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grammatical, lexical and functional categories

My dog.

I have a dog, my mother bought it for me when I was 8 years old. The dog was in a

pet store and when I saw it was love at first sight but it had a high cost, however I

insisted to my mother and she finally agreed. Nowadays it is very intelligent, it can

do many tricks such as jumping, rolling and greet.

My phone.

On my birthday I bought a xiaomi redmi 8 with money that I had collected and with

which my family and friends gave me, it is a very good phone and better than

others of the same price. It can take photos at an acceptable quality and it also has

a good processor that allows me to do my homework and entertain me when I'm


the malojillo

One day I had a lot of cough and flu and there was no medicine in my house, that

night I had a very bad time. For this reason my mother planted a malojillo plant in

the yard, it is used as a remedy for an upset stomach, flu and cough; although it

could cause poisoning if used in large quantities. this remedy is prepared heating

water with the leaf of it and drink the liquid of this mixture, it is also used as a

relaxation tea.

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