil and the
receiving coil is changed to some extent, the transmission efficiency on the simulator can be
maintained relatively stable. The transmission efficiency showed the maximum when the
center of the receiving coil was perfectly aligned with the center of the transmitting coil.
Although the reduction in efficiency was small when the center of the receiving coil was
within ± 10 mm from the center of the transmitting coil, it was found that the efficiency was
greatly reduced when the receiving coil deviated by more than 10 mm. Accordingly, it has
been found that even if the perfect alignment is not maintained, the performance of the
wireless power transmission system is not significantly reduced. When the center of the
receiving coil is perfectly aligned with the center of the transmitting coil, the transmission
efficiency is maximum, and even if the alignment is slightly changed, the performance of
wireless power transmission maintains a certain level. This result proposes a standardized
wireless transmission application method in the use of wireless power for implantable


ECG, Implantable sensors, Simulation, Power transmission efficiency, Wireless power


Full Text:

7th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information

Technology (CSEIT 2020)

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Sangwoo Cho and Jong-Ha Lee, Keimyung University, South Korea


Usability evaluation of wireless device can find improvement about user convenience. This
study investigated natural finger pressure range when presses touch sensor. Fifteen adults
(Male: 10, Female: 5, Age: 26.13 ± 3.98 years) were recruited in this experiment. Subjects
carried out a usability evaluation about wireless device operation. The usability evaluation
measured finger pressure on touch sensor operation of wireless device using finger pressure
sensor. Subjects performed 1.76±0.95 times until pressing the touch sensor to complete task
(t = 3.091, p = 0.008). In comparisons between natural movement and the movement to
complete task, more finger pressure value was decreased in natural movement than the
movement to complete task (t = -2.277, p = 0.039). This study found a finger pressure
values to improve effectiveness of wireless device operation interface. Finger pressure value
was presented to induce natural movement for the use of touch sensor.


Usability Evaluation, Operation Interface, Finger Pressure Range, Wireless Device.

Full Text:

7th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information

Technology (CSEIT 2020)

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Smaranjit Ghose and Suhrid Datta,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, India


The pandemic of COVID-19 has been rapidly spreading across the globe since it first
surfaced in the Wuhan province of China. Several governments are forced to have
nationwide lockdowns due to the progressive increase in a daily number of cases. The
hospitals and other medical facilities are facing difficulties to cope with the overwhelming
number of patients they can provide support due to the shortage in the number of required
medical professionals and resources for meeting this demand. While the vaccine to cure this
disease is still on the way, early diagnosis of patients and putting them in quarantine has
become a cumbersome task too. In this study, we propose to build an artificial intelligence-
based system for classifying patients as COVID-19 positive or negative within a few
seconds by using their chest CT Scans. We use a transfer learning approach to build our
classifier model using a dataset obtained from openly available sources. This work is meant
to assist medical professionals in saving hours of their time for the diagnosis of the
Coronavirus using chest radiographs and not intended to be the sole way of diagnosis.


COVID-19, Deep Learning, CT Scans, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, computer

tomography scans

Full Text:

7th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information

Technology (CSEIT 2020)

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Increased collaborative production and dynamic selection of production partners within

industry 4.0 manufacturing leads to ever-increasing automatic data exchange between
companies. Automatic and unsupervised data exchange creates new attack vectors, which
could be used by a malicious insider to leak secrets via an otherwise considered secure
channel without anyone noticing. In this paper we reflect upon approaches to prevent the
exposure of secret data via blockchain technology, while also providing auditable proof of
data exchange. We show that previous blockchain based privacy protection approaches offer
protection, but give the control of the data to (potentially not trustworthy) third parties,
which also can be considered a privacy violation. The approach taken in this paper is not
utilize centralized data storage for data. It realizes data confidentiality of P2P
communication and data processing in smart contracts of blockchains.


Blockchain, Privacy Protection, P2P Communication, Smart Contracts, Industry 4.0.

Full Text:

10th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications

(CCSEA 2020)

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Amr Adel1 and Brian Cusack2,
Whitecliffe College of Technology & Innovation, New Zealand,
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand


Enhancements in technologies and shifting trends in customer behaviour have resulted in an

increase in the variety, volume, veracity and velocity of available data for conducting digital
forensic analysis. In order to conduct intelligent forensic investigation, open source
information and entity identification must be collected. Challenge of organised crimes are
now involved in drug trafficking, murder, fraud, human trafficking, and high-tech crimes.
Criminal Intelligence using Open Source Intelligence Forensic (OSINT) is established to
perform data mining and link analysis to trace terrorist activities in critical. In this paper, we
will investigate the activities done by a suspect employee. Data mining is to be performed
and link analysis as well to confirm all participating parties and contacted persons used in
the communications. The proposed solution was to identify the scope of the investigation to
limit the results, ensure that expertise and correct tools are ready to be implemented for
identifying and collecting potential evidences. This enhanced information and knowledge
achieved are of advantage in research. This form of intelligence building can significantly
support real world investigations with efficient tools. The major advantage of analysing data
links in digital forensics is that there may be case-related information included within
unrelated databases.


Open Source Intelligence, Information Retrieval,Digital Forensics, Cyber-Crimes & Data Mining.

Full Text:

10th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications

(CCSEA 2020)

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Gholam Aghashirin1, Hoda S. Abdel-Aty-Zohdy1, Mohamed A. Zohdy1, Darrell Schmidt1 and Adam
Oakland University, USA, 2McMaster University, Canada


Antenna module is a vital component of automated driving systems, it should function as

needed in dGPS, HD map correction services, and radio and navigation systems. The
proposed antenna model for GPS only patch antenna operating at 1.57542 GHz and the
GNSS patch antenna resonating at 1.5925 GHz are developed. This work presents the
design, modelling, determining passive gain of the GPS patch vs. GNSS antenna with
intended targeted applications within the automotive system. Simulation are undertaken to
evaluate the performance of the proposed GNSS antenna. Simulation conducted in FEKO
software rather than mathematical modelling. The two antennas are also compared from the
size standpoint. The goal of this paper is to test, measure and evaluate the performance of
GPS against GNSS antennas. Another emphasis of this paper is how to obtain the equivalent
amount of total passive gain in a GPS vs. that of GNSS antenna.


Differential Global Position System (dGPS), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS),
Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (GLONASS), Advanced Driver Assistance
Systems (ADAS), Automated Driving (AD), Modelling, comparison, measurements, analysis.

Full Text:

9th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and Applications

(ICAITA 2020)

[1] Constantine A. Balanis, Antenna Theory Analysis and Design, 2nd ed., New York: Wiley,
1997, p. 1- 3, 58-61, 73-77, 722-750, 839-871

[2] Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics, 2001 Media Edition, Prentice
Hall, p.347-354
Muhammad Azam, Derek Jacoby and Yvonne Coady, University of Victoria, Canada


Electroencephalogram (EEG) records electrical activity at different locations in the brain. It

is used to identify abnormalities and support the diagnoses of different disease conditions.
The accessibility of low-cost EEG devices has seen the analysis of this data become more
common in other research domains. In this work, we assess the performance of using
Approximate entropy, Sample entropy, and Reyni entropy as features in the classification of
fatigue from EEG data captured by a MUSE 2 headset. We test 5 classifiers: Naive Bayes,
Radial Basis Function Network, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Best
First Decision Tree. We achieved the highest accuracy of 77.5% using the Support Vector
Machine classifier and present possible enhancements to improve this.


EEG, Electroencephalogram, Approximate entropy, Sample entropy, Reyni entropy, Fatigue

detection, Automatic classification, MUSE 2

Full Text:

9th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies and Applications

(ICAITA 2020)

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Camille Salinesi1, Clotilde Rohleder 2, Asmaa Achtaich1, 3, IndraKusumah1, 2

CRI -Paris 1 Sorbonne University, Paris, France
University of Applied Science HTWG Constanz, Germany
Siweb – Université Mohammed 5, Rabat, Maroc


System engineering focuses on the realization of complex systems, from design all the way to
management. Meanwhile, in the era of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things, systems are getting more
and more complex. This complexity comes from the usage of smart sub systems (e.g. smart objects,
new communication protocols, etc.) and new engineering product development processes (e.g.
through Open Innovation). These two aspects namely the IoTrelated sub system and product
development process are our main discussion topics in our research work. The creation of smart
objects such as innovative fleets of connected devices is a compelling case. Fleets of devices in
smart buildings, smart cars or smart consumer products (e.g. cameras, sensors, etc.) are confronted
with complex, dynamic, rapidly changing and resource-constrained environments. In order to align
with these context fluctuations, we develop a framework representing the dimensions for building
Self-adaptive fleets for IoT applications. The emerging product development process Open
Innovation is proven to be three time faster and ten times cheaper than conventional ones. However,
it is relatively new to the industry, and therefore, many aspects are not clearly known, starting from
the specific product requirements definition, design and engineering process (task assignment), until
quality assurance, time and cost. Therefore, acceptance of this new approach in the industry is still
limited. Research activities are mainly dealing with high and qualitative levels. Whereas methods
that supply more transparent numbers remain unlikely. The project-related risks are therefore
unclear, consequently, the Go / noGo decisions become difficult. This paper contributes ideas to
handle issues mentioned above by proposing a new integrated method, we call it InnoCrowd. This
approach, from the perspective of IoT, can be used as a base for the establishment of a related
decision support system.


Industry 4.0, Internet of Thing, Crowdsourcing, Neural Network, Decision Support System

Full Text:

7th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology

(CoSIT 2020)

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