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How Covid-19 affected our life?

In December 2019, novel Coronavirus (nCoV) has emerged in the Huanan Seafood Market, in
Wuhan State of Hubei Province in China and has been of global attention. This virus was named
as Covid-19 by WHO on January 11. Covid-19 has become a pandemic disease that attacks the
215 countries in the world. Covid-19 has become a pandemic in Indonesia since the first cases
have been positively diagnosed on 2 March 2020 in Depok.
Covid-19 is primarily spread person to person by small droplets, or by contact with contaminated
surfaces. The spread of Covid-19 has been significantly fast, so maintaining social distancing
and maximizing personal hygiene levels reduces the risk of transmitting the virus, as well as
reducing your risk of getting infected.
Every person in the world is affected by Covid-19 in their life. The COVID-19 pandemic is not
only affecting the sector public health, but other sectors such as economy, social, culture, politics
and governance, and education.
The government through Letter of the Minister of education and culture No.
36962/MPK.A/HK/2020 about Online Learning and Working from Home to Prevent the Spread
of Covid-19 as an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Learning system undergoes a change
from face-to-face to online. The implementation of online learning carried out in order to reach
out to students from different regions. But, the process of online learning on the pandemic
Covid-19 still has some obstacles in its implementation. Access the internet a bad result in
learning are not optimal. The availability of internet access, the ability to access instructional
media, the ability to purchase internet quota, and online learning are used to determine student
participation in the learning process. The lecture material is difficult to understand because
learning is not interactive and communicative

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