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Jovianne Amabel L

XI IPA 2 / 13

1. Invitation Letter

Gading Bavitavia Street
Kelapa Gading
North Jakarta

Dear, Lala
I would like to inviting you to my graduation party. I just graduated from my senior high school
which is 13 Senior High School Jakarta. So, I will held a small party for celebrating my
graduation. The party will be held on Saturday, 2 nd of July 2020. It will started at 7 p.m in my
house and the dresscode is white, so you can wear something casual and comfy in white. You
can come with your siblings, friends, or family. I’m really happy if you will join us and I’m
looking forward to seeing you in my graduation party.

Your best friends,

2. Invitation Conversation

Lily : Hello Lala!

Lala : Hi, Ly.
Lily : Is everything okay with you?
Lala : Pretty good. By the way, I will go to my friends graduation party, so would you like to
come to the party with me, Ly?
Lily : Sounds very good. I would love to come, Lala.
Lala : Okay, It will be held in my friends house in Gading street 25, Kelapa Gading.
Lily : When will the party be held?
Lala : It’s on Saturday, 2nd of July 2020
Lily : Great. What time the party will be held?
Lala : The Party will started at 7 p.m.
Lily : Okay, should I bring a gift to congrulate her?
Lala : It’s up to you Ly.
Lily : Okay, i will think later about that.
Lala : Good, then I can pick you in your house and go there together. Would you like it?
Lily : Really? Thank you so much Lala. It’s helps me a lot to go there.
Lala : You’re welcome. I’ll see you on Saturday.
Lily : No doubt. I'll be there.

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