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Evidence: Wisdom comes with experience

This story took place in Chia. I had gone to visit a cousin who was sick,
I had been very sad those days because I had finished with my
boyfriend days ago. the journey was very good until it rained but I felt a
deep emptiness in my heart. When we arrived, my cousin and my
uncle received us, my cousin noticed something was wrong with me
and she asked me why I was so sad, I told him why do you know? and
she answered me, you can see it daughter.

We had lunch and when we went to have coffee, my cousin told me to

accompany her to the bakery to find a delicious bread to accompany
the coffee. when we were walking, my cousin told me think this: the
decision you made was the best you could do, do not regret having
made it. believe me, you have to let go of people that way we want
them because later they will be better for you.

She told me that she was a widow many years ago when she felt alone
she met her current husband she thought a lot to be with him but she
realized that life is one and there is no reason to waste time making
decisions when life passes very fast and we do not notice.
I thanked her for these words and I felt a little better as the days went
by. Today I still remember this advice and I practice it in my daily life.

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