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Evidence: My sense of justice

A. Some people are biologically predisposed to become criminals.

Answer: I disagree

In my opinion, I think that a child who has his childhood and lives in an environment of
aggressiveness and violence has more likely to be a criminal in the future than a child who
has been brought up between love, tenderness and respect.

B. Crime is a consequence of poverty.

Answer: I disagree

I believe that a crime is committed for other reasons but not caused by poverty, when
human beings are capable of doing these kinds of acts, they do it from any social class, it
is true that the lack of not having resources has often been a reason for commit a crime
but it is negative emotions that motivate them to be carried out.

C. A criminal cannot be reformed.

Answer: I disagree

I believe that a person who has committed a crime, if he repents and has the will to do the
right thing, can reform himself; unfortunately, it does not happen that way many people
repeat the same crime.

D. To reduce crime, we just need more police.

Answer: I disagree

I believe that more than police officers, what we need is more practical awareness of
values so that in our homes people come out with the will and desire to do things well, with
their own effort without the need to harm their fellow man.

E. Some criminals deserve the death penalty.

Answer: I Agree

I believe that no one and who to judge someone but there are people with ethical and
moral criteria and values that are the judges of justice who make decisions based on
evidence whether or not a person should die.

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