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Nama : Adinda Vanka Mareta Putri

Kelas : Manajemen Pemasaran A

Nim : 20810334032

Mid Test
1. Read the below passage carefully. Then, identify part of speech.
Suzanne also worries about the image she is projecting. McDonald’s is a fast-food restaurant
Noun Adv noun prep det noun pron verb noun verb noun

(there are over 29,000 of them in 120 countries), and normally customers are expected
Det verb prep noun prep pron noun det noun conj adv noun verb

to eat and run. Will allowing people to stay and visit change the whole concept?
Det verb conj verb noun verb noun infinitive verb conj noun det adj noun

In the extreme, Suzanne’s McDonald’s might become more like a European-style restaurant
Prep det adj noun verb verb adj prep adj noun

where the customers are never rushed and feel very comfortable about lingering over coffee
adv det noun verb adv verb conj verb adv adj prep verb prep noun

for an hour or two! Suzanne knows that the amount her senior customers spend is similar
prep det noun conj noun verb prep det noun pon adj noun verb adj

to the average customer’s purchase—but the seniors do use the facilities for a much
prep det adj noun conj det noun verb det noun prep det adj

longer time. However, most of the older customers leave McDonald’s by 11:30—before the
adv noun adj prep det adj noun verb noun prep adj prep noun
crowd comes in .
verb prep

2. Write an essay about 2 paragraphs (min 80 words) . The topic is “sweet potatoes”.
Sweet potato is a plant that belongs to the type of stem tuber. Sweet potatoes or often
called yams are a popular source of carbohydrates consumed throughout the world, there are
at least dozens of varieties of sweet potatoes that are commonly cultivated and consumed,
there are some that are popular in Indonesia, including purple, yellow, orange, and white
sweet potatoes.
This plant, which is related to potatoes, is known as a good source of carbohydrates for
health, besides containing starch, sweet potatoes, especially those with yellow and orange
flesh, contain Omega 3, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. The vitamins
contained in it are quite complete. Reported by Healthline, sweet potatoes contain vitamin A,
vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Sweet potatoes also contain food fiber two
times higher than potatoes. Meanwhile, purple sweet potato contains high levels of
potassium, quercetin, copper, phosphorus, folate and manganese. Reported by WebMD, the
vitamins they contain are vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. In addition, vitamin C in
sweet potatoes is not easily damaged by heat. Vitamin C is protected by the starch in it.
Purple sweet potato has a purple color because it contains anthocyanins. Like quercetin,
anthocyanins are quite powerful antioxidants.

3. What is your opinion and comment regarding the text titled

“Changes coming to grocery expiration labels to fight food waste.” Write your opinion and
comment in two paragraphs.
My opinion on the new bill that makes it legal for companies to print "use by" and "best if
used by" dates is that if I become an American I strongly agree that the bill is hastened
because it will make a very good impact on our environment. With the enactment of the bill
the company will be more "clear" about the expiration date. we as consumers will better
understand how it should be. We will not just waste food if we already understand what the
expiration date means. So that we do not pollute the surrounding environment with our food
waste which is still fit for consumption.
My comment is that maybe the government can create a campaign about the meaning of the
expiration date. With the creation of a public campaign, it will be more common for people to
hear or understand the explanation of the expiration date of a product. If the community already
understands it will minimize waste that may still be suitable for consumption

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