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Experiencing Joy and Grace in Serving Jesus

Faithful Service (6)

CGCM Youth Fellowship

Have you ever met anyone famous before? What would you do if he or she came to your home?

Review main points of the sermon:

Luke 10:38-42

I. When can we lose joy in serving Jesus?

a. We can lose joy in serving Jesus when we are distracted with much serving.
b. We can lose joy in serving Jesus when we compare ourselves with others.
c. We can lose joy in serving Jesus when we become the master.

II. How can we experience joy and grace in serving Jesus?

a. To experience joy and grace in service, we need to return to Jesus’ feet.

I. When can we lose joy in serving Jesus?

a. We can lose joy in serving Jesus when we are distracted with much serving.

1) v40a: Martha was distracted with much serving because she had an important guest,
Jesus, at her home. She was so busy preparing the house and cooking that she did not
spend time with Jesus.

a) Everything we do, not just in church, is a service to Jesus because we were

created to worship Him with our lives (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17).
Are there any activities (including serving at church) that you do that you do
not have joy doing? Why do you think that is?

b) In the sermon, Pastor Ivan said, “When we are distracted with service, we are
no longer really serving Jesus. We become a servant to the service.” Do you
agree with this statement? Can this be a cause for our loss of joy?

© 2021 Ivan C. Yu

b. We can lose joy in serving Jesus when we compare ourselves with others.

2) v40b: Martha complained to Jesus and asked Him, “Lord do you not care that my sister
has to left me to serve alone?” She was comparing herself with Mary. Martha was doing
all of the work while Mary was sitting there not doing anything.

a) In what ways do you think people compare themselves with one another when
they serve at church? Have you had this experience before (wanting to appear
greater compared to others, or not serving because you do not want to look
bad compared to others)?

b) In the sermon, Pastor Ivan said, “When we compare ourselves with others
while serving, we begin to seek satisfaction in ourselves rather than in Jesus.”
What can we do to remind ourselves not to compare with one another when

c. We can lose joy in serving Jesus when we become the master.

3) v40c: Martha ends her complaint by demanding that Jesus tell Mary to help her. Martha
is telling Jesus what to do and became the master instead of the servant. In her anger
about her situation, she disrespected the honored guest.

a) Have you ever been upset that something did not happen the way you wanted
as you served Jesus? Is it necessarily wrong to have expectations from God?

c) In the sermon, Pastor Ivan said, “We will not have joy in serving when we are
not satisfied with Jesus’ way.” What do you think it means to be satisfied in
Jesus and His way?

II. How can we experience joy and grace in serving Jesus?

a. To experience joy and grace in service, we need to return to Jesus’ feet.

4) v39: While Martha was distracted with much serving, her sister, Mary was at Jesus’ feet
listening to Him teach. Sitting at a master’s feet was the traditional position of a learning

a) What does it mean to return to Jesus’ feet? Does it mean that we should just
sit there, be lazy, and not serve or not do anything at all?

b) Why is it important to return to Jesus’ feet as a prerequisite before serving


© 2021 Ivan C. Yu

c) In the sermon, Pastor Ivan said, “If we do not have joy while serving Jesus in
our everyday life, it is a sign that we have lost our personal devotion to Him.”
How do you feel your personal relationship with God is right now?

d) Read verses 41-42. The one thing that is necessary is going to Jesus because
that is how we grow in our relationship with Him. Going to Jesus is also the
“good portion” which will not be taken away because even though everything
will not last, our relationship with Jesus will satisfy and last eternally. This
will be reflected with the joy we have as we serve Jesus.


5) What is one thing you learned from the message today?

Share prayer requests and close in prayer.

© 2021 Ivan C. Yu

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