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² 2022 1

Varsha Kundli Birth Lagna Chart

11 9 5 3
Jup Nep Ven Mar
10 4
12 Muntha 8 6 2
Asc Sun Asc
Mer Sat
Plu Ket Jup Ket
Ura Plu

Ura Mar

1 7 7 1

Sun Mer
Rah Nep Sat Rah

Moon Ven Moon

2 6 8 12
3 4 5 9 10 11

Muntha Sign:: 9 Muntha House:: 12 Varsheshwar: Moon

Planetary Positions
Planets Rashi Degrees Nakshatra Nak Lord Pad Dir Dignity

Asc Capricorn 24:16:58 Dhanishta Mars 1 -

Sun Capricorn 07:50:43 U.Sada Sun 4 Direct -
Mer Capricorn 10:55:12 Sravana Moon 1 Retro -
Ven Sagittarius 18:00:35 P.Sada Venus 2 Retro -
Mar Sagittarius 04:03:35 Moola Ketu 2 Direct -
Jup Aquarius 10:48:10 Satabhisha Rahu 2 Direct -
Sat Capricorn 20:08:20 Sravana Moon 4 Direct Own House
Moon Leo 25:00:37 Poorva Venus 4 Direct -
Rah Taurus 05:14:37 Krittika Sun 3 Retro Exalted
Ket Scorpio 05:14:37 Anuradha Saturn 1 Retro Exalted
Ura Aries 16:39:32 Bharani Venus 1 Direct -
Nep Aquarius 26:58:40 P.Bhadra Jupiter 3 Direct -
Plu Capricorn 02:27:42 U.Sada Sun 2 Direct -
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Patyayini Dasha

Planets Span From To Dignity

Mars 59 Days 22/01/2022 22/03/2022 -

Sun 55 Days 22/03/2022 16/05/2022 -
Jupiter 43 Days 16/05/2022 28/06/2022 -
Mercury 2 Days 28/06/2022 30/06/2022 -
Venus 104 Days 30/06/2022 12/10/2022 -
Saturn 31 Days 12/10/2022 12/11/2022 Own House
Ascendant 61 Days 12/11/2022 12/01/2023 -
Moon 11 Days 12/01/2023 21/01/2023 -

Mudda Yogini Dasha

Dasha Planets Span From To

Mangala Moon 10 Days 22/01/2022 01/02/2022

Pingala Sun 20 Days 01/02/2022 21/02/2022
Dhanya Jupiter 30 Days 21/02/2022 23/03/2022
Bhramari Mars 41 Days 23/03/2022 03/05/2022
Bhadrika Mercury 51 Days 03/05/2022 23/06/2022
Ulka Saturn 61 Days 23/06/2022 23/08/2022
Siddha Venus 71 Days 23/08/2022 02/11/2022
Sankata Rahu 81 Days 02/11/2022 21/01/2023

Mudda Vimshottari Dasha

Planets Span From To Dignity

Rahu 55 Days 22/01/2022 18/03/2022 Exalted

Jupiter 49 Days 18/03/2022 06/05/2022 -
Saturn 58 Days 06/05/2022 03/07/2022 Own House
Mercury 52 Days 03/07/2022 24/08/2022 -
Ketu 21 Days 24/08/2022 14/09/2022 Exalted
Venus 61 Days 14/09/2022 14/11/2022 -
Sun 18 Days 14/11/2022 02/12/2022 -
Moon 30 Days 02/12/2022 01/01/2023 -
Mars 21 Days 01/01/2023 21/01/2023 -
² 3

Panchvargeeya Bala

Planets Kshetra Uchcha Hadda Drekkana Navamsh Strength

Sun 1.87 2.44 1.87 0.62 0.62 7.42

Mercury 3.75 1.78 0.94 1.25 0.31 8.03
Venus 1.87 2.75 1.87 0.62 0.62 7.73
Mars 3.75 3.5 1.87 1.25 0.31 10.68
Jupiter 1.87 0.99 0.94 0.62 0.31 4.73
Saturn 7.5 2.5 1.87 1.25 0.31 13.43
Moon 3.75 1.89 1.87 1.25 0.62 9.38

Dwadashvargeeya Bala

Varga Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Moon Rah

Rashi -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1

Hora 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1

Drekkana -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1

Padamsh 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1

Panchamamsh -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1

Shashtamsh 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 -1

Saptamsh 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1

Ashtamamsha -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1

Navamsha 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1

Dashamamsha 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 1

Ekadashamsha -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1

Dwadashamamsha 1 1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1

Benefic 7 6 6 5 3 7 7 7

Malefic -5 -6 -6 -7 -9 -5 -5 -5

Net Result 2 0 0 -2 -6 2 2 2
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Harsha Bala
Sun Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Moon

First Bala 0 5 0 0 0 0 0
Second Bala 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
Third Bala 0 5 0 5 0 5 5
Fourth Bala 5 0 0 5 5 0 0

Strength 5 10 0 10 5 10 5

Sun Based Upagrahas

Upagraha Kundli
11 Vya Upa 9
Upagraha Rashi Degrees Nakshatra 12 10
Dhuma Taurus 21:10:43 Rohini Bhu Indra
Vyatipata Aquarius 08:49:17 Satabhisha
Parivesha Leo 08:49:17 Magha Dhwa
Indrachapa Scorpio 21:10:43 Jyestha
1 7
Upaketu Sagittarius 07:50:43 Moola
Bhukampa Pisces 27:50:43 Revati Brahm
Ulka Taurus 07:50:43 Krittika Ulka
Brahmadanda Cancer 14:30:43 Pushyami
Dhwaja Libra 04:30:43 Chitra 2 6
3 4 5

Panchadhikari Varshesh And Muntha

Lord Planets Strength Year Lord Moon

Muntha in Sign Sagittarius:05:43:02
Muntha Lord Jupiter 4.73
Muntha in House 12
Janm Lagna Lord Moon 9.38
Muntha Lord in House 2
Varsha Lagna Lord Saturn 13.43
Tri Rashi Lord Mars 10.68
Dina Ratri Lord Saturn 13.43
² 5

Varshaphala Saham
Saham Signification Degrees Lord Dignity

Punya Fortune Virgo 11:26:51 Mercury -

Vidya Learning Cancer 07:07:04 Moon -
Yasha Fame Gemini 23:38:16 Mercury -
Mitra Friend Taurus 17:21:53 Venus -
Mahatya Greatness Scorpio 01:40:14 Mars -
Asha Desire Aries 10:21:43 Mars -
Samartha Ability Sagittarius 08:12:12 Jupiter -
Bhratri Brothers Aquarius 14:56:47 Saturn Own House
Gaurav Respect Gemini 23:38:16 Mercury -
Pitri Father Pisces 06:34:35 Jupiter -
Raja Authority Pisces 06:34:35 Jupiter -
Matri Mother Libra 01:16:60 Venus -
Apatya Children Cancer 10:04:31 Moon -
Jeeva Life Aquarius 03:37:08 Saturn Own House
Karma Action Sagittarius 17:25:20 Jupiter -
Roga Disease Gemini 23:33:18 Mercury -
Kali Strife Aries 01:01:32 Mars -
Shastra Science Aquarius 01:35:02 Saturn Own House
Bandhu Relatives Cancer 10:11:33 Moon -
Nidhana Demise Aquarius 26:52:03 Saturn Own House
Paradesha Foreign Country Libra 14:16:13 Venus -
Dhana Finance Pisces 01:44:20 Jupiter -
Paradara Adultery Capricorn 04:26:49 Saturn Own House
Vanija Trade Virgo 08:22:22 Mercury -
Karyasiddhi Success Aquarius 02:25:57 Saturn Own House
Vivaha Marriage Sagittarius 22:09:12 Jupiter -
Santapa Sorrow Sagittarius 22:43:26 Jupiter -
Shraddha Devotion Pisces 08:13:57 Jupiter -
Preeti Love Gemini 14:25:08 Mercury -
Jadya Chronic Disease Scorpio 24:50:27 Mars -
Vyapara Business Sagittarius 17:25:20 Jupiter -
Shatru Enemy Sagittarius 08:12:12 Jupiter -
Jalapatana Voyage Cancer 19:08:37 Moon -
Bandhana Imprisonment Virgo 15:35:29 Mercury -
² 6

Tri Pataki Chakra

Ven * Asc Mar

11 10 9

Sun Mer



3 4 5

Vedhas in Tripataka Chakra

Moon Ven Rah Ket Venus Moon Rah Ket

Ascendant Sun Mer Mar Sat Mars Moon Rah Ket
Sun Asc Jup Jupiter Sun Mer Mar Sat
Mercury Asc Jup Saturn Asc Jup

Significance of Tri-Pataki Chakra

The Tri-Pataki chakra looks at the Varshaphala kundli with a different perspective and can be a useful tool for
astrologers in judging how the year will be for an individual. In Tri-Pataka Chakra, Vedhas are primarily considered
for Moon; secondarily, Vedhas are considered for Ascendant and also for Sun. Benefics (Jupiter, Venus and Mercury)
in Vedha places offer favourable results; Jupiter and Venus are more important. Malefics (Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu)
in Vedha places offer unfavourable results; Saturn and Mars are more important.
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Result For Mudda Vimshottari Dasha

You are under the influence of Rahu From 22/01/2022 To 18/03/2022

In the Varsha Kundli Rahu is in house No 5
This position offers mixed influences. You can suffer from excessive acidity and
stomach disorders; you would do well if you can give up addictive bad habits (if any).
The health of your children might be of concern to you. Speculations and
entertainment could cause drainage of funds; but if your own profession has some
connection with these areas then you will have good gains from these fields. You
can do well in academic persuits : more so in some technological field, electronics,
petrochemicals, etc.

You are under the influence of Jupiter From 18/03/2022 To

In the Varsha Kundli Jupiter is in house No 2
This is a highly fortunate position. You will have an excellent time for having much
improvement in your professional sphere. Persons of authority and rank will grant
you special favours and you may have much advancement. In respect of finances
the period will be highly prosperous. Whatever you lay your hands upon will derive
you benefits. Investments will fetch good returns. Your family-life will be peaceful
and happy. The relationship with relatives will considerably improve and
family-gatherings will be more frequent. Your social popularity will increase and
people will seek your advice on important matters.

You are under the influence of Saturn From 06/05/2022 To 03/07/2022

In the Varsha Kundli Saturn is in house No 1

This is not a favourable position. You should take more care of your health as you
may suffer from cold or some other obstructive ailments which might lead to
complications if neglected. Your family-life may become unhappy as your spouse
may not be co-operative and supporting. You might become quite depressed and
feel helpless as the things around you are not in proper order. Some of your
superiors may be difficult-to-please hard taskmasters who can only be appeased by
dedicated hard work and submissiveness. You should ensure that you do not
antagonize any of them. Otherwise your professional prospects could become
blocked and you may be forced to look for changes.

You are under the influence of Mercury From 03/07/2022 To

In the Varsha Kundli Mercury is in house No 1
This is a beneficial position. It will give you an attractive youthful appearance and
you will be endowed with an inquisitive intellect. You will be studious, intelligent,
quick and restless. You will be fond of writing much and will have many journeys.
Socially you will be very popular and enjoy your time merrily. You should try to
concentrate more and engage yourself in some creative endeavours which will bring
in success and honour for you.
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You are under the influence of Ketu From 24/08/2022 To 14/09/2022

In the Varsha Kundli Ketu is in house No 11
This position offers mixed influences. You can suffer from excessive acidity and
stomach disorders; you would do well if you can give up addictive bad habits (if any).
The health of your children might be of concern to you. Speculations and
entertainment could cause drainage of funds; but if your own profession has some
connection with these areas then you will have good gains from these fields. You
can do well in academic persuits : more so in some technological field, electronics,
petrochemicals, etc.

You are under the influence of Venus From 14/09/2022 To 14/11/2022

In the Varsha Kundli Venus is in house No 12
This is not a very favourable position. You must excercise care and caution as your
enemies could otherwise ferment troubles for you and make you a victim of slander
or disrepute. Time is not propitious for romantic liaisons and extravagant tendencies
if not curbed could give rise to financial problem. Your health also needs more care
as you may suffer from minor ailments. You may feel irritated but you should try to
diffuse your tensions which will smoothen things for you. By adopting a
compromising attitude and dealing in a tactful manner you could be able to tide over
domestic conflicts.

You are under the influence of Sun From 14/11/2022 To 02/12/2022

In the Varsha Kundli Sun is in house No 1
This position offers mixed influences. If you can avoid conflicts with the authorities,
you can have good progress in professional sphere. You should also take care and
avoid disagreements with your colleagues too; some of your colleagues may try to
undermine you. You should take special care in respect of your health. You are
likely to suffer from inflammations, headache and eye-complaints. Women should
take more care of their health and try to avoid emotional outbursts.

You are under the influence of Moon From 02/12/2022 To 01/01/2023

In the Varsha Kundli Moon is in house No 8
This is not a favourable position. You must remain extra careful as in almost all your
affairs you may find things going wrong. You may be troubled with financial
difficulties and your opponents may give you a tough time. Your health-condition
may deteriorate and you may become emotionally disturbed. Time is not ripe for
any new venture and you must stay away from speculations altogether. If you
proceed cautiously, then you may have some progress in your professional sphere
and you may even have some increase of earnings.

You are under the influence of Mars From 01/01/2023 To 22/01/2023

In the Varsha Kundli Mars is in house No 12
This is not a favourable position. You will be somewhat indisposed and your
enemies can create troubles for you. Your children may not remain in good health.
Medical and other wasteful expenditures could tilt your balance while your income
may shrink and your investments could be in a stage of stagnation. Journeys in
² 9

connection with profession will not bear fruit during this period of time. Time is not
propitious for you; so you must refrain from speculative investments. Your friends
may not be very helpful during this time. So you should think twice before making
² 10

Result For Muntha Position

In the varsha kundli, Muntha is in the 12 House from the Ascendant. This is not a
favourable position. Your expenses will become very high and even may go beyond
control. You may lose wealth by falling into bad company and by being addicted to
vices. You may not obtain the fruits of your labour and face dejection. There could
be forcible displacement or transfer, extreme financial difficulties and troubles in
foreign lands or distant places.

Result for Varsheshwar

The varsheshwar is Moon. You will enjoy mental peace and tranquility. You will
receive honors and your popularity will increase. There will be acquisition of wealth
and you will enjoy happy domestic life.

Result for Position of Varsha Ascendant

Your varsha ascendant is in the seventh house from the janm ascendant. This is a
fortunate position. There will be auspicious celebrations at home. You will get into a
romantic relationship with someone or even get married. You will develop new
contacts with influential people from whom you will benefit. There will be victory over
the adverseries and your reputation will increase.
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Results for placement of planets in Varsha Kundli

You will be highly fortunate during the whole year in general and during Sun Dasa in
particular. If you are engaged in academic or intellectual persuits, you will make
excellent progress. Speculations and speculative investment fields might attract you
from which you may earn good profits. If you are a male, married and expecting a
child, your expectation might be fulfilled and you might be blessed with a male child;
otherwise, you will be specially attracted to children and will be very happy enjoying
their companionship. You will receive favours from superiors, authorities and senior
government officials. Your name and fame will increase. You will be in good health
and will remain in high spirit. You will become more inclined to religion, study
religious classics and will enjoy the company of pious people.

This is a favorable position and you will be fortunate. You will become very curious
and inquisitive. If you are engaged in academic or intellectual pursuits, the time is
ripe for you. If you are in business, you will have it very brisk and you will go for
further expansion and diversification. If your profession has any connection with
communication, printing, books, teaching, accounts, etc then you will have good
progress. Your circle of friends will be widened and you will have victory over your
enemies. Your earnings will increase and you will enjoy a prosperous happy life in
desirable surroundings. You will be very happy in company of children.

This is not a favorable position and you will require to cross over a bad patch. You
may not remain in good health; you may suffer from gas generation in the stomach
and rheumatic pains. Eye complaints, fever and vomiting are also possible. You may
have disappointments in love affairs and may have differences with your spouse. If
you are entangled in a law-suit, it may drag on and may become a contributory
factor for raising your stress-level. Although you will not incur losses abruptly, your
expenditures will be increasing although on deserving causes; your circumstantial
inability to control your expenditures will cause you worries. The health conditions of
your children might cause your anxiety.

This is not a favorable position. You are therefore advised to lie low and go slow.
Although you should not give way to despair since you will be passing through a bad
patch only temporarily, you should refrain from being over-optimistic. You should
stay alert and take less of chances. You may incur losses as a result of theft and as
a handiwork of your enemies you may become a victim of scandal and disrepute.
You should avoid getting into disputes with people from higher walks of life;
otherwise you may have to face the music and reach an awkward situation. You
may have an undesirable transfer or change of job. Alternately you may have many
fruitless journeys. You may suffer from ear or eye complaints and may have to
spend a lot for medical treatment of your suffering children. On the good side, one of
your children may have an opportunity to go to a distant place for having higher
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This is a highly favourable and auspicious position and you will be exceedingly
fortunate. You will become a charming conversationalist having due regards for
ethics, religion and philosophy. Your words will never hurt or provoke the listeners.
People will treat you with great respect. You will remain in good health and so will
remain the other members of your family. Your earnings will be steadily increasing
without any fluctuations while all wasteful expenditures will be reduced to minimum.
Thus, your accumulating wealth will increase. You will live as an honest, law-abiding
and religious-minded person whom people will consider as a real example of a
perfect person. Your family life will be peaceful and very happy.

If Saturn is exalted or in own house, the position is real good; since a well-disposed
Saturn offers benefits in abundance; it can even bless you with birth of an issue.
Otherwise, the position is not at all favorable. You will not remain in good health and
may suffer from windy complaints. You might be troubled by your enemies who will
relentlessly working against you to bring down your reputation, credibility and honor.
In your sphere of profession, you may have to overcome a never-ending series of
obstacles. You may have some problems with the authorities and may have some
disappointments. Your spouse may cause you distress. Illness of your family
members and absence of peace in the family may add to your woes. You may feel
totally dejected.

This is not a favorable position and you are to remain careful. (If favorable
counteracting combinations are not present in your Varshaphala chart, then) you are
to remain extra careful while you are driving as you may face a minor accidental
mishap and receive injuries; as far as possible, you are also to stay away from large
watery bodies like rivers, lakes, etc as you may have some danger from water. Rest
of the things are, however, good enough. You will remain in good mood, always
ready to smile and will very enjoy the company of group of people very much. Not
only among the circle of your relatives, but also among the group of your colleagues
and friends, you will be treated as someone special. Your mother may not be in
good health which might keep you worried. If you are continuing your studies, you
will make good progress.

This is not a favorable position. You may lose your discrimination and may have
interruption in academic or intellectual pursuits. You might be troubled by design of
your enemies and might lose your honor. You may suffer from strange kind of
stomach disorder and remain in a state of tension. Speculations and speculative
investments may cause you losses.

The health of your children might cause you concern. Your earnings might be
reduced or you may incur losses in speculation and suffer from mental tension.
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